02030051r 1_ CI BUILDINGDIVISIONCONTRACTOR PERMIT INFORMATIO BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10380 RIVIERA RD 02030051 _W NER'S NAME: SILL BLACK & JEAN ZUO APPLICATION SUB DATE 03/13/2002 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. AR�'HI't1;CT/<rNGINEER.. '" !I - BUILDING PERMIT INFO �'' BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ! LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing i'with fallSectionme ado(Division3 of the Business and Professions Coda and mylicenae is in full force end often. License Class a STRU NO J D C , U ES G D V.. Lic. " Dale V S DE LL or ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I undersand my plans shalt be used as public records ,. 'Licensed Professional DECLARATION • Oat - I am BUILDER 1 hcrctiy.Stun rant I am exemptsforanan the Contractor's Low for the followingreason.a Studiedit7031.5, Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county e: Any c which requires alae improve, demolish, or repair awment n e, site marine, .poor mits issuance, also rcquiiea the applicant for such Permit fleaeigned statement rine, the ed ..._._.. that beiii licensed pursuant,q the pressor, of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section]000)of Division 3o f,hefludoessartd ProQ/slons Code) a.._ Sq. -Ft-Floor Area-, t t, %, •1 ii. t 1:121:'1 I4' V4.1uation or that Fa is exempt therefrom and the basis (« me alleged ei ting ibll. Any violation t 4t. LIE', 4: sa to of Section 7031.5 by any application fora permit subi the applicanno. Q penalty rofeet mora ,ham five hundred dci S500h. umber .' Occupancye Type 111, as owner of the prupart , or my employees with wages es (heir sole comparisonn, -will do 'he work. and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7614, 'Business and Professions Cade: The Contractor's License law does not apply Io an - 102 - - - PIERS Required Inspections w oner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or throw h his own employees. provided that such improvements are not intended or :comdd or sale. IChow6veiruilde then or is -sold within one of 10 3 - .. __. - __.. UFER _ _ _ _ _ .. _ ._ ___-.__ . .__.—___..__ .____ _ — year completion, the owner -builder will have the harden of proving that he did not build or hav t urden of preying 1 04 - REBAR " fi"' "' mProveforPurposeofsale.). 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS l:asnwnar pmpmyam rlusl an se at c ont omm -- 106 - SEWER & WATER el the jCcc tutee Contractor c4wat plc.y 7to a cowerBirth. and arty who ills or The vas t encs a Licet ply to an owner otpropeny who bu0da or improve:menton, ' 2O2 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING .and.in ch projects W' co ors"' )licensed. pamaant.m me cc ., .... -. 203- - UNDERFLOOR --MECHANICAL' Oraa. in ' `' reason Our 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME ate 2'I'B&Pctar,ma 'S 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION L(d3sl�— R COMPENSATIONDEC ATION 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING I hereby aSrm and r Malty of perjury one of the following declarations: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER 1 has. add wi0'main,'n a Cernficat= of Consent to self -imine for Worker's 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ompelva,ion, as -p d -for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the erfomantt of the work for ivnich this permit la issued. 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ° I have and will mainairi Workers Compensation Insurance, es iequirtd by Section 3 0 5 - FRAME 3701 of the Labor Code, for the pffonom of the work Fe, which this permit is tasued Mr workers Compensation ton Insurance tamer and Policynumber306 - HOEDOWNS comer.; ; ,,, Paecyrla _-, - -- 3.0,7,',-,IINSULATION .... i. CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTIONFROMWFRKEBS���'SHBETROCKv'"°' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE- 309 = ;EXTERIOR"liATH ".._ __._ ..__... (Ths section need not W completed d Permit pent is for one hundred n dolle anless.) 310 - INTERIOR LATH cetly that in thea f the work for which this Fermi, is issued.I F _...' y x rio Yana manner shull'nol employ an Person in an to become subject to ,he Workers' -3"11' - 313 - SCRATCH --COAT i,� t,,•,_.!{„ „ .. '_. ROOF NAIL' Laws ar California. D.m� -. Applicnsa Applicant, 501 - FINAL -ELECTRICAL ENERGY.-.-.--------_-- NUI lUb rO APPLICANr: If, after making this Certificate of Esemp,ion, yen should become subject o the Workds Comp=nmtion President of the Labor Code, you must 502 - • � FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY fen it aamply with each pmviainna or this permit anau be deemed revokes: 503 _ - FINAL ME CHAN I CAL. :_ENERGY-,-_., .... CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY " - ' thereby aSrm that there is is conswethm Icndinyy agency for iW performance ofmo for issued(Sce. "� 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY ' .. " work which this permit is 3097, Cia.C.) ode a Name ..... .."., - I .:.. .. , Lend Address 505 - ... _ _ 506 - FINAL ELECTRICAL GAS TEST', I <CM1 Iy Ictal I M1YVe read tnla plication t d stale that the above information is 507 - FINAL PLUMBING coirta. l a¢ree m comply with ell ciry.and county ardinentts and vara laws ralving 508 - FINAL MECHANI CAL to Wilding conawnio.and hereby amh'onze rtprtumativex of this ciiy,o emerupon ,he above-numioncd pony for inspenian puryosea,. , (We)agrte 'e, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenlno against 509 - FINAL GRADE liebili!I ,jpdgmcts ss,endexpenuswhich.mayinanyweyaccmeagvas( said 510 - FINA PL ING City in nseq a "granting of this Fermi,. 'APPLIC T'L IFS NDS AND WILL COMPLY Wtf}i ALL NON -POINT s it L c- S1 - Issued by: I C WORKS Date w 0 Re -roofs �t atai' ' " G, HAZA DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE' ' ' ' ' Willihe applicont or orate building «cupinl tore or handle heiardous melena) Type of Roof .. u earned br.me Cupertino unicipa Coda Chapur9.13. and the Health and safety Code 5 otos 85J71a1 - •- ❑Yes No All roofs shall be - inspected pnor to.any roofing,material,being installed. - Will theepplic. _future building occupant useequipmentordeviceswhich ,it Ismansku air contaminate; ss dallied by m Boy Area Air Quality Management If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspectiod;'I agree`to remove imr all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Y . • .. / "° all non -point source regulations. C ld I btavilic read m h iardaus mals requ der255 Chaplet 6.95 of the Sections ctio 5533 a d the Time du& CodC lyhaveioname,th 8577 and 255J4.lity1. understand that the ilding does t .ratty haveeunant, that it is my rcaponsihiliry ,o notify ,he oceupa , of e'rc which must be mei prior m Issuance of a Cmiri an, of " y'' ILS Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better' ow rapt , en - Dale .. OFFICE