28399APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDRICAL APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMB MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PRfIJF.CTIDP:N'I'IFICAT'ION PERMITNO. p A n O JJ UILDING ADDRFSS: 1 '�/ D 'J� ^�'�` `O3� `2l �IiGA�( (f UNIT# LOT Or SANITARY NO. APPLICA'T'ION SGRMTITAC DATER I I I � VVV SN h ./� PBONIi C� l CONTRACTOR'SNA 10 LIC NO: N/C CONT/Nr�OLp ARC] IITBCI'/INGINFER: I/'�` LIC N770: "Enw AD ESS: ❑ ^ }V'� / 4.� 9 CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. [ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO IN BR F PI I1M ECH PIiRMl9' ISSUANCE rL�l`' LI that[aDCONTRACfORSIJECLARAT'ION amlicerudunder provislessioGTCoe,9nd (commencing with I herebyaffirmDivision APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL JOB DIS IPf10N PANI3L5 3claorcehadof Divisimn3nf the Boniness and Pm@ssiovc Code, and my license is in full Tome end -Rest. UP T02W AMPS /� "Vvr%0w 1 FL DateClass Conor Date Contract , Y ` ` W 201 - 1000 AMPS DECLARATION ARC be used 1 understend plun.s shall h aced ss pontic rccortLs. OV Ut IWO AMPS SQ. FI, PL000. ARLA F $/SQ. FT. J` SIGNS ELECTRICAL nd Licensed Rof<ssional DECLARATION OWNER-Bcentin SPECIAL CIRCUIT/M15C. 1 hereby affirm that I oat exempt o n the Comtmet License Lnw for the T]iMP. MEDiR OR P01.1? INST. Routine. Co Cude: Any city nr county firli.wwhich requir construt,ter,i which requires s a permit to prove. demolish. structure cmnwe, aheq improve, demolish, or repair any pemso its permiuo file tatemert issuance, m statement heslensedalsorequ,h the applicant POWER DEVICES floe mile Co cishogLa that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions mile Contractor Bitsi or'c Lid pro Lawn,(Chapter 9(commencing with Stttinn]OW)ofOivision3nfthe Business end Professions Cade) Code) '•- SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION inom he isevemee ptthfromend the basis forthiti legedexemption. Anyviolationof Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the opplicnm to a civil penalty of � IFPS- SWITCHES -IsIXTI1RE5 moduaf ehundmddellars($500). ❑oneproperiy,ormyeinp]oyeeswithwagesastheirsolecompensation, STORIES TYPECONSIRUCfION NEW RESIDEN'ITAL ELIiO R_SQ. IT. willdo Neu and, corm is not intendedoroffred fmsale(See .]0sbL Rtcimess and Profen in, Code: The tractor's License Law does nm apply to an owner of pntpeny m bni ldsurimprovcs on. andwhodoes such workhimselforthmaghhis Ioyeeaprovideddatsuchim ements are not intended reoffered forsale.If. (ICC. OBOUP RES. UNITS T how- er, the buildingor]mprovememisv within one yearofcompledon. the owner. had erwillhavethebuNenof proving thath "dmotbuildorimproveforiurpoaof QTY. I'fAMBING PERMIT ITif; ). Lasowncr#dhepr oyy,a exclusivelycun0ac gwithlicensedcouthatorctn PLOOD'l.ONli ppry some Ae r Je e . B and Pref. ons Cod J The Comiecmr's .icenx La who oldsmrimproveathemon, and PERMIT ISSUANCE who contracts s c projects with ncneme most lice sedpursuunvothe CGmnaaors License Law. AM IiR- DRAIN& VENT'- WATER (HAL FEIi SUMMARY ❑ ] ant even under Sec. , B & P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DBVICE TSIDF. FBI_ SANITARY Y N RECEIPT # Owner Dore DRAINS -FLOOR, ROOT, ARBA, COND. WORKMAN COMI'ENSATIO , mm; cIfimimN ❑ ero'Coyaentan'thatl haven ren aerate f sy there l6in 380Loid, C.) hiof Wmrkeri Compensation Insurance or acral copy 0errof(Stt. ngW. Lab C.) which SCIIOOI. TAX YHanchN RECP.IP'1'p pl%PORES-1'FiR TRAP PARK FEB YN GAS - FA. SYSTEM -I INC. 4 OUTLETS �� covers all employee's under this permit. Policy# RECEIPT X BUILDENC. DIVISION FEES may' OAS -EA. SYSTEM-OVIiN OIPA7 PLANCHECK IsEL 2 O ❑ <d copy is hereby fumishnl GRFASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING 192.E ❑ Cenife 'hthee' inspection division. GREASF'IRAP SOILS FEE CERTIFICATE OFEXEMPTION FROM WORKFRS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE SHINER - SANITARY - STORM FA. 20OFT. IiNF.RGY ME,' (Thiaseeionneed nutecomplaedifthc pera tis fiamic huabooddollars($100) WATER 11 EATER WNEN TAO.EC'HO I ecrthy that in the performance of the work for which his permit is issued, l shall not employ any person in any moaner co as to hecame subject to the Worker% PAID WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Compensation Lowsof Califomia Date Dee R 'tX Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICAN'CII, after making this Ccnafcateof l?xcmptimn, you should NEW RF.SIDIzNTIAL PLMif. SQ. FR TOTAL: become subject to the Worker's Compensation providom of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provision or this permit a hall be deemed evoked. BUILDING PFG 00 CONS' I' RUCTION LENDING AGENCY SRISMICFEI? S6 I hereby affirm that them is a construction lending agency for the performance of T ELRCTRIC FEE the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3(19]. Civ. C.) Lender's Name Iandcr's Address QTY. MRCHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING ME MIiCHANICAf. FEE 1 certify that 1 have read ibis applicwioo and state that the above to forrod on is erect. Jargon, m comply with all city and county ordinances and code laws rcieing w PERMIT ISSUANCE banding construction, and hereby authorirc reprtunutives of thiscity m cater upon the above-mentioned property for ire "cion purposes. CONSTRUCTIONTAX AU[ OR OR ADD TO MECII. City hi (War) ug to snvc, inhmi1qdkKpnnin City ofCupertino eginnliabilities,))/• ems, ay in anye rues 'nin. tiny Cary AIN HANDLING UNIT (1O IO,WO CPM) in eon 'e of sir : AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER BIDS) CTM) 7 EXIIAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) PAID Si,me of Appli n 2.m ue Ia 11RATING UNI'I(TO IW,OW BTU) HATAI DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Data Receipt It Will tiro applicant or I'umre bulIding occupant store or handle hmurlous material u. defned by the Cupcnino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety I MATING UN IT(OVRR 100,000 B'I'U) '1'O'1'AL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RMID) Code. Section 25532(x)? ❑ Ycs El No Wilhhee licant nrlmurebuildin aro amuse- mrdeviceswhichemit PP g 4uip I1011.IiR-COMI'(3HI'ON IW,OW BI ED ISSUANCE DATE. If1 p B a� P BOILER - COMP (OVER IW,t%111 BTU) h Jiron air conmminents az defined by the Bey Area Air Quality Management Air ia e? W U ❑ Yes ❑ No J U` 2� NIiW RESIDENTIAL MECII. SQ. FT. 1 have maile harNus N nomammas re Laircments under Chapter 6.95 of the California Halth & Safety Code. Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand the ^I 0 lithe building doesnnt comamly haven tenant, thin it ismy respmmiffiddry to notify the (. P occli,m OI'tho recidan tent, which must be met prior to Issuanre of a Certificate of 0 Occupancy. ISSUED 9Y: Owner m authonxed agent Dee A1.: OFFICE