S 25050 z °z° a� {� Q UO_ OU Fa UZ • APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUB.DB+C.. ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMB NG. MLCUANICAL BUILDING PROJECT IDENT'IFICV'ION PERMIT' No, S 2505 BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE O 3 V I C . � -ld OWNERS NAN GNC: 'R ,IOR'S NAME: a .�O N/C ❑ CONI 'ItOLp ARCHI I PC DENCHINEEi ADI 1}$,S, �! /I Q r CONT'ACI': Cht-fn 5 IIONE: BUILDING PERMI'TINFO a05; 1`1 _105;)_0 [:]Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) HL❑OG ELE ' PILUMH MEC 1 LICENSE CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing QTY ELECTRIC EIERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION PERMIT ISSUANCE t with Smion ](010 of Division 3 of the Nu,ine,s and I'mfessinm Code, and my license i,RESIDENTIAL' in roll force and eR•ct ki Licca, lays 1.icN Uum ❑ SFDWE ❑ KI'ICI TEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑ANLTI-UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION El INTERIOR ❑ CII IMN17Y REPAIR IMPROVEMENT []SWIMMING POOLS APPLIANCES -RESIDENI'[A). TSINelhr ARCHI ,use DECLARATIy I uI I 1 my plans tiny I e u.wJ � (�Ik rcfnrJs ars nm , PANELS ^7 GP TO 200 AMPS Z QD Liansel/1.pa 201-1000AMPS OWNIiR-If1111,Ulilt UliCLARAq'ION ehy affnm Nat I .,it c,etnpt from Tho Cmnracmr's Lice^se Law for IM (nllowi^g maul.. (Section ]031.5, Rudness end I'mfevninm Crx1¢ Any city or euumY ❑ 13ATH REMODEIIREPAIR C1DEMOLITION OTHER OVER EROAMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL. which requires a permit to constra n1ur, improve, demolish, or repair any .ttunure SPECIAL CIRCUI UMISC. prior In ifs iauance,also requires the applicant forsuch permit to file asignedstmhment that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions ofthe Concavities License Low (Chapter ') (commencing with Second 7001 ofDivi.inn 3ofthc Business and Professions Codd or TEMP. METER LIR POLE INST. COMMERCIAI, That he is excespt therefrom and the basis but the alleged exemption, Any violation of ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil Penalty of POWER DEVICES ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE On,'marc Nen five hundred ddWrs y e 00. Lae I, work, lie property, mboom my employees with wages wit l duthework, and I isdid In red fo,aIc(Sce. compennminit, J,nota(Sec.]Baa,R IMPROVEMENT ❑OTITER S\4'LMMING POOL ELECTRIC —no, Licenxc Law docs not apply In, an owner o1 Cade: The Cnm J,en,o Laws nrA Pmf CoeThe .... OUTLNTS-$W I'fClll?S-PIX'1'111tES ou la firma pmpuny who build, nr improves lhetcain, unit who cities such work hitmcll'nr Ihruugh his own moployces provided Ihet such imprnvutnents oro not intended 'a n Led lar luta lfhowevor,thebuildingurintpnwanem ix null within nuc yearn[cmnplctinn. the NEW RESIDENTIAL 171.17-!1[ SQ Pf. SQ. FI'. FLOORARIiA $/SQ. ET. er-hnildcr will have the burden of proving that Event not huild or intpnrm for pur- Pwc of calci. ❑ 1, m owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wind licensed commetors to TOT nrvnuct the project (Sec. 7044. Business and Prdesions Code:) The Contractor's Li ase Law does not apply to an owner of property who bunds or improves themon. and QTY. P UM N�1)FRMIIT 17EE who routines, for such projects with a contractors) licensed prosaic to the Comramnrs PERMIT ISS P I.hT^"x Lt. ImnexanSurrder sec. ,R&PCfm1n,.ram Owner Date ALTER-DRAIN&Vii A'lll tA) VALUATION WORKER'S COl,olpr Al'I(IN DECLARATION HACK PLOW PROIIiCf. PIiVIC,I' of nn- I hereby of f irm under pmmlty of Pctjnry onu nl'the following d ..k,r, ❑INnu andcall( I., by Labor iunmli�msmvf^efforr',Cmtytche sada^, as provided for by Semina 3]00 Of she Labor Code, for the performance nl the DRAINS -FLOOR, BOOP.AItIlA,COND. S'T'ORIES 'I'YI'13 CONSTRUCTION work for which this permitie ork FIXTURES-PER IRA[' I have and will maintain Workerr 's Camphor[lie Insurance, required by Section ruof she work for which this permit is issued. PINI of the Lahr Code, for the permmnce OCC. GROG P APN GAS - EA. SYSTEM- I INCd OUI'LBfS My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Cartier. Foley No.: GAS - EA. SYS I"EM-OVIi . FA CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE .,pp,, CRF.ASEIINDUSTRI. Win.. INI'IIRC BUILDING DIVISION FEES fDli, section need not be nnnplcmJ if line pi is for onehundred dollars 1811110 or fun 7 GREASE TRAP I LANCHP.CK FEE I certify that in the p,,fonmone, mine ,irk for whish(his permil is iswed, lehull nm untploymty parson in any mannero rob, becnrno inject to the Workers'COntpmt.rml SEWER - SANI'FAItY - .l E NEItGY PEE. WATER HEATFIt WOVEN 1 dLIIC'1'It ItAUING PI3B ,union Luwx of Califamin. Date NO ICF In APPLICANT: If, Aur making This Cenlfiwle of Exempting you sI old heenme,ubjun to she Worker, Cnntponorimr provision, of the Lahr Code, yo^ mu,t WATER SYSTFNVI'R17AI NO ALS FEE WATER SERVICE fnrhwith comply wind inch pmet siansnrIli, procia,dull he deemedrevoknd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby of irm that there is a constriction lending agency for the permor anee of NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ, FT PAID Date Rccei to P the work for which this Pemtii is issued (Sec. 310)], Civ. C.) Lem Joe, Name TOTAL: Lenders Address TOTAL: BUILDING FEE 1 rectify that I have read this opplicmion and euro that Be above nomination is QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT ITE SEISMIC FEE ren. l agree to comply withal) city and ontyordin:mce,ind,late law, relating In huudina,om m tied, and hominy amharizc o prelenutive, of this ehy to Inter upon Ne PERMIT ISSUANCE 131.1?CfItIC ^bnvo-ntu cur ed properly forin,prolon, pnrpns^' ( We) agree m, ive, Indemnify mrd keep ltamdms the Ciry m Cupertino nguinsl ALTER OR ADDTG MBCI I. PLUMBINGeV liabilities.jmlgmenlLavteaudaapi whiuhnuty nnny way accrue aguimlmid City to anw,prence of the granting unit, permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT CTO IO.0d0CFM), MECIIANICA . APPLICANTIk ERSTANDS NIND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT SGURC � UfA'fIONS. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER R1,0R0CFM) CONSTRUCTIO TAX �- (' Sigmm�rh pelican cont HA'LARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST HOOD(WMUCI) HOUSING MIT'ATION FEE HEATING UNIT (TO IDkWU BTU) Will the applicant or more budding occupant,mrc or handle hazonlnu, material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Health tend Salety Cade, Senior 25532(a)9/ HEATING UNIT (OVER INo,INN) H'1'U) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE R IHSID) ❑Yee Ism PAID - Date Rcceipta BOILER- COMP (31111 OR 1000010 BIT) ent or Quit,,, viro,whie.I ct Byse Are. Wndurl!in Imhm Or unumceml a building wittlby mil hamNnus oh conumimnls al def nal by the Buy Arcv Air Quahy Mtmogernent Uvtricl] Yes BOILER -COMP (OVEN IN) (IN) p'fU) f AIR CONDITIONER 1 have read the hazmdom materials requirements under Chapter 6,95 of the Cali. mmio Honth & Safety Co&, Section, 25505, 25533 and 25531. 1 understand that Vthe huildingJm,nen amnJy have thin it is lnyrespnnsibility to motif'armoven vin ISSUANCE; DATIE _j O Q iC. (C/ f NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT. rent of the m is which mu t Issuance of a CeniR a kcuryy. ISSUED BY: TOTAL: Owner nr prized agent me OFFICE