114 NO. 7 T !. LOS NO. z 2154 AP CATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ChTY�O CUPERTINO d / e Date 19�. Permit No. F c e $ C/75,0 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical 1 wiring and/or fixtures as listed on th`�Vie�erse side hereof, and agrees to install said 'F wiring and/or fixtures in accordance WF18i the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u Use of Prreemi� ;..a Owner �"e/%/ `tea-/��L2P�' ,r-r.'r1��Cddress .li•2.4" ro By Aad �� %/c�� a Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approved Phone: ELECTRICAL INSPECT01 NEW RPL -CJS Size Service Conduit. .........Number of Outlets...................I WiV------*- ----- Size Service Wires..... _.........Number of Switches._.. ... ---- --------- Size Service Switch..._ .._........Number of Receptacles__. ... . .......... . Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures.._...._........ io----- ---------- -- Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges.../.......... KW.......------ ---------- ---------- ------ Oven -/.......... KW...... Number of Circuits----------------- -------- -------- - ----*----- ----;,........ Number of Meters--- ..................Signs.......... Transformers-------- ---------- ---------- -------------- Misc----- ..........7------ Dryers...----- -------....-----------..... ..-------- I.......... .......... Motors-------------.-,,HP�4.i::;::0!;:.... Phase.................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors........... . ...— H -------------------- Phase.................... Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase--------- ---------- H,P Charge_--._-------- -I--,,*------- TOTAL FEES C�co INSPECTION CO Jt F� APPR ,L Fixtures 'es - ------------ Rough Wiring - -------- 77 CTOR CIO" -- - .---'------....-.Wiring otors ... ............ INSPECTOR 1�k/yl TOR Final .�T f--""CTOR 44h ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTR ' E OFFIC COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE , CITY OF CUPERTINO 1 ip .... . .. .....4.......................... To You are hereby authpTized to conne( he Electric service for Owner or Tenant -4✓1. . ............................... ... ..... ........ At .......... . ..... . No. of Wires ....&............... Size of Wires .....�........... Size of Switch MotorLoad ---- ....................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................... HeatingLoad ----------------------- K. W. .................................. Voltage ................................ Light ..............110 ._! ........New ..!�.------New Service .__...Reconnect ................ No. of Meters ..._/.--------- N,,. 4 Add. Meters .......... Heat ....120 ...`.._....Three Three Wire ..................Move Service .......... Power .............. Three Phase....._...........Move Meter ........ 104 6/59-250 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR