01010073 CITY OF CUPERTINO - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. TWO RESULTS WY alalaa73 OWNER'S NAME.MEASUREX CORP IO APPLICAMON SUtLU)T[18/2001 �—��yy!/�•. // WONE: SANITARY NO CONTROL NO. .. r opz, ARC]II TEC17FiNGINHEIR'. BUILDING PERMII'INI'O m_ L1 ELE" PI.Cmlf MECH V ] /t =O hnyullLICENSN CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 106 DESCrIp Ol 0 n,h:n I Int 14cnwA Infer Pnrviviun,nl'CM1apmr Y(coinnencing F of F'J nSedinnelNMq of Uivi.,ion3of ma Bminaz,onA lhofevvnn,Cak.and my licence t -� nu nmeea Ir ,. —TENANT IMPROV --. ��a i�ian,aclav Le.»�7o 07 o i" ^) o cnnlr,an — ro \ ANCIII'I'IA:I"$DECLAItAI TUN C i2 w 1 undcman,]mY Plain,hull M oval as public n,rNs w at p 0 1 ictnccJ Prcdn,lonul 7. nal 1N1Ba1r,UER..I he C,\TION i V U W LA 1_.�I , d E!,, I hcmby;;Din„OW 1 um raamtpa Iran,me Commcan',hiccn,e Law for me F y following¢awn(Station 7031.5.Business and 1'm1aI,ionv GJc:Any city nr roomy F o which aconites a crani,to consumer, lII c injans,demolikh,or repairy:micmre Sm n AriaM1 s Ia y tileIIBc ,t recruitl 6 ba d,unI ll e. mar be is licensed Narwt In thepmakininsoftheContractors LChapala - Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuat pot y it Smt 7(h)OI II ',i n td B ' Il t :: nCodcl9000 or mat rte i,aaon,pl menrmm amu me naoi,n,r dm anragm c,en,pm,n.Afr viom,ino out Semina eon S a dnrnr a 500)2,suhjan,Iha aPPlicam m a civil penahy ornm mom mon lice nambee ea dodi nl„(s50)). APN Number Occupancy Type , ❑I,' nwae,ofther,"parer,n,nycmplo)„,wildwaga%a,mehonmaompcn,miou, 35720042. 00 will do the%ork.and he wroattim , J J B (S 7144 I,ui nJP r:. , C Th C I t 1 yJ : iT,Iprb to un Required Inspections w fp ,ceehon Id. r mm J a „III 101 — FOU�DATICJN ooh ,h h: employees.1 'Jdtht 1 ' p I t Jm oBar .u,hex ,.ma n. IJ„ ,nr,ven , i3w,n n one 5`,r of 102 — PIERS icompletion,the omner-builder will have the burden I in g ma,hSW not my dor mprove rte payuvanl rl,). V, 103 — UFER 01.aso„ncrafthe pmperay.um escluskel,amlrac - roal m[toa,In 104 — REBAR Lm..met int proso(Sec.7044.Bn,im,an ata DIP. ntmnm'e iee ,e lrx.doe on applym an comer of ��na� I sa,meraon. 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS and who commes for such projects wild mtmat scric romant to the Gmnamor,Lwanw Law, 106 — SEWER R• WATER ❑I am aaampt andar Sae. I CI this mown 2022 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING Owner Dam WORKER'S co. ' T :a 'ION 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL I hereby arf under It, on of par; eof m.in,dec]aamison: 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME I nage and will mentur Cc, f eon,em to,all-insure IJr worker', 2205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION 73700 nmpensalion. a, pmelded by S. Ina) of the Wbar code. for the 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING dommuct ill Ie wok lin,sub bi,rain ora .n,:,,a amu will n,:,n ,In n, r.- ' nln,amn<a a,mymimd by seer„n 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER of ],a Ludy f me pC the woe for wl,iel,dia parny� 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL ,urd.M541v C' it lift Innn ”,anlnr:An e ' . P , Na.: aoAawceb,.77 Z 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL CERTI OVQ IP110NFRONIWORKERS' - 305 — FRAME 'IiNON INSURANCIi (I In, npla,a,urn,a nern,Il i,ror Dna hnnaraI dollen 30E — HOEDOWNS ts00)anra,sl 307 — INSULATION ]early n,a,in n,e pil..innocent the wo,k or which this pernat i,toned,1 308 — SHEET ROCK ,M1ldl not employ any person in any manner m a,In Mcmne subject to the`A'crken' n,t,yet,ahm.Laws of calmlmia.Data 309 — EXTERIOR LATH Aprlicant �1a — INTERIOR LATH NOI'IC17 IO AI'1'LICANI':IL atter build.,this Ctnilicac It Encmptim,you should „ - z Mann,amnjcminmawmke6Con.”metlonrrovieiml,ofthei.anaCode,yIuacu„ '11 — SCRATCH COAT Q Z2_ fnnbwith comply wits such pouskinns or this peri,shall M deemed m,nked. ] CONS'rRUCE'(ON LENDING AGENCY 313 — ROOF NAIL. ? 1 hcrehy alliin mm,Mre i.,a construction traffic,agency for the perromenwil m w — ofll work for which�hi,renna,1I,ed(Sec..wv7.Cc.C.) 501 FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY tip Under,Name 5022 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY Z ],later,Addell V Q 1acuity that lhaveread this application and state that the above informal is 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY fa F" ma agree cct.I aI mmp]y wl,h nty Ill city rout counolumma, I I,sum law,afoul, X�- O v buildingam,suction.:mJherah>'nomadic re,rnun amvit—fln0'm i,cianerupnn 04 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY n,e�ho, mananavd propcny for intellection pnrnnao. 5 — NAL ELECTRICAL rS (We)aytea to save.Indemnify and keep hunnlc,s the city of Cupertino against Z Iiahilitic,,jud,neres,coos Ind capennc%which may in any way warm against said p, — RS TEST V Z City in cnnoeyaance of the gmn,ing'If Nsal lout pecil. API'1 ANTU'�7F:R�pST�AgNDS�AND WjI. COMPLY WII'B ALLNON-POINT Issuedb I AL PLUMBING ate o I,�.I:Rr1'CJ /✓�-(/V' ,per/�^O� y _ sgnamrapfnrpfaanvcontmamr Da,= Re-roofs nn�ARouusMmgnatatSDlscLosuRE 509 FINAL GRADE N1R meapplicant or future i,al otccupm„nna2,handle Heath famaterial Type of R(lof ode.SeJhn15512mmmNwmaip;dcodra.cnamero.Iz,land mauaahnandsaray 510 — FINAL PLANNING Code.saadnn 2sSa-'(a)e _ Q Ya, C]No All roofs shall be iFi deted pit cd-NAlay RJdV4LGatMQF g installed. Will the 1ppliaant or comas bnadi„g«auranryu l uw ipmemo,dcvica,which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. 1 agree to remove nig hannJou,ai conwmifanam dcfnM by the Ray Arca Air Quality Management AMi;,biae all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with �Ye, 13No all non-point source regulations. I here read the ba,makim%twrariah reym,mnenu under Chapter 695 of the Culirarria, teeth&Safety Code.Sea,in 1,25505,25533 ad 25534.1 undersmnd the if the building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my e%,ozo biIny m notify the ,itinpint of the r�tuy cmem,which M at prior m issuance of a caniticme of °It ' ` 2// _. ILaLt6j �^,"�/ Signature of Applicant Date owntrmamnoaaeJ agem Dam! All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE