2192 -7 LOT NO. H NO. 5R@T 'Z z w VVE _ � cR BUILDING PERMIT ° CICUPERTINO3U B 14 8 63 Sanitary No. �a7 t LL Date / - 3 O 1903 Permit No. / 903 = , 10 �u /� oa ApojTtYnt€�3ereClig �� NMIittoc�- a w a +'� story,Type a- `� A Building Ln to be occupied only as a 0 o in accordance with Plans, Speci cations d Plot-Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements, $ �U; DO 0 — Fee$ i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of 0 Cupertino will be complied with. 3 - a Owner Address w s BY 16 Address Phone �-�- �-3_ U T O f Adolk Approve �� State License Y 43 09 euu�wc INSPECTOR �Q OF OVALS F FOUNDATION DATF. CTOR UNDERFLOOR // DATE INSPFCTOA FRAME DATF, INSPECTOR LAT and PLASTER 6-,,2S7-3 DATE � INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. ol�i DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. 3� DATE �, INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. Cj DATE / INSPECTOR FINAL GAS V '� DATE INsvrc'roR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. CITY OF CUItFRTINO I/ `t (. Date ...............q " ' ........ .......•)9.1 ' Building Permit No. ..-�?..)._ �.'. 1 The Building Lo a•edfat ....V--Z..J.S......... Owned by_^,,.,.:: "'� .:'^.-T.ti?.... ............................I1�.`^'•O'O'.. .................... �' i jHas BCS -(AlrE eteda-'..For Use As: ..a '...� .:w ).. ..... ........_....-... ....... .................. .......................... . ... f............................................. /� ............... .......... ........ . . ... l l�........ ...: ................ BUILDING I'JSP OR 102 7/63.500 �.. //t /U I GGGE// ./ _✓ i- LOT NO. NO. STRER.I' _APP IC'E1TIOV, FOR PLUMBING PERMIT .. tIT"Y UPF.RTINO w rc x o � Sanitary No. �[ Sysr p, -96C A 0 a Date t"pp J ' 1 319) Permit No 3 U w a Pee $ „6 ' 0 Applicat'h /he26y r>{aA4,F rt�'eTi2y�of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing 0 a pipes and/or xtures listed on t Te reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i - and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ' w x LL Use of Premises _ 00 0 J Owner�� �'jr-cam'-O�_ Addressl./ o Bye`' �L (/ Address r ales GCs 7( F CONTRACTOR, AGENT — w Phone 0 /,]/7— q 4� 7;7 aState License �tS /� Approvedo _U / PLUMDING�jN$pECTO�R d2w22 / f ` % » Yy® ® c { w»® w , c � c � y« \ ® x222 [ » ) ) E ƒ ! § » ( ( ` ) n / ® ` % ] / ® r) 777777 } wE 2 ` ° IIT Bldg- Dept Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO F1 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ;-�P�Ilmbmg Final Plumbing Permit No. ...... .......................... Lot No, ................. Owner or Tenant ......................... ................ ---------- -- --- -------------- ---------- ---- -..-----------(/''') ------------ - - --------- ------ At ............................. ----------------- ---------------- .. .. ... .... ...... .......... Tract ......................... - ---------- --------- -- ------- .. .. ........ ... .. .. .............. Date Connected ------------------------- ........(.-- . ............................... ...................... Iz...... DateFinal ........................................ ------------ .................... PLUMBING III 7/63-IM NO. ST ET tOT NO. ELECTRICAL PERMIT (MAR 12 1961 CUPERTINO L Date - v A(py_ Permit No. LL O VJ �I\\VV b Fee $ Z ,— 44 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use a Own Address,'" mac r (�✓�/2tGz�. u� Address -,-? 22ONTRA,C/TOR, AGENT' Phone: o�J�F'/?�/.� Approved ` ELE IGL [NSPECTOlt NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit......................Number of Outlets.................. 2---- ----- ./ Size Service Wires.........................Number of Switches................ a _L - ----- -------. `. ...J...`. Size Service Switch........................Number of Receptacles............ `�a I`� �� Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures.................. ....�.. .--------- ------ Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges----A....... KW.............. .......... .......... .............. Number of Circuits------- ----------- Oven /-------- KW.............. .......... ...... -- ... Number of Meters........................Signs----`-- Transformers........ -------- ---------- ..'.-.--...... Misc----------- -- .-....----- Dryers.------..�.......----------'----'- ---...... .......... ......._..... Motors...._....�........... HP---y�........ Phase----------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------. HP.................... Phase_------------------ i Motors-------------------- HP.................... Phase.................... H P Charge................ ...... ...J.. TOTAL FEES INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring( ... . 'I Fixtures --------------------- - -.. .......... //++ cc**77 Op DATC INSPECTOR Finish Wiring(o`;,1.�- I. Motor ......._�.. .. -....._........... DAT[ IXIP[CTOp P CTOR Final -.... .......... ........ ............... DA L INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY I . ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ....................... ...... ...... 1961 TO You are hereby aut rized connect el m s cc f r Owner or Tenant ----------- -- - I---- - ------- -- ---- - At ............... 7-1 No. of Wires .......�......... Size of Wires -...Y......... Size of SwitC400 Motor Load -------------------------- Voltage ..... -- --------- PhaseAqt� ----- - --------------------- HeatingLoad ----------------------- K. W. .......-----------..._------- Voltage ........... ....... ............ No. of Meters........ Light H .-��.....7��O...........Irm Service_._.:.reconnect------------------ f t_. �20..... re No.of Add. Meters Power............_. ree Pas .. .. ._.... Move Mete c � " 104 ower------------- 104 1/63-500 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AA&MQQDMONAL CHARGE Cl CUPERTINO I IMAR 13 19631,13If SPECTOWS OFFICE Date .....Y..:A?...... ........—---- 19a3 Permit No. -019W........... . IT To ..... ... . ... .... . . . . ....... .............. Address Reason ...... . -4�jpr� >A .... ........—.... ...... ...... ................. ...... . ...... . .................... . .........- ...... .. .. .V.. .. ............. . ........ ......... ........ ........—.........— Am $ Oee=-. Signed ......... . ............ .......... ......................... 106 3/59-300, A* //ot� IL��+Lv�K�si !// • LOT NO, NO. TAE N mAP� IATIO,N FOR GAS PERMIT z Cj,OP CUPERTINO ' 0 SFE 28 63 ' 3 ¢ Date —� 196 Permit No. .+.'z' u 1 RTINO W LL Al V.Cyr M� 7I PeeS_—r � o }s 'c tm is he eb m de to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o a and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes i m and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City a w of Cupertino, and all oth$r laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises 00 > w o a Owner Addresy� zJ /� By Addressr"J'� a-23 0 CONTRACTOR, AGENT 1V — 0 Phone W ZW . _ State License S1-J Approved 40 PLUhfI3ING INSPECTOR 2 \ § } §\ ° i [ § E : Ry � ( � � %`« E ! e } \ \ � ; m / ( - \( GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECT R'S' OFFICE CITY OF CUPE JWO, ............. ........... ............. 1960 To You are hereby autho Owner or Tenant ....... At .............._(..1...2. New Service ... ....... No. of Meters .....(............... Reconnect .............................. Mov Service ........................ Meter No. of Add. Meters .............. Meter ................... ------ ......... ........ .... ................................. ... ...... S PLUMB Gv NSPE OR 110 6/63.50t)