00080102 CITY OF CUPERTINO >sa2•saa. BUILDING DIVISION PERMITaCONTRACTOR INFORMATION BUILDING ADDRESS: KORNATI PROPERTIES PERMITNcb 0080102 22385 RANCHO DEEP CLI DR OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT).SUE DATE DEHART RENA F 19084 TILSO ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 996-2817 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u 00 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description e�� 1 thereby afrm that 1 am licensed under pmvisiou of Chapter 9(commencing n Udo with sfome ndcffm Division 3afthe Business and Pmfessma Code,and my tic.is >ta_ LipensClass Lk.a REMODEL-REPLACE TILE. INSTALL SHWR VALVES Dam Contmcwr ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 5y < 1 undersand my plans shall W used as public records DyU it G Licensed Professional / ^ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION .LJ� 1 /2, 3 0 I I hereby affirm Not 1 am exempt from the Contnctore License Law for the i O O following Mason.(Section 7(51.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $ which roqulres a Permit to enmorant.altar,improve.demolish,nr repair my strocturo 811000 —zi priork,its i6aaMC.a1m,rec iRl LWAPPlicanl forsuch permltlo file aligned statement i< mathearatasedphanmathtprowsionsofrWComrscmrsLiccuseeLaw(Chapmr9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation x1- (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 ofthc Businessand ProfessionsCMe)m Wt W is exempt ocrefrnm and the bass for the alleged eamption.Any violation of Scale.7011.5 by airy applicant far a permit subjects the applkal In a civil penalty Of er0 0 Occupancy Type not ream than five hundred doWrs(5500). ❑1,uownerofthe Property many employees with wagesuomr.emmpensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered onak(Sec.7014,Boston. sea profesomm;Code:The Cona.emrs Licerom,law rens not apply m an owner of Required Inspections property who buildsa improves Cher an,and whodoessuchwork himselfor through his own employers.provided matsuch improvements are not intended oroffered for sale.IL however,the Wilding or improvement is sold within can you of oomplctlon.the owner. builder will have the burden of proving Net he did not Wild or improve far purpose of sak.). ❑L as owner of the propony.am emiusimly contracting with licensed contracmrs m tru consct the pmjcct(Sec.7014.Business and Professions Cadc:)The Common'sLi- ccmc Law does not apply as an owner of progeny who Wilda or improves dammon.and who contracts for such projects with a conontor(s)licensed pursuant m the eoneractoes License Law. 1 am exempt under Sec. .B k P C for this rmwn Owner Date WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby alRrm under pcalty of perjury ore of the following declarations: I have and will maintain aCenifrcare of Consent to self-insum for WorkcrsCompen- sation,as provided for by Section 1700 of the labor Code.for the Performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (]I have and will maintain Wortmes Compensation Inmrance,es notional by Section 37W of this labor Code,for IW performance of the work for which this Permit is issued. My Worker's Compensation Insurance artier and Policy number are: Carrier, Policy No, CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not k completed If the Permit Is for one hundred dollars(SI W) or less) 1 certify,Nat in the performance of this wells for which Nis Permit is issued.I shall not employ any person in any manner so as m become subject to the Workcri Comper auon Laws of California.Date Applicant NOTICE To APPLICANT:If.after making this Cenifiesm of EacrepWn,you should become subject to the Worker's Compensation previsions of the Labor Code,you must .,2 forthwith comply with such provisions or this Permit shall W rimmed revoked. ZO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F+� Ihereby affirm that Nem is a eommucton lending agency for the performanac of as7 the work for which this permit Is issued(Sce.3D97,Civ.C.) aQ Lenders Name , DLenders Address V 0 1 certify,that I have read Nis application and soon that the above information IS F' coeccL 1 agree in comply with all city and county Ordinances and sum laws relating as 0 V building convection,and hereby authonee representatives of Nis city to polar upon the �t17 aWvrmcnuwcdpmpertyst for impaction purposes.(We)agree m ase,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cvpenmo against Fl,i liebilitlu.judgments.casts e and expenses which may in any way accrue againstaid City V Z in mnscgmnce oroc gaming of this Permit. �—' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re-roofs Signature of Applicant COntsutor Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building Occupant store or handle hasardoos material as defined by tW Cupertino Munieiptl Cad,Chapter 9.13,and the Health and Safety Allk.d.,SamaraYn 2553x25532a)? �No 7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Will the applicant or future building occupant an equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove It hasardous air contaminants a defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. strict? ❑Yes 0N 1 have maJ the harardous materials sequirent under Chapter 6.95 ofthe Califor. niaHealth&Safely Cade,Sectians 35.A15.25533 and 25534.1 mMcrsand on rove Wilding dors not currently have a moat,Nal it a my responsibility m anufy on=Up='of me requirement.wmchmaslWmetpoormWaonceoraCcrdnamofOccapurcy. Signature of Applicant Date OAll roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner Or amhori'rcJ agent Date CITY OF CUPERTINO r " • "" "" ' "BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT• CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: - BUILDING ADDRISS' 3 0 , _ w PERMITNO� �°'t GC T �D S 00080102 OW NCR S N {6!5 •- ' ' .. APPLICATION SUB DATE IT iR V 08/14/2000 HONE,: - ' .. t SANT IARYNO. -11 CONTROL NO. r G'oo ARCHITE T/ NGINEER r ,.R. `BUILDING PERMIT INFO PP ca N - } - .BLDG ELECT, PLUMH� MUCH .LICENSPD CONI'RACIOR S DECLARATION CZc - II by fanftd tl' 1 'a e p rcmm donna -s + .._ Job Description m dth5 f 7gq)dtD ��fUvH �S i 'C I dnyli ' ,inf,.11ficarverem,• � �tl, s oLLF p„" /�ems. G ," .I REMODEL REPLACE .TILE iNST,ALL SHWR VALVE! 4"7` ARCHITLCf S DCCLAI A �O , m �I ytl Ki,-ji [an s Iltp he c6 ry�ublicmd, w 00 LicelordProp...owl OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION rr , oi I hereby affirint that I nor exempt from the Contractor's 1 Law for in lr+ C a 5II 6 (Section 7031.5,U ...d Fort.. Code Any oil,or county I a + ' $S❑ which requires a l m 1 to construct,alter.improve,derrolish,or mental,scounum - •. n3= prior i r . ' Lrequiresth pplic tf Ip li 11signedstatement hat he is licensed parsurnit to the irwisions on the Contropear,Licens,Law(Ch t 9 S Pt. Floor Area ' (eo um vg w,In Section 7000)of Dvi+ ,3 of NL Rlsnma and Poolev'enu code) ' q•, - -Valuation orlist he e pt Ih f :d lne ba for the Il g d pf any v'el + - - ._vim. - . orS i n703L5byaYapplicantCan v 1. bjects the Applicant ' cvlpenlp - of +more than five h Bred dollar,(scan. •. - APN Number _ Occupancy'Type ❑1 raftbepr} ry' yenip ni with @ -g: . ' 1 j I " . ini p "+Nwill do the,work. d flic structure c, t intended or offwdf (Scit.7044 �'Req ... Bl 1 Poll,... Cale:TheC , t L L d 1 t apply t � ulred Inspections ownerfF ply Win)h Id' improves(hereon, h. d 1 k,finneW . ^ or lh gl n ply Provided thts h' p i ddb offeredr l nh e t Wilds Idwhmonevector ' 101 —" FOUNDATION completion,+huow lar b Id will have the burden of pan ns rent held nor bu'Id ' a / mprmefiefpnmo.eor le). :".�:1¢12 — 0IERS . , Ll 1. lycnnedy mlicensed eal r .t103 — UFER'. constructh prcj.('(Scc.7M4'Business I Ponfee,imar,Code)The Contractor's ! ' Lice L d nor pit rr r tr n hi p st n 104 — REBAR mW h reclines f h p meas with. mmwI, ,) I I p uanl i +h• , codai :1 La x 105 —• ANCHOR BOLTS%, Cl I an exempt aider S `,B 11&I Cfor this reasonI-"]tb6 SEWER &' WATER Owner Date 10 A - �� I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARAI ION .. ,G02 'UNDERFLOOR `PLUMBING •" sl hereby aBirn under penalty of perjury one nine following declarations: ._ , '?203 '-- UNDERFLOORMECHANICAL ❑ 1 n d. II mt a Certificate t fc In sdrann rn:•Work 204 UNDERFLOOR FRAME Comp 'ation, as provided nor by Seciono 3700 nr the Union Code for par, L05. — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION pcfr iinave ofib work f b'ch this permit I,N,cp& 301 ROUGH•PLUMBING ❑I n a Il mu n w k r c p r 1 . ne p t „02 TUB R' OR i SHOWER 3900 f th Q, l +h f f f th rk( 1ST ihi By r I is ' XP e N p ( 1 d Policy number are cit+er� P1 yN 303 — ROUGH' MECHANICAL.- CERTIFICATION ECHANICAL: CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS " 3Qt4 _+(ROUGH ELECTRICAL COMPENSATION INSURANCE r • p.'• 305 — FRAME _ " his ton nein not bewnplued'fhit pernn iifor nic hundred dalton fslntB rte's) - 306 HOEDOWNS 1 cedify that n(he'performance oftheworkforwmchtn pe r: 1 : 307' INSULATION' ' - , . . 'null et employ any person in any manner so w la become wb)wt to the Workers SHEETRc - ' Compnnt L fewrt D o Applicant n - NOTICETOAPPLICANTII after makingth Celf'to of'Excommor.you h Id 309 — EX'TERIOR`'.LATH "yl I z deco bI It Thew kc C p :'I p ¢rh L b C d y vt O rnnnwmcomply who' Here .i' of th.pernm'llan Wed emea re.ow.a 3] 0 — , INTERIOR 'LATH - O - CONST RUCTION LENDING AGENCY ` 3 'r Z, '11 —, SCRATCH COAT aI Sereny fern that theremon,f leading aged)f he pn mnnu 513. — ROOF NAI L of thek'for Melt ON permit e Issued(Set.3097 Civ.CJ Lend Nan a.Q ne - 4 ; p Z .Lend .nee , 501 'FINAL. ELECTRICAL'•ENERGY o 90c — FINAL PLI..IMBIIvIG'. ENERGY I rf5.ih t11 lth: ppr i d.l l tl tib M1 'nl' 'I tas ,c. cnrrct I g i ply ithall 'my d ty d d rr I- bl b 503 -FINAL MECOANICAL ENERGY eF0 V inbtlldng t ( dl byauthn, i ut ib'. llyi cnicrup •"' - sy hermentioned p prty n.pef p p 504 ' FINAL• BUILDING ENERGY. ity o a liabilitesjds is celndl fy m,whkeei,hmay icitycwayrcle°geanto tsaii 505 —,rFINAL ELECTRICAL U c'Iro v )e d'm s t L "mon «' ApiaOU C EGUYATIpNSNDS AND WILL COMPLY YWy3Ft.�1.L Nry INT rlSSlled by: P` 5Of''- —' GAS- TEST DBLe ' Slgdut,rAppl c HAZARDOUS � _ _ jYY{//,Y/Dale, Re-roofs'• 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL _ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS❑ISCLOSIIR. ' .. will the appliicantorfnmtnbuimhtgo,mar(storeorhandle hazardous dldmdal Typeof-Rooftog,, ` o delndbythCiecul Mnaipmcon Griper,9.12,andm HalthandSafity - FINAL GRADE. e Code.Sectionzssaz( ) I 5� F 1 L PLA N I NG .> ' °V - °N All roots shall b01 ected �Jr a r I mg ailed.., whin pplcant I t b la'g ler t :ccquyp r Lie ce. which 'If'a rOOf 15 instal( it rou t SC- �aiiiWA s CGLLon, 1 agree to remove emit h Mous an,wmu is as defned by the Bay Arca Air Qta'ry Man i6dnead - P �' Dyes ' ❑No, - all-new maferiaN fol inspection;Applicant understands and wilbcomply'with • - all non point source'regulations. , Irc'lth hoardnoncoms eI LL' I Ce Cater 695 Irl nf He ltl&Sof ly I S t :25505 25531 d 2.1534,I indder,haddLu ' fihc build' gd nl' Ilyh itthlt yr,p 'blryi Iffy lh _ Occup of t qt non nt h nun b t prt r to 's fn Cer'Irnl r f' - ' ' ft/O,p Signature of Applicant, ' _ I f Date., - omwn dd age I '�/• Dare All ilc; £coverttigs to be Class `B" or better ,OFFICE - �. .. ,