04010114 CITY OF CUPERTINO *"P9. � x'.�aT y�1'y� ��s,� sy BUILDING DIVISION P�s'R , OON �OTtO 4�L1\C��lYAA mz. Axa .&F,y�fi... .ys, BUILDING ADDRESS: K DESIGNERS PERMIT NEO 4010114 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (916) 631-9300 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ] -0, LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION tui 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provinces of Chapter 9(commencing .lob Description j?Zwith Section] )of Divixion3of NC Budin Pmfcuions Co end my ticcns is m full fo eff 9ta. (��j \ License 1 Lk.N � � VYNLE SIDING J Date ' d Cun DE ARCHITECTS OEC ON .� I untleraunJ my plans shell be used aa)rn ¢rccnrdx Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION a f R<0 1 hereby maxo affirm on 1 ore exempt from the Contractor's o e:Any c taw far the p O following reason.(Section]1onstr Business and improve, demob Calc:Any city or county - which requires a Permit it)re cnnesfire epic,improv,,h parmail t or a aAir'any structustatement 541 prior In its iss self elm req.the treavW Hearst for such Permit to Ne se Lovd sotement FshatheencinwithSrction7th)ofDivimm�hhoContmctor'andProflaw(Chaprer9 Sq.F[,Floor Area Valuation y th t he Is exempt Umbilical nd th Dtvixion3 or the Business mo and Professions Cmlc)or i $ Scott.. co he is exempt therefrom and the.perm for the alleged ,liUnt to Any violation of not o 703 re than few hundred delta ($500mit subjects Ne applicant so e,ivtl penally of 3 4ftrO 0 Occupancy Type not more Nen Ow hundred dalton(5300). ❑1,u owner of the property,ar my employees with wages u IMir sole compensation, wise do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044,Business Required Inspections and Prad.mlans Cade:The Cmernmer't License Law does not apply wan owner of q p preperty,who builds or improves Ihereon,and who deessuch work himselfor through his own employee,provided that such improvements arc not Intended arolfemd formic.If, however,the building or improvement is sold within one yam of completion,the owner. builder will have the burden of proving Nat he did not build or improve for parpou of tele'). ❑1,as owner of the property.am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to consumes the project(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:)The Conuacter's I.A. came law does not apply w an owner of property who Wilds or improves Neuan,and who contracts for such projects with a..mracwr(s)licensed pursuant o the Convector's Lkcnu taw. ❑I am exempt under Sec ,B&P C for this rtaon Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirre under penally of perjury ow of the following declvrmions: I haw and will maintain a CeNfieste of Consent to Uff-insure for Worker's Comper- sound,u provided for by Section 3700 of the Lobar Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑1 haw mid will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance.as required by Section 3]Oo of the labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this pmmil is issued. , My Worker m nsatioypsunnce carrier and Policy number art: C\anijr.✓/� �rm; Policy No.:/�_for ! 7fT lY CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSU RANCE (This section wed nor W completed if she permit it for one hundred dollars 1$100) of leu.) 1 certify that in the performance of she work for which this Permit is issued.I shell not employ any person in any manner so as w become subject to the WorkerCompensation Laws of Catirmnta.Do, Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Cenificate of Exemption,you should become subject to the Worker's Compensation previsions of the Labor Code.you mon wJ O. roMwilh comply with such provisions or this permit shall W deemed revoked. r -CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-r r (hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency to the performance of W' > the work fur which this permil Is issued(ace.3097.Civ.C.) WQ Under's Nam. 04 ' a z Lender's Address U Q I certify that 1 have read this application and more that the above information is V. F comet.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and Stam laws relating to QU building construction,and hereby authmire reposenntives of this city to toter upon the Uahove-mentioned property for inspection purposes. a (We)ague to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City or Cupertino against VI liabilities,judgments,casts and expenses which may in any way accme gatnst said City. U7 IASjA nPPnumncpaRDERhe BTANDSnting of IAND his rWILL EMILY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date r7R ATIONRe-roofs fApplican✓Comncwr - -.pDau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will Ne applicant or future building occupant store or hurJlCaa firdeas material as defined by the Cupertino Manic'Pal,Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Section zssu(a)? Ye All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. u Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove It hu❑ardnm air canominants pe JcpncJ by Ne Bay Arca Air Quality Management Disvim? all new materials for Inspection. 0Yes No I haw mad the harard ids materials requirements under Chapter 6,95 of the Califon ria Hmlth&SafctyCode,sections 25505,25533 and 25534:1 understand that if dw building ' J not Curren I how a lemma,Nat is is my responsibility w notify Ne.,a,.,of the rc tswh' mass epdor vance.rsCe fe.w.fCcUparsy. SignatureofApplicant Date l 3-E5 pent All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owhcr authorized sOau ■■■/■■los,�■!■■■■■!!_��nT.�������r ����������r������■■■■■■■/■■■■■!!■■■■■/■/l// MORI n■n■■I■■■■/■/■■■■■■!■!SEEM!■!■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■834 NINE MIR I■!!!■■■fir■!■■■■■■■■/■■■■■!■■■■ iii■i■iiOMENOMEMEMEMSENEoil 'NUMEREM60EL1[�CIEADEIi . ii■■moi■!!■liii/1�i1■/!■■■■!■■■!!■■!■!!/■■■■■/!/■sem/tlf]i!■I!■■■!/■11!■■■■■■■■■/!!!!■■MEN ■ E■Hm/■!!■■■!lAil ■s■s■■/■■/■■■■■■ ■m/!■■■!I■■YINN .■■■■■!!!■■■■■■/■■!■!■dii�lf:•Ji■■!■■/�1■■I■■■!//■■■■■■■■■!■■■/■■■soon ■■ n ■�!■oi`7L�isso■■oo/noss■/s!!■osllfisslo■Gf■h�idlo/is■ l1■sss■11■o■■Doo■os/oo■soss/!■ mE■E■E ■!■■■!INlEE■oE■E■mEEo■/Eo■EllloEs/X1170■■■■■■,■■I■!!!■�■11■!!■!!■■■■■11■!■■■■■■■■�■■!■■■■■■■ !■■n!mE■E■O■■I■■■o■■!!n/ ■ ■!■!■■!■nns■■■i■■L'3i7■■■!■is•� ■I■■ // ■■o!■■■■!n mE■ E■E■■■EEE■/E■o/!n■o■ MEMO■1e m■E■E■■EE■IE■■oE■■■■■■■■■!■■■■!■■■■!■!■■ ■■�E�■�E■I m■■■oomllEE■Doss■s!■■E■■li'�3!■�■E■■E■■■E■IT■■■!■■111010■■■■■■■■■■iMEMO ■■ ■ ■ sls/l■l!E■■sEss■/oo■o■snsells■■sssusmssE/Ni./■/■/lure^■■!■■■■!BE■smOMEN ss m �■■■!!7■■EE■!o■■E■■■E■E■■la■■■E■■ElmE■■■■ENI■mlEE!■1►i,i�:■■!l■E■■EE■E■■■■■■ H ■■■EEEE■!■EOE■■■!■■■■■EE■■■■■E■■E■■■■■I■EE■E■■I�JiJ:a■■E■■son o■■■E■■! ■NIE■ n■{ui■EN!!E■EE■E■■EE■E■■■■■■E■■E■/■■■■■E■■EEnI■E■■EEEIIGC�!/.1lE■■E■■E■■EE■■\ u■p■ n�/iiiiiiiiiiiiii■ii■iipiiiii■iiiiiii■iiiio■iiui■i�l7 /i0 MR a L ■s�. ME an a SEMEN=..... .Mort MEMOfs.■■E■■oEoom■■m11�■■E■■�■11mno■L>Is!:li/�ooslolE// !T ■s r1 l■■is....ea..i�...�iEOii..-�.���..�.��.�.�����111 ■1/lll■■lG/11�/.:7/1 ■l!� El/ ■ll■�■IN■m■■■llm■l■■■■i5i�ti��■i1■■l■l■■l■m■■■EINIIIi�.i■mu■ll■■l�zi�� �■I=mim■■l lEE lm�,llnm ■■■■■mmo■■�ol::�s■.IIIii■i■■■■■■■■■■■�s■■Is!�o■t1■■/sols►�': ./,J `ll!■■�. ■.�■i .I■■so-EMEE■■■■EEmI■EEEa �....■..■...■�■■I■rrl�■uEEEmmEEEi■si C■■■■■■�- ■ ■■lnese!soE■1■■/m/fNsslri■■■fw�U�tiifii/sGa�sNls■it!■!!■/o■mnssss[7 ESEEsI '• a MEN■■ ■ ■■■■■■■1l�■■ .■€■■.... ■■ ■.■■■...■./■■■■■ ...Yi■■E■■V%E■I■�■mm■mm■■■m\NONE■MEN■E■�■ EE■E ■ ■Gnu■■■ ■E ■ ■■■nu ■■■■■■■■!!■!■■!l!l■■■lll::a■■l■!■■■■■■/!■■■■■ln■■I!!■!■■■■■■ll!■■■■■!■■!■■■■ _ ■■o■ so�assomommoisomil a�L���������������■���*I�lo�7il7�3la so ��� ■pppp��[�■■ONER ■E■■■!II■■■■mmo/NpSam ■■■ EmE■iiil■■m!sem©m©e/■m■■El!■■■non!■ ■ l■mms■■fN■sMEMO EEas■slsmlNE■■s■sl■.El■■■s■■�lm■Y'IQNImai11INlB1lROm©EH®■mull■/mom ■■ ■Doss■ ■�N■�l■loos■■!! ■■■■■■nl■!o■!!■/m■MONO■■■■■EEIIQIi�a® 947©YiFR]lmo■■■!!l■■■MEN !■ ■ ■■:■■ f■ a,"a V 0■;a lmin■■E m/l■■■EMmess■!!■oil■i11Jai'i■7o//�!��a�i�■Eo !ls■ nl! onn/o0nlNsso/1.1116/is/■!SEINE 0�mossm /l■■EE■/m■■o■NiI/■r!�rN��'�d■LA!�asl■�swoon■■■ ■El■ ■sE■■!■E■mm►\■m■I■■ ■ ■p ■ V/sm o■Q�■1VNE ► : iNPn/l■osmsm/Es/n■■ u�■slN■mommi■0...Nl.mEl 01111!■1■1lE■.oC■�s...■.I..IIa MEMlm■.� N 0l DN■',Emmmmll■lnE■mEiN/■n■nn■l■/lElllmmm■mC3c[�®91■!•r�J:iAfa18®15Ra®Cnall■/m/son ■■ ■■ is■sI[t�`��/ ■����/■n■ ■��ommonsmn■oso■!Em mom■■ EOO■ Doo/■r/m■mLf11i ice` '0����►s■Doonom■■■■■■Em■■■oii�liE�■!!I®©®ill®®E®■1no■!■els■■■■ ■■■E■ ■EEE■■■mom 00■■!1■not■■■nm4N■■■lMEMO ■■rJINOEE■cit(�L��ill8lmemm®dsg9f�l�i1■l■■■EE■■■■■ ■ � EE■E000..e,..ea•,e•eae,•aea.e,e,3...�.,C....._.....�.����aiL��7Y�1■1isl+�sL�u®6H1•ildi'il■■■■■■■l■■■ EE■EEE■■l■0■EE■■EE■■■EOEo■ll■o■Enm■!■■■EE■/E■■�1��7Q�'il�t■u®/o®mN!Rw■■■/m/E■■■■■■ nnsslsl/■Elssms/E■Esm■■ssomm■■s■■/E■ml■E■■EEIfIY�I®!9! <iFIlINf'JmOiii�li!!N!!!*�■■mmlll■■ E■ H■■EE■■u■EEE■EEE!■ElE■lEE!■■■rT14■■■■/lm■■E■9131[�i/dRJlt!@�N�ilFLP]�u37ff�tiYNm■■EEn/■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■/■SEEM ■■■/■■E■Es■■■■■Ess.lY ' il■EEEEEEE■EEiI la�ti{i1�13ii■■Q!t!21GE[�st]L s3C■■■s■■■■■■ . . . 0 = LIGHTS(LAMPS) IN =SHUTTERS I., SLANT •- • • WINDOWS •. . •. • • . XEXiSTING SIDING: ❑WOOD ❑MASONITE ❑OTHER TEAR-OFF: ❑SHAKES L#STORIES: '$STUCCO ❑LP _#SQ'S ❑LP 1 ❑2 /❑SHAKES O CINDER BLOCK ❑OTHER_ ❑1 1l2 ❑3 SIDIN Colors indicated are the only colors authorized.Adherence will prevent job delays or cancellations. For Bennington product color:write in❑marked other. ) HORIZONTAL TYPE: ❑ FINALTOUCH COLOR: ❑SANDSTONE ❑MIST BLUE 4 ROSEWOOD i �-f ❑BENNINGTONN,��!;' ❑SANDALWOOD ❑ PEARL ❑MAIZE #SQ'S THER��L{ ❑WH E ❑OTHER ❑HORIZONTAL TYPE: ❑FINAL TOUCH COLOR: ❑SA MIST BLU ❑ROSEWOOD ❑BENNINGTON ❑SA DALWHOec �AIREARL ❑MAIZE _#SQ'S ❑OTHER ❑WHI E ❑EVERGLA E ❑OTHER `)2(-VERTICAL(INDICATE LOCATION ON DRAWING) COLOR: ❑SAN,STbt —0 MTSTi—BLUE XROSEWOOD ❑SANDALWOOD ❑PEARL ❑MAIZE i SSO'S ❑WHITE ❑EVERGLADE ❑OTHER OUTSIDE CORNER POSTS QTY-7 COLOR: ❑SANDSTONE ❑MIST BLUE OSEWOOD ❑SANDALWOOD ❑PEARL AIZE _#SQ'S ❑WHITE ❑ V RG ❑ •THER ❑FLUTED CORNER POSTS QTY_ COLOR: *WHITE ONLMVP (INDICATE LOCATION ON DRAWING) (INSIDE CORNER POSTS QTY_ COLOR: ❑SANDSTO ❑MIST BLUE OSEWOOD (RECOMMENDATION:SHOULD MATCH SIDING COLOR) ❑SANDALWOOD ❑ PEARL ❑MAIZE ❑WHITE ❑EVERGLADE ❑OTHER ❑J-CHANNEL(STANDARD)(WINDOWS & DOORS ONLY) COLOR: ❑SANDSTONE ❑MIST BLUE ❑ROSEWOOD ❑ REMOVE EXISTING WINDOWS &DOOR TRIM ❑ SANDALWOOD ❑PEARL ❑MAIZE ❑JUMP CASINGS(IF LESS THAN 3/4") ❑WHITE ❑EVERGLADE ❑OTHER ❑WIDE J-CHANNEL QTY--WINDOWS COLOR: ❑ SANDSTONE ❑MIST BLUE ❑ROSEWOOD QTY—DOORS ❑SANDALWOOD ❑PEARL ❑MAIZE ❑WHITE ❑EVERGLADE ❑OTHER ❑GABLE VENTS QTY_ TYPE: ❑OCTAGON ❑ROUND COLOR: ❑WHITE ONLY (INDICATE LOCATION ON DRAWING) ❑SQUARE ❑HALF-ROUND ❑RECTANGLE EXTRA LABOR ❑REMOVE& RESET FENCE POSTS (WOOD ONLY) QTY POSTS_ ❑INSTALL SIDING ABOVE PATIO COVER ❑YES R&R PATIO COVER ❑YES - REQUIRES PROD.DEPT. ❑NO ❑NQ INSPECTION ❑ REMOVE & REINSTALL STORM WINDOWS QTY_ ❑REMOVE& REINSTALL WINDOW AWNINGS QTY_ ❑ REMOVE& REINSTALL WINDOW SECURITY BARS QTY_ ❑REMOVE& REINSTALL STORM/SECURITY DOORS QTY_ ❑REMOVE& REINSTALL EXISTING SHUTTERS QTY_ (IF NOT CHECKED OLD SHUTTERS WILL BE HAULED TO THE DUMP) ❑MOVE OBSTACLES AWAY FROM HOUSE ❑WOOD PILE ❑MISC. ❑ REFRIGERATOR ❑ STOVE DRY-ROT REPAIR-SIDING ONLY APPROXIMATE SO/FT OR LINEAL FT. *NOTE:(WE CAN NOT REPAIR ROOF OVERHANGS LOCATION: ❑FRONT ❑ LEFT SIDE (FROM STREET) OR RAFTER TAILS) ❑BACK ❑ RIGHT SIDE (FROM STREET) GIVE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL WORK TO BE PERFORMED: LIST WORK NOT AUTHORIZED • . . r . • . . e • taII fl . TfTY'r >( Ta YA'TQ T'TT TY � TTT iTTi ' i Y < • ? I • , 3 ' EAVES AND OVERHANGS Colors indicated are the only colors authorized.Adherence will prevent job delays or cancellations. For Bennington product color:write in O marked other. Ell SOFFIT ❑*S' F ONLY-LINEAL- WIDTH (INCHES) COLOR: ❑SANDS NE ❑W H I lu-PEARL 8 058W OD -.-O-OTHER • ❑SANDALWOOD Q MIST ,UE ,` 0 EVERGLA 3 MAIZE *NOTE:-SOFFIT ONLY MAY STILL REQUIRE FURRING AND AN"L"WRAP. FASCIAFASCIA ONLY-LINEAL FT WIDTH (INCHES) Y COLOR: O SANDSTONE ❑PEARL ❑BROWN ❑ DOVER GRAY O SANDALWOOD ❑ EVERGLADE ❑GRECIAN GREEN 0 CANYONS CLAY WHITE ❑ROSEWOOD LI RED ❑WICKER O MIST BLUE ❑MAIZE ❑CHARCOAL fW� 1 Vi D ❑INS LL NEW FASCIA BOARD-LINEAL FT. WIDTH (INCHES) \OPEN RAFTER-T, LS Q YE ❑NO LINEAL FT 6�1T,BACK EXIS ri G RAFTER'TAIL ES NO LIN 'I u� O EXISTING GUTTER LIN AL FT. i VO PORCH CEILING (WxL) I X 2. X "_ --'--- - X (PORCH CEILING MATERI L�Ui PERPENDICULAR TO HOUSE.ANYTHING OVER 72'REQUIRES DOUBLE J) WRAPS n EINOOWS #SINGLES #DOUBLES #TRIPLES COLOR K��1'T� NTRY DOORS #DOORS 7- COLOR 44-/ 7` I 'GARAGE DOORS #SINGLES #DOUBLES_ COLOR LI POST WRAP QTY COLOR ❑ FjE�At 1�WRAP LINEAL FTS COLOR ❑.BELLY BAN D/WATE TABLE LINEAL-FT. COLOR "�`" I "�ry i a d FREEZE BOARD LINEAL FT. %COLOR 1f O OTHER-DESCRIPTIO\ N j " TRIM COIL COLOR SELECTION/: SANDSTONE•WHITE•PEARL•ROSEWOOD•BROWN•RED•DOVER GRAY•WICKER•SANDALWOOD (INDICATE COLOR IN SPACE PROVIDED) MIST BLUE•EVERGLADE•MAIZE•GRECIAN GREEN•CHARCOAL•CANYON CLAY•ALMOND DESIGN WO C'SLANT DE$I N #SQ'S COLOR: ❑SANDSTQN Ll MIST BLUE ❑ ROSEWOOD • (INDICATE LOC ION ON DRAWING) '" ❑ SANDALWOOD ❑PEARL AMAIZE ❑WHITE ❑EVERGLADV ❑OTHER ❑ FAN DESIGN #SQ'S COLOR: O SANDSTONE ❑MIST BLU ROSEWOOD (INDICATE LOCAION ON DRAWING) /O SANDALWOOD ❑PEA MAIZE Q WHITE RGLADE O Zlzli OFjCCENT PANELSSQ'_#SQ'S O SHAKES_ COLOR: ❑WHITE ❑CLAY ❑ HERITAGE GRAY (OUTSIDE/INSIDE CORNER POSTS AND J-CHANNEL ❑ PRAIRIE WHEAT ❑KHAKI ❑ SLATE REQUIRE SIDING COLOR COMPONENTS) ❑TAN . 0 GRAY DESIGN ACCESSORIES ]''SHUTTERS QTY(PAIRS) *COLOR: ❑WHITE ❑BLACK ❑DK.GREEN 0 RUSTIC RED (INDICATE LOCATION ON DRAWING) ❑BROWN ❑DK.GRAY ❑DK. BLUE XNINE/BURGUNDY *PER YOUR SHUTTER RING SAMPLE-NOT AVAILABLE IN ANY OTyE COLORS. n"BRASS L MPS QTY (INDICAT LO ATION�OW RAWI G) �� 9MOTION S NSOR LAMPS Y (IND E LOCATION N D AWING) ` INCLUDES'SURFAC UNTING AND ATTACHMENTTO EXISTING ELECTRICAL OUTLETS ONLY. WEDO-NOT PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK. b1ARASS MAILBOX ❑BRASS MAIL SLOT ❑BRASS DOOR KNOCKER I]EAGLE- BRASS ❑EAGLE-BLACK ❑ BRASS KICK PLATE35jBRASS HOUSE#'S ❑ BRASS DOORBELL ❑ FLAG KIT ;PAINT COLOR 04= QTY COLOR its S' �tioy OTY= DOOR OPTIONS O GARAGE D ORS.(ATTACH SPECIFI ATIONS Si J Q Y O ENTRY DOORS (ATTACH SPECIFICA CNS-&H��ET) QTY_ LSSTORM DOORS (ATTACH SPECIFICATIONS SHEET) QTY_ ----------------- GUTTERS • O EXISTING GUITES ❑ REMOVE&HAJWALl, OPEN RAFTE -LINi FT. OINSTALLNEWFASCIAEARD-LINEALFi. ❑EXISTING FAS3RD.=LINEAL FO REMOVE&-R�INSTAL EW FASCIA BOARD-LINEAL FT. O INSTALL 5"O.G.GUTTER-LINEAL FTCOLORr Q INSTALL 5 1/2"FASCIA GUTTER-LINEAL FT - COLOR: • ( ALIFORNIA ONLY) INSTALL NEW DOWN SPOUTS ❑ONE STORY QTY O TWO STORY QTY ICBO Bvaluati®n Service, Inc. 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTLER, CALIFORNIA 9C601-2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT ER-2027 Copyright ID 1999 ICSO Evaluation Service,Int Reissued August 1, 1999 Filing Category: WALL COVERING (288) I CErn1V1! - I n GENTEK AND REVERE ALUMINUM, STEEL slotted hal s fore, ding�of4'he pa l I to Vit supporting frame, AND SCUD VINYL SIDINGS extends at ng the tcp seam. The butt ed e of the panels has GENTEK BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. a5/e-inch ( _ standing Range, , 11 CRAGWOOD ROAD to engage and lock behind the standing seams of the panel WOODBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY 07095 beneath, is also provided. Weeohoies are provided at 16 GENTEK BUILDING PRODUCTS, LTU. inches (406 mm)on center for drainage. The siding is avail- 1001 CORPORATE DRIVE able in the GENTEK Deluxe, Deluxe Wocagrain. and Vin-AI- BURLINGTON, ONTARIO L7L 5V5 Wood styles, and CANADA in the REVERE Super-C,ard style.M 8-inch (203 mm) beaaea panel has a similar resign with a butt that 1.0 SUBJECT is shaped like cover molding. GENTEK and REVERE Aluminum, Steel ane Solid Vinyl Sid- 2.2.2 8-inch Horizontal Insulated Siding: The panels are ings. similar to the regular 8-inch hcrizonfal panels, except that the insulated panels are made from 0.019-Inch-thick(0.483 mm) 2.0 DESCRIPTION aluminum to which 3.18-inch-thick (9.5 mm), 1 pcf(16 kg/m3) density, polystyrene foam,¢ erbo r are laminated with 2.1 General: ,r sbi I>t, ,� the d at�rsdwble�:adfiesive applied to the GENTEK and REVERE aluminum, steel and solid vinyl std- be w h ' hero s¢ed�to the panel back Polystyrene Ings are acceptable exterior wall coverings. foo c to i �[Lmoiies`�.vititit-and'iis separated from the 2.2 Aluminum Siding: buit�fi in nor as set forth in, Sec;ien 2602 of the code. The siding is available in the GENTEK Deluxe, Deluxe • The siding consists of horizontalvertical panels of variable lengths and smooth orrsimulated edd Woodgrain surfaces. 7}te Woodgrain, Vin-Al=Wood and REVERE Super-Gard styles. panels are roll-formed from 3105-Ht6 aluminum alloy or 2.2.3 Double 4-inch Horizontal Siding: This clapboard equivalent having a minimum yield and ultimate strength of panel has the same features as the stancard 8-inch horizontal 18,000 and 22,000 pounds per square inch (124 and 152 siding, except that two 4-inch nominal siding members are Mob), respectively. combined in a single panel with an exposed surface of The GENTEK aluminum Countrywcod siding is roll-formed approximately 8 hones (203 mm), an over-ail depth of 95/8 from 3004-1-114 (or equivalent)alurrinum alloy having a yield inches (245 mm)and a length of 12 feet 6 Inches (3810 mm). and, estimate strength of 26,000 and 32.000 pounds per The panels have a C12Pocard c;nficwadon ano a polvesteror square inch (179 and 221 Mob), respectively. PVC finish in a rcugn-sawn or woocgroin texture. Metal thickness of the 8-inch horizontal siding, 8-inch The siding is available in the GENTEK Deluxe, Deluxe horizontal insulated siding, Doublet incn siding and 12-inch Woodgrain, Wocograin 2000, Vin-Al-t/1/ood, Countrywood, vertical siding is 0.019 inch (0.483 mm)or 0.024 inch (0.610 and REVERE Super-Gard styies. . rpm) = 0.004 inch (0.102 mm). T1he Double 5-inch horizontal 2.2.4 Double 5-inch Siding: This panel has the same fea- and vertical siding has a metal thickness of O.C24 inch (0.610 tures as the sianeard 8-inch horizontal siding, except that two rpm) = 0.004 inch (0.102 mm). A corrosion-resistant primer 5-inch (127 mm) siding members are combined in a single and a finish coat of polyvinyl chloride(PVC),polyester or Auo- panel with an exocsea surface of approximately 10 inches ropolymer(PVDF)are applied to the exterior surface.A cono- (254 men), an overall depth Of approzirnately 101/2 inches sion-resistant back coating is applied to the metal surfaces on (267 min)and length of 12 feet(3658 mn1).The horizontal sid- lhe interior side. Corner closures, bottom starter strips and ing has a Woodgrain pattern Finish applied to a Ruorcoolymer other acce•ssones are available to complete the siding instal- (PVDF) finish or polyesterinisn. Verticai V-grooved double l ation. In new construction, a weather.resistive bander is re- 5-inch siding has a 1011 i,s-inch (271 mm) exposure, a quired in accordance with Section 1402.1 of the code and 315-inch (9.5 mm)butt and a 9-fcot(2743 rpm)length.The ver- Section 25.2 of this report. tical siding has a woodgmin pattern finish with a PVDF finish. 2.2.1 Standard 8-inch Horizontal Siding: The panel has a Vertical V-groove is-.aivailable in the GENTEK Cedanvood sirrwlated ship!ap claoboard and an exposed surface of 8 style. horizontal clapboard and Dutch lap siding is available inches (203 men), an overall depth of 8314 inches (222 nim) as GENTEK Woodgrain 2000 and Cadarwood sidings.' and a length of 12 feet 6 inches (3810 mm).The upper panet 2.2.5 12-irirh Vertical Siding: The 12-inch vertical siding is edge is a continuous V4-inch (6.4 roar)standing seam, bent provided'with a board and beveled batten aesign with a at an angle to act as a lip to engage and hold the butt edge of 12-Inch (305 min) exposure. The Interlocking edge has a the panel above. A prepunched continuous nailing tab,with raised batten effect and Is lapped to engage the interlocking Evahmtion reports of rC30 iiyrluarjon Srr"Ice,Inc,pre iuuedsolrlv!o prrrs^ide infmsn¢arm,!a CIaZP A nivr,b,v of/(:'R0,utiG;ing rhe came upon.:hied,it,,report is bawd Evaiiwtion report/ere,m tribe co;o'r.-ced al reprvaenriag aesthe!mv or anyn!hrr lu(ributrs.mn sSecifgmJv addr&ued nor m an n,don'rn,enl or rromruer>- Jaliau for use.of tire subject rcpon. ?'his report is brzxrzrl upon isu(epu+denucrn'or alhrr!cdmicnr Rem s'ub,nA1'ad i,v the aj plic...�L Th,IC30 Evabmrion Services Ltd.!ecF.n!cals,,/jl+m revinc,yd the les!re_i,14Y muUor m'her data,hw docs no:pacvatt 1est,(oc&1ia to owl¢qn independent v,rifcajwn. '7.ere_r nn mmlm,!y b,v ICOi,!ihvrL,nlim`,Srr.^ce. /ne,nja'.as nr inrplied.as!a mly"F'indin,q"or other marter in the ,pore or of to an,yprodwe rovernrr Ly the"pop. Thu disd«iumr incrndea bur is not limited tri,merchrnitapilirr. Pdclu 1 of 1 Pacq 2 of 3 ER-2027 edge lip of adjacent panels.The panels have an overall width flame-spread rating of less than 25, a smoke-developed rat- of 13 inches(330 mm)and a length of 10 feet(3048 rni The ing of less than 450, and a CC1 classification. panel is installed in a manner similar to the installation for 2.3.9 Horizontal I Siding:The panel has an approxi- mate 8-+nch horizontal siding. The panels have a smooth mate exposure of 8 inches (203 mm), an overall depth of 9518 or woodgrein texture and a polyester or PVC top coat. inches(245 mrn)and a length of 12 feet 6lnches(3810 mm). The siding is available in the GENTEK Deluxe, Deluxe The upper panel edge is a continuous 5/9-4nch-high(15.9 mm) Woodgrain and Universal PVC styles. standing seam bent at an angle to act as a Lp to engage and 2.2.6 16-4nch Soffit System:This soffit system consists of hold the butt edge of the panel above.A prepunched condri non-perforated and perforated panels having a triple 5-inch ous nailing tab,with slotted holes for nailing of the panel to the or quad 4-inch flat design with a total exposure of 16 inches supporting framing, extends along the top of the seam. The 406 mm Each area is separated by a 5/ wide butt edge of the panel-has.a4g=iach,(15.9.mmi thickness with (15.9 mm)V-groove. The panel has an approximate width of 1/4-inch (6.4 m'.r1��1pweeph IAr±provjdgdat approximately 18 16119 inches (410 mm) and a 3/8-inch (9S mrn) depth. The inches (457 mn{) on center for drainage, an a cramped-uo panels are formed from 0.019-inch 0.483 mm aluminum and standing flange(o engage and',I-ock'benind the standing seam ( ) of the panel beheae..'TTie siding is availacl in the colors have a polyester or PVC top real. The panels are held in r� ' piece .vith farmed aluminum channels fastened along both `white and matz��:.,.git�LSlrl" rod Necugrai clapboard aD- the eave line and the building wall. The soffit sucoon channels Pearance as Gc+'`'V:T.Ek-HEh-a1 nd'Stgnatnre-5,u(creme and as are rwed to the support framing at 8 inches(203 mm)on can- REVERE Fair Oaks. ter with typical nails. Where the soffit system is open, the soffit 2.3.2 Horizontal Double 5-inch Siding: This panel has the panels are limited to a maximum span of 12 inches (305 mm) same features as the horizontal 8-mon siting panel, extent between supports. Where the soffit resists wind forces by that two 5-inch (127 mm) siding members are combined in a solid backing installed behind the panels, the overhang may single panel with an excused surace of approximately 10 exceed the 12-inch (305 mm)limitation, provided the panels inches (,254 mm), a 1/2-inch-deep (12.7 mm) butt edge, an are nailed to the backing material along each groove at a max- overall depth of 11518 manes (295 rnrn and a length of 12 feet [mum 16 inches (406 mm) on center. (3658 mm).The sidin a rJTEK Concerti, Sig- 2.2.7 12-inch Soffit System: This soffit system consists of natur -rem d onhem rarest; and non-oerforated and perforated panels formed from as Rn n, a Amnerst. The sid- 0.019-inch (0.483 mm) or 0,016-inch (0.406 mm) aluminum Ings h D D p prcnles w[ih a woodgram with a polyester or PVC td coat finish. The finish. P Y p panels have a double 6-inch (152 mm) or triple 4-inch (102 mm)flat design 23.3 Horizontal Double 4-inch Siding: The panel is identi- with a total exposure of 12 inches (305 mm). The flat areas cal to the nonzori double 5-inch siding panel expect that the are separated by a 1118-inch-wide (28.6 mm)V-groove. The exposed surface is approximately 8 inches (203 mm). The• panei has an overall width of 13 inches(330 mmi and a depth panel has an overall cepth of 9=�8 incnes (245 rnm) and a of/116 inch (11.1 mm), and is held in place m the same way length of 12 feet 6 inches (3810 mm). as the 16-inch (406 rnm) soffit system. The siding is available in a woodgraln or brusheo clapboard 2.3 Solid Vinyl Siding: or Dutch lap appearance as GENTEK Northern Forest. Con- cord, Signature, Signature Supreme and HMB; ano as RE- The horizontal and vertical panels, soffit system and accesso- VERE Bennington, Fair Oaks and Ami ries are formed from rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material. 2,3.4 Horizontal Double 4912-inch Siding: The panel is The siding is provided with a simulated wcougrarn or brushed appearance. The minimum thickness at the nan tao and at the identical to the horizontal double amici siding panel except that the exposed surface is apprcximateiy 9 inches (929 min). crimped-up standing flange is 0.040 inch (1.02 mm). The The panel has an overall depth of 9're inches (245 mm)and minimum material thickness of the exposed surface is as fol- alength of 12 feet 1 inch (3683 mm). lows: ard GENTEK Advantage Plus 0.042 incn (1.07 mm) The siding is available in s DENTE or Aurora d as RE- GENTEK Dutch lap appearance as GENTEK Aurora and as RE- GENTEK Advantage III 0.042 inch (1.07 mm) VERE Berkshire 2000. GENTEK Advantage Premium Soffit 0.042 !ncn (1.07 mm) 2.3.5 Horizontal Triple 3-inch Siding: This panel is similar GENTEK Advantage Economy Soffit 0.040 Inch (1.02 mm) to the honzomal double :i-inch siding panel except that the ex- GENTEK Northern Forest 0.044 inch (1.12 mm) Dosed surface simulates three:, 3-inch 176 mm)mernbers for GEP7TEK Signature O.Oa6 incn (1.17 nim) an exposure of approximately 9 incnes(229 mrn). "to panel has an overall depth of '10 /a inches (264 mrn) and a lenath GENTEK Signature Supreme 0.044 men (1.12 mrn) or 12 feet i inch f3683.rfim). The Dicing is available as GENTEK Centennial 0,046 inch (1.17 mrn) GENTEK Advantage,lll and as REVERE Somerville. GENTEK Concord 0.042 inch (1.07 mm) 2.3.6 Horizontal Beaded 61/2-inch Siding: 11111 panel is GENTEK Aurora 0.040 [ncn (1.02 mm) similar in design to thesQ;µ n (203 mm) panel except that the GENTEK HBM 0.044 inch (1.12 mrn) butt has a cove moulding type design to simuiale the colonial GENTEK Oxford 0.04.2 huh (1.07 mrn) ciapDoaid appearance. The panel face is 61/2 inches (165 mm)will)Dn overall width of 71/s inches (200 mm), The siding REVERE Fair Oaks 0.044 incn (1.12. mm) is available as GENTEK Centennial and as REVERE. Hen; REVERE Amherst 0.042 incn (1.07 mrn) shire, REVERE Somerville 0.042 irch (1.07 mm) 2.3.7 12-inch Vertical Slcling: The verlical siding has three REVERE Berkshire 0.046 incl) (1.17 Ulm) flat surfaces 4 inches (102 MITI)on center Each is separate[. REVERE Berkshire 2000 0.050 rich (1.27 Ulna) by a 7/g-inch-wide (22 nim) V-yroovr-. The panel ezpGsure iDO 12 inches (305 rnm), overall width is '131/;Inches (343 rnm) REVERE Bennington 0.044 inch (1.12 mrn) anti depth is•dhs inch (14 mm). Me panel has a stane[ng The siding must be instolied aver solid sheiat'hing chrnplying seam lock,a 1/2-inclh 112.7 rnm) butt edge and a orepuncned :with Chapter 23 of the code and must he ryovid ed with anailing tab similar td that of the horizonml 8i.ndi 2C:i rnrir)sn- weather-resistive barrier in accordance with Section 1^02,1 Ing. The siding is availaole in woodgiain orbrusned aupear- of the code and Section 2.5 of This report. The PVC has a ancu as GcNTEK Advantage Plus. Pay;,. 3 of 3 ER-2027 ?3.8 124nch Soffit System: This saffit system is the same or over materials other than wood siding, provided the rails as the 12-inch (305 mm)vertical siding.The panels are held penetrate at least 1 inch(25.4 mm)into wood studs. For hon- • in place with extruded vinyl support channels in the same zontal siding, nail spacing shall net exceed 16 inches (406 manner and with the same restrictions as the 164nch (406 mm)horizontally,for vertical siding, nail spacing shall not ex. mm)aluminum soffit system.The soffits have a brushed fin- teed 12 inches (305 mm)vertically. ish, in both vented and unvented systems, and are available Additionally, application of vinyl siding shall be in accord. as GENTEK Advantage Plus. ante with Section 1404 of the code. 2.3.9 10-inch Vertical Siding: The vertical siding has two Z5.2 New Construction: Horizontal siding may be applied Oat surfaces 4.375 inches (111.1 mm)wide, separated by a over approved sheathing, provided the siding is attached to 0.5-inch-wide (12.7 mm) V-Groove. The panel exposure is wood studs with nails having a penetration of not less than 1 10.03 inches (254.8 mm). The overall depth is 0.510 inch inch (25. m) into the wood studs. The siding may be (12.9 mm). The panel has a standing seam lock, a 0.450-inch installed r%&n'sOGd�sheatthirfig ich is 3-14 inch (19.1 (11.4 mm)butt edge and a prepuncried nailing tab similar to mm)or gii eater in thickness.The remaincar of the installation that of the horizontal 84ncn (203 mm) siding. The siding complies in that soecfied.fcr existing construction, includ- comes in lermlis of 10 and 12 feet ;30.28 and 3658 mm), has ing the •.v athervresist-Ne carrier. ' a crushed finish and is avarlab_- as GENTEK Oxford. j 2.6 Matedats:?____� 2.3.10 10-inch Soffit System: This system is the same as •-`--�-_-- Nails for aluminum and vinyl siding aye collared or smooth- the 10-inch vertical siding. The soffits nave a brushed finish, crank aluminum having a minimum -;y-incn-diameter (9.5 in both vented and unventea systems, and are available as mm) head, minimum 0.120-incn-diameter (3.05 mm) shank GENTEK Oxford, and leg lengths sufficient to assure the required penetration 2.4 Steel Siding: into the supporting member. Galvanized iron nails of the same sizes are furnished for steel siding.Accesscnes for the The steel siding panels are roil-formed from nominal various panels are furnished in the same type materials and 0.0172-inch-thick (0.437 mm) steel complying with ASTM finishes when exposed. 653-95, Grade CO, having a yield and ultimate strength of 2.7 Identification: 35,000 and 45,000 pounds per sduare incn (241 and 310 MPa), respectively, and a G90 zinc gaivanized coating.The Cartons or siding panels bear a lgabelcies one of the steel panels are rolled to the same confguration as Ute aiumi- company names listed in hisrresconcing ad- num 8-incn regular hollow panels, double 5-incn and double dress, and the e. rtons also bear 5-inch Dutch lap panels, and the 12-incn and 16-ncn vertical the wdr k!t"' ,i s B 1 -2." • panels. This siding is available with a PVC top coat finish in the GENTEK Slee tek, Universal, Steel Side, Seoudia, As- 3.0 EVIDEN 'di pen, Willow and REVERE Surfer-Gard styles.GENTEK Per- ma Finish 2000 and REVERE Cedarwood have a flucropo- Descriptive literature, material tests, design calculations and lymer fPVDF) finish as an 8-incn (203 mm), double 4-inch, reports of tests in accordance with UBC Standard 8.1, the regular panel. The Pelma Finish 2000 has a couple 5-inch ICSO ES Acceptance Ghtera for Vinvl Siding (AC37), dated style. The regular 8-inch or double 4-incn hollow caneis may April 1996, and the ICBG ES Acceptance Criteria for Aiumi- be insulated, as specified for the insulated tlanels under Sec- num Sleing (AC64), cated Jury 1991. tion 22.2, abeve. The wcoddmin surface effect panel is avail- 4.0 FINDINGS sole in PVC 5nisn and PVDF finish in several colors. That the GENTEK and REVERE Aluminum, Steel and 2.5 installation: Vinyl Sidings described in this report comply with the 2.5.1 Existing Construction: Wall senates of existing 1997 Uniform Building Code', subject to the following' conditions: construction must de sufficiently true to provide firm oacking for panels and accessories. Existing wall surfaces are furred 4.1 All walls to which the siding is applied must be to an even surface with 1-inch-by-2-incn nominal wood strip- sheathed with approved materials as set forth in ping. For horizontal siding, stripping snall be vertical, spaced Chapter 23 of the code. a maximum of 16 inches(406 mm)an center. For vertical sid- ing, stnpping shall be horizontal, spaced a maximum of 12 4.2 The vertical-and horizontal-typo sidings and soffit inches (305 min) on center. systems are installed as set forth in this report and the manufacturers instructions. Additionally, vinyl The suioping is nailed to each stud with cerrosibn-resistant siding is installed in accordance with Section 1404 nails of sufficient length to penetrate the stud at least 1 inch of the code. (25.4 mm). Where the existing wall surface is classified as an approved weather-resistive barrier by the cote,the required 4.3 Panels backed with approved foam plastic insula- aspnalt-saturated felt or building paper may be deleted. All tion are sopammM'from the interior with a thermal other materials are protected with asonalt-saturated felt or barrier in acgordance with Section 2602.4 of the building paper free frorn holes and breaks. The felt or pacer code. has side and end laps complying with ire coca. 4,4 An approved weather-resistivo.barsier, as set forth Nails driven through the nailing slots in the siding must be in Section 14021 of the code, must be'provided ex- centered :o permit expansion and contraction. Finish acces- cept when the siding is installed over existing exte- sories are furnished by the manufacturer. Existing window rior covering approved as weathor-resistive by th� and door sills extending beyond the window or door casings building official. are cut off Ousn with the casings.Old caulking is removed and 4.5 Installation of siding is limited to areas subject to replaced with new caulking compound.:%Jl edges of the siding panels and accessories are to be caulked at:•nndabasic wind cooed not exceeding 90 mph (129dw and door krrtlh) on structures a maximum of 40 feet (12.192 openings. mm) in height in exposure C areas. The siding may he installed directly over solid sheathing, over existing wood siding less than I.L. incn (19.1 mm) thick This report is subject to re-examination in one year.- SEP 30 2001 11 : 51RM HP LASERJET 3200 p• 1 �1/07/E003 18:14 ELS 909 319 9000 GENTIRK BUILDING PROD. ®002 a� rV pppp���Ta w.appr-vvppppq�—yya,pppa�'�r • � � JAL Jam.�tY i 6UILOING P90DUM UMITED 1001 Corporate Drive, Burlington, Ontario L7L 5V5 ' Telephone; (9051319-5561 Fax: (906), 319-BBOD Date: Jac.7,03 jJQ�✓�'+ I To: Whom it May Concern From Traccy Perron Re: Geutek Building Products ICBO ER 2027 Crentek Building Products has a valid evaluation report wish ICBG. Although the re-examin(tion dare lies passed,the starus of our report is that it is undergoing re-evaluadon due to some information changes regarding the aluminum and steel products. It is still in good standing, I have contact ICBO directly about the concenss expressed by a code official regarding the s7 acus of our report. ICBO confimzd that the report is in good standing and stated that if an individual ht s any C.nn nn�....t•ly.�.c=u:'. ""••"' C � .J •wu�ug e 14w� vvp VCUG-U Glew LI IL • 1C11VIl,Vi CUCIdaG��yyyyyyp�py�y�pNppa�uyyy PLG'I,1i :-��v-�ii�v.�iu7. i ua+u dLLd�11Gd AUr Yum 1LL1u11maoo a seGnUll In 1 I! q 1, addresses reports with re-examination dates that have passed. A� Also.I have included a leacr from Radco(an ICBG accredlted lab t d1Wtz tg that tfi;America's Dream product meats the criteria of the ICBG report. ICBO is currently in a state of change and the information that has been provided to have tht report given A current date is waiting for review.Because of the current state of flux, it takes longer than:tormal to have reports re-evaluated. 1 hope that chis addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions,I call be trached at(905)319- 5582. Sincerely, Technical Supervisor • SEP 30 2001 11 : 51AM HP LASERJET 3200 P• 2 A/07/2003 16:14 PAX 905 31.9 5000 GENPEK BCIILDING PROD. 003 [� A a] C IN pE.94l1ACE S • rJ1 APPUCATG N5 DESIONe A :!M. 01-S !Mc- 02M E,49TH 1TREEr LONG BEEh9H CA 90805 Fax 15fi2)529•x513 wnw.rikDCDi ta.nam 1601 Corporate Drive Burlington, Ontario 1-71- 5V5 Canada 4.5D. 01,0/113• norrin8il thickne s f .,_. . ...._ ?ar n Ir annversation tIll s mcmInq we understand that you wisfitb include a new F rofile to your n k r i i i lzw) norninai illi,�ne5o. Your existing ICBO ES report(ICBG ER#F2027) lists several 0.040" iu 0.030" tY iCr; Double 5 siding. Therefore as long as this new profile Is manufactured in the sam 3 location as the existing approved products using the same PVC resins and manufacturing process, no .. �_-i „..I_,r,,,,a. . ora annllrahlo to this npw D'Oduct aUWli�ual IcaWiy iv ,.y..,... , .... ......._..,.� .. . Your ICBO ES report (ICBG ER#2027)reissued August 1, 1999 is currently undo'further study • pending the addition of new product(s). Please note that thls report is valid and th s can be verified by calling ICBG ES staff at 582-699.0543, extension 3289.�,r� Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, RADCO —^'y''� Saniay"Jay' Mishia, Director Testing Laboratories & Code Interface Services n ltvri imenCxl!)n:sAX3�k new Dmhig.wd A • NliR3l.t�d ' .rnMniulY IafA.On20e CCD Qn nnn I 1 1 • 51 DM NP D I=P TCT ?inn - - - - a 07/08/2003 10:30 FAX 805 310 5300 GENTEH 3UILDING PROD. It 002 RESOURCES • APPLICATIONS DESIGNS& • CONTROLS,INC. July 03, 2003 3220 E.59TH STREE LONG BEACH,CA KIM Ms.Tracey Perron Tel (582)272.7231 Gentek Building Products Fax(582)5e9-7513 luUi Cur urdie Dlrvc .w .RA000Inacon p i Rl.lrlinnfnn nnfarin 171 SVS (;Anada email: nto(PHADCOi lc nom RE. Cullen! Gla!Q1 CI 4V4G I Ivpci—ils I Dear Ms. Perron: a1 •4 '�/'F l V tAv 2 a 2004 The current status of Gentek's code reports and the path forward err recent discus Sion is outlined below. BOCA ES Research Report No. 97-64: Current and valid, [CBO ES Evaluation Report ER-2027: Current and valid. This report is under furtl or study at the request of Gentek. SBCCI PST&ESI Report No. 9582: This report expired In August 2000, RAOCO is assist!ng Gentek as follows: The ICBO ES Evaluation Report ER-2027 will ke converted into an ICC ES Evaluation Report. This new report will cover your Ontario, Cjnada facility producing vinyl siding and your Woodbridge, NJ facility producing Aluminum and steel siding. New products and changes to existing products will also be incorporated In Once this report Is published you will have the option of droppin r It" •when It comes up for renewal, as your new ICC ES report will li n, 9. e the option of referencing any or all three legacy codes in your I e• ca y ur current products comply with the requirements of all three legacy code BOLA and SBC CI). The time spans for code body approval cannot be defined precisely, but a 3 to 6 month time period after submittal Is a possibility. At the present time, we understand that you are creating a cross- reference from your ISO quality control manual to the ICC ES Acceptance Criteria for Cluality Control Manuals (ACI 0) for both facilities. This is required due to recent changes in the general requirements for all report holders. We understand that you wish to add vinyl siding models to your report. Please note the your existing code reports list severe) 0.040^ to 0,050° thick (-34.,.04.5, T3, Se and 05 siding. Therefore as long as these new models are manufactured in the same location as the existing approved products using the same PVC resins and manufacturing process, no additional testing should be required, and existing test results should be applicable to those new product(s). The status of your reports can be verified by calling ICC ES at 562-699.0543, extenslol 3269. Sincerely, San)arJay" Mishra, Director Testing Laboratories & Code Interface .Services 5M/Sm 0'. M�RQA30A amv �ITY OF CUPERTINOO CITY OF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM b `� CUPERTINO APN# Dat Building Address: 11 09 ellzz Owner's Name: Phone#: klt G d r GZa e-- ,Z 3 '7 Contractor: License#: L� Contact: Cupertino Business License#: .Building Pe it Info: r B d Elect ❑ Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Job Descriptioq: Residential � Commercial ❑ Sq.Ft. Floor Area: V $/Sq.Ft.: e� Cost of Project: Occupancy G S�. Type of onstruction: Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BAPPLOTHER Other Appliances MECHANICAL BBLDGFEE Bldg Permits . foot BUILDING BBOILER1 Boiler<= 100,000 Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER2 Boiler> I OOK to 500K Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER3 Boiler> 500K to IM Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER4 Boiler> 1M to 1.75 M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER5 Boiler> 1.75M Btu MECHANICAL BCONSTAX Construction Tax BUILDING BCONSTAX Ind/Off/Comm/Quasi BUILDING BCONSTAXBQ Con. Tax for BQ Zone BUILDING BCONSTAXH Hotel and Motel BUILDING BCONSTAXR Constax—Resi/Mobile BUILDING BELEC1000 Elec 600V<= IOOOA ELECTRICAL BELEC1001 Elec 600V> 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC200 Elec Svcs 600V <=200A ELECTRICAL BENERGY Energy BUILDING BENERGYADD Energy Add Multi BUILDING BINVESTIGA Investigation fee BUILDING BMITIGATC Comm. Housing Mit. Fee BUILDING 1 of 3 *CITY OF CUPERTINO*CITY OF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM CUPERTINO Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BMITIGATR Res. H6usinE Mit Fee BUILDING BMNEWMULTI New Multi-Family Res MECHANICAL BMNEWSF&2F New Sf&2F Res Bldgs' MECHANICAL BNEWMULTI Multifamily Res ELECTRICAL BNUCOMME New Comm Electric ELECTRICAL BNUCOMMM New Comm Mechanical MECHANICAL BNUCOMMP New Comm Plumb PLUMBING BNUMULTI New Multifamily Res PLUMBING BOVERTIME Inspection Overtime BUILDING BPBACKFLOW ) Atmospheric Vacuum PLUMBING BPCESSPOOL Cesspool PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BPFIXTURE Pb1g Fixture PLUMBING BPGAS Gas Piping System Fee PLUMBING BPINTERCEP Ind Waste Interceptor PLUMBING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BPLANCKADD Plan Check Add Multi BUILDING BPLANCKREP Plan Check Repeat Fee BUILDING BPREPIPE Re i e Of Fixtures PLUMBING BPSEWAGE Sewage Disposal PLUMBING BPSEWER Sewers PLUMBING BPSPRINK Lawn S rinklerBackflo PLUMBING BPSTORM Storm/Rain Water PLUMBING BPTRAP Kitchen Trap PLUMBING BPVENT Alt of Drain &Vent PLUMBING BPWATER histall/Alter Water Pie PLUMBING BPWHEATER Water HeaterNent PLUMBING BPWSVCS Main Water Service PLUMBING BREINSPECT Reinspection Fee BUILDING BREMACOVER A/C Unit> 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMAIltHAN A/C Units <= 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMAPPLI Appliance Install MECHANICAL BREMBUSWAY Remodel Busways ELECTRICAL BREMFIXT Lighting Fixtures ELECTRICAL BREMFURN Relocation of Furnace MECHANICAL BREMFURNOV Relo Furnace> I OK btu MECHANICAL BREMHEAT Heater Installation MECHANICAL BREMINHOOD Installation of Hood MECHANICAL BREMMISC Misc Apparatus ELECTRICAL BREMNRAPP Rem Non-Res Appliance ELECTRICAL BREMPOLE I Pole/Platform Fixture ELECTRICAL BREMPOWER Power Device/Apparatus ELECTRICAL 2of3 WITY OF CUPERTINO* CUPEYOF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM QuantityFee ID Fee Description Fee Group BREMRECEPT Rc tl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BREMRELOCA Relocation of Hood MECHANICAL BREMREPALT Repair/Alter Heating MECHANICAL BREMRESAPP Remodel Res Appliance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Add Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS Remodel Signs, Marquee ELECTRICAL BREMTHEATR Theatrical Lighting Fix ELECTRICAL BREMVENFAN Vent Fan Single Duct MECHANICAL BREMVENSYS Ventilation Systems MECHANICAL BSC BLVD Scb Specific Plan BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILDING j BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSPECIAL Special Insection BUILDING t BSWIM Swimming Pool BUILDING BTEMP Temporary Power ELECTRICAL BTEMPPERM Temporary Bldg Permit BUILDING BTEMPSVCS Temp Dist Svcs ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILDING ELECTRIC Electrical sq foot ELECTRICAL EPERMITFEE Elec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL MPERMFEE Mechanicals . foot MECHANICAL MPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICAL PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issuance PLUMBING PPLBG Plumbing Fee sq foot PLUMBING ZADDCHG Address Chane BUILDING BMISCELL Buildin2 Mise Fees BUILDING • 3 of 3 CITY OF CUPERTINOC()NTRACTOR TNk'O,RMA."�IpN >; BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT „ .,. „ . . ... ;., . BUILDING ADDRESS: K DESIGNERS PERMIT NOO 4010114 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (916) 631-9300 ARCHITELTIENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 nee, LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description F^� 1 hereby affirm the,learn liceion nsed under,proviss oOQSCTIp f Chapter 9(commencing full r. ] )ofDivixion3of the Busingfis�n4Prufcssinna Codc endmyliccnxis <n mfmlm LJ (j (p VYNLE SIDING Licen I Lleg PIN.ALEO CF,❑ Date t Contractor RN ARCHITECTS DECL ON 01 �v W u 1 understand my plans shall M used as m records FEB 2 3 0!2Licensed Professional 2004 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ay 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor'&License Law for,he BV��D' p O following reason.(Section'7031.3, ss031.5,Busineand Professions Code:Any city or cou dy E� which requires a permit to construe,,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure zi prier to its issuance.also requires the applicant for such Pendiuo file a signed statement < that he is licensed pursmnlaothe previsions Ofthe Contractor's UccnwLaw(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation zp (commencing with Section 9000)of Division 3 of the ad ms and Professions code)or s. $ that he is eethe exempt therefrom and buffs for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of 3 GulI4ft''lli 0 Occupancy Type net mom Nan five hundred dollars ❑E u owner of the property,tar my employcee with wages u,heir sole compensatlan, will do the work,and Ne structure isnot intended or offered formic(Sec.7w,Buaimm Required Inspections and Professions Cade:The Convectors License Law does not apply m in owner of q p property who builds or improves themon.and who does such work himself or through his own employees,provided Na,such improvements are not intended or offered for sale.If, however,One building or improvement is sold within one year of completion,t1e owder. builder will have Ne burden of proving Na,he did no,build or improve for purpose of sale.). ❑1.as owner of she property,am exclusively convecting with licensed convectors to - construct the pMjcct(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:)The Contractor's U. came law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves themon,and who contracts for such projects with a contractor s)licensed pursuant to the Contractors License law. ❑I un exempt under See. ,B&PC for Of,..on nor Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hems,Orion under penalty of perjury one of the following declaratiem: ave and will maintain a Certificate of Continuo self-insum for Workers Compere ration,m provided far by section 39W of the Labor Code,far the performance of,he work for which Nis perms,is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Imurana,as required by Section - 311 of the Labor Code.for the performance of On work for which thio permit is issued. - ' M WorkctLr,h((CO300m nsalio/,.�.psumntt c/a�rticr and Poli number art: �x Carts :JrS 1 C!x'L a( Policy No.: - CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This cation need ata,Mcompleted if,he permit is forum hundred dnllara(Slpl) Ice.) 1 earthy Nal in the performance of the work for which this permit is imucd,I shall not employ any person in any manner an as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of Califomis.Data Applicant _ NOTICE 10 APPLICANT:IL after making,his visi n.of of Excmptinn,you shc.at ,QObecome subject y the Wohero Compensation pmvit shal of Ne mad Cnde,you..at foMwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall he deemed invoked. ' Z y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY HIhereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency forte performance of 2' Ne work fur which this permit is issued(Sec.301 Civ,C.) WQ Lenders Name � ' 7 z Lenders Address U Q I certify that l have read this application and sum that the above information is [k, H cmrtcct.I agme,o comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to Q U building construction,and hereby authorise representatives of this city to enter upon the 6Wiabove-mentioned property for inspection p npous. (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmlem the City of Cupertino against ski N debt lines,judgments.costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against mid City U z in consequence of the granting of this permit. ti APP ANT ATION NDS ANO W14L OMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: Date 5 ER ATION 3'+G� Re-roofs Si re of Applic.nXimlacmr Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSU� Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building tacit (store or bandKhvallous material u defined by the Cupertino Muni'pal,Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Hca"and Safety Code.Section 2ss3zan All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yu QNo Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or device which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove huardous air contaminants m dcnncd by the as Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. net' ❑Yes Na 1 have mad the hanNnus materials requimmc is under Chapter 6.95 of the Califon ria Hca"&Safety Codc,Salons 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understood the,if lie building .. no no,currently have a mount,that i,is my responsibility to nodly the acupu,of the ;7 tswh .mint epdor anttor:cc fiforcupancy. Signature of Applicant Date l ` z Dw er authorivedagent , Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better