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CITY. OI«CUPER INO I ern Fx'a�xa A' " WNTR tCT,0yINFORMATIQN , BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT . BUILIVt4GADpRFSi KA INBOW DR PRO ROOTER PERMIT N0. 08030102 OW HER/'Sl7NLALME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE. LEE RAYMOND C BUN 2306 AMERICA AVE STE 7* 03/19/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (510)670 -1115 ARCHITECT /ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION job Description 1 hereby affirm that I am Ikehi M .mks pmvisiom of Chaper 9 (commencing wish Sccdon7IX )ot Dit on3ofdm Busin mdNofcaaiom CM, mylianscu PROPERTY —LINE CLEANOUT ACCESS IN SEWER LINE in full to= and effect Ucmac Cl. Lla.a r Dam mS ar _ CHrfEGTS DECLARATION rrEC I understand my plans shall he used an public records Licensed Pmressional OWNER - BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from to Contractor's License Law for the failnwing reason. (Sect.. 7031.5. Business and Prefessiom Codc: Any city or manly which requires a permit to cnnatnuc, , mer, Improve, demolish, or repair any slruclum our to its iss.ance. also requires Weapplianl fmsuch permit to bleaalgad summent Law 9 Sq. )~t. Floor Area Valuation Nu he is licensed pursuant to the pmvisiom of the Can.,.,, Ewan. (Chapter (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the, Businessland Pmfesions Cade) or 18 O 0 that M Is exempt Ihesefmm and Ile basis for the alleged ewnpdon. Any violation of �� Number Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant fa a permit subject/ the applicant to a civil penalty of not mom Nan Eve hundred dallus ISM 3 6 6110 3 5 Luowrcrof tie Napery, employes wagesastheir tale10", Required Inspections LI p Bvtian, will do Newark, and the structure is rolLice intended or offered Budsars an awnea Cade The new den .1 apply to ass and he Castb IoW does rot apply property whom paragh his ant damtod and who warehouser is pmpemywhobuilroiimpmwthermprove ets dansahende ' aar awne aal fatale R, that aueb improvements art not ear of ins. er. % Wilding is said within one year of completion. the owner however. Ne building arden buildtt will have to burden of staving Nat Its tilt not build or improve for purpose of of proving pk.). ❑ 1, as owner of tm am otdukucly cord a Ling with licensed cenucmn a p.pcny. construct the project (Sec. 70". Business and Pmin9.m Code:) Than Cr affiIDrs U. oawdesnsuchply ban ommar), who thereon •and, A .Tor such pmjecu wimacanlramoRU lleensedpuruunlmthe Cmmaelod who contracts itha who SANT La Lkerae law. ❑ lameaemptund essaa ,BkPC fa Nis Teases. Owner Dam WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 0 1 hereby affirm under parody of pader, one of tk following tied ears rtu ha mandwillmaintain. Cardfsnuaf Ca..laself -mm-fa WorkersCmnfsao- n,I.. u provided far by Section 3700 of the Lobar Code, far dm performance of tM work for which this pro mil is issued. 1(q I have and will maintain Wa k os Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for dm performance of the mark for which Nis permit it issued. My Worked Co )renndon insursnce r and Policy number, art: Cartier.,' r of cy No.: / g5el Z T! j cE Fl OFEX PTIONFROM OMFRS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' men acctm heed rot M complains lion permit Is foroahundec l do0ua (5100) or Icn) I anify Not in dhe performance of she wart rat which this permit as caused. I thall nn ' cmployany perm. in any mmar.w as m became subject m the Walloons. Compound.. Lows of Calif.rou. Dam APplicanl NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, afar making this Ccnificam of Exemption. you should become subject to the Workels Compensation provisions of Me labor Code, you muss forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shell be domed naked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby ecru.. Nat meta is construction agency for the performance of " 30 7. Civ. NC work for which Ibex permit i5 issund (Sao J09'1, Civ. C) s Lander, Name ' � handers Address " 1 century Nat I have read this application arts sao that dm above information is cancer. l agree to comply with all city and county unOnances and sure laws ne ung an building consuuction, and hereby authorise mpresemaives of Nis city to enter upon hoc s1 ahbvemcmimncs property for inspection pursues. (we) agree m save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupaniaa against set pert s may in anyway ettme againilsds City Z incolum,)udgmf thecmuandof thisesanil. 7 A APPLICANT ncc UNDERSTANDS or this pc WILL APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. JJ O[l Re -roofs Type of Roof Signature of Apphcxm/Caannfncmr I DO, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applleut or forum building oaupantnore or handle bac rdom mammal as &food by th Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.13. and the Health and Safety Code. Section 25532(a)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes ON. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will due applicant or future building accrual. use equipment a devices which a hmvdnas air contaminants an defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. rsain7 ❑Yes •QN. I have mad the hao rdaus mmcrialsrequimmcns under Chapmrh.95 of the Califar. nia Health ✓E Safcty Coek, Sec9om25505, 35533 and 25534.1 understand tutifNe building does not cuncntly have a mmm, Nat it u my responslhllity m Way the occupsnt of the noun, vwh .mlemet .rmiuuma aCchtreamoft up2ycy Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better 8wner a amhansad agW( m E CITY OF CUPERTINO 4 ITEMS OF 4 PERMIT RECEIPT Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ........: 36611035.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 03/19/2008 RECEIPT #.........: BS000004198 REFERENCE ID # ...: 08030102 SITE ADDRESS .....: 7622 RAINBOW DR SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ......: OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 METHOD OF PAYMENT -- --- CREDIT CARD TOTAL RECEIPT : AMOUNT --------------- 204.46 --------------- 204.46 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION --- -- -- --------------- --------- 106 SEWER & WATER 507 FINAL PLUMBING REFERENCE NUMBER VISA VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -- --------------- --------- ---- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING OWNER ............: LEE RAYMOND C BUN ADDRESS ..........: 7622 RAINBOW DR CITY /STATE /ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, 95014 -5247 RECEIVED FROM ....: ISIDRO G CORONADO CONTRACTOR .......: JIN OH DBA PRO ROOTER INC LIC # 24097 COMPANY ..........: PRO ROOTER ADDRESS ..........: 2306 AMERICA AVE STE 7 - CITY /STATE /ZIP ...: HAYWARD, CA 94541 TELEPHONE ........: (510)670 -1115 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD -TO -DT THIS REC NEW BAL - --- - -- - -- 1BSEISMICR -- ----- - - -- -- --- - -- - - -- VALUATION 1,800.00 --- -- -- - -- - -- - - - 0.50 .0.00 - - -- ---- - - -- -- 0.50 --- - -- ---- 0.00 1PPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 1PPRSEWG UNITS 1.00 122.38 0.00 122.38 0.00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT --- - - - - - -- ---- - - 204.46 - - -- 0.00 ---- - - - - -- 204.46 ---- - - - - -- 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT -- --- CREDIT CARD TOTAL RECEIPT : AMOUNT --------------- 204.46 --------------- 204.46 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION --- -- -- --------------- --------- 106 SEWER & WATER 507 FINAL PLUMBING REFERENCE NUMBER VISA VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -- --------------- --------- ---- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE /SEWER/MAIN SERVICE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM (9 ko:� dloa, APN # 3(p ('0 // () 35 O U Fee ID Date: Fee Group , 1PCSEWER d Building Address: 1CPSS IBPREPIPE Commercial re -pipe per fixture P Owner's Name: Phone #: Commercial Gas Piping System 1 -4 Outlets r c 2 Cdfitr r: P hone #: 725.5 ©7177 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential P 1115` Oa 1PRSEWER Fax #: P 'Contact' Phone . ar/� 7G f c-21 y7 Fax #: Contractor License #: G 6b2,, Cupertino Business License #: Job Description: Residential [✓]� Commercial ❑ Valuation: d• Green Build ng Check list must be completed and attached to this application. Green Building Points: Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type 1PCSEWER Commercial building sewer /sanitary sewer P 1CPSS IBPREPIPE Commercial re -pipe per fixture P 1CPRP 1PGASCOM Commercial Gas Piping System 1 -4 Outlets P 1BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial P / 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential P 1PRSEWER Residential building sewer/sanitary sewer P 1RPSS I alo CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE /SEWER/MAIN SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description -,Fee Grou Permit Type 1PRREPIPE Residential re -pipe per fixture P 1RPRP 1BPWSVCS Water Service P 1CPWS or 1RPWS / 1PPRSEWG Private Sewage Disposal System P 1PCESS Cesspool P IBPWATER Install /alter Water Pipe P 1BPFIXTURE Plumbing Fixture P 1PGASRES Residential Gas Piping System 1 -4 Outlets P 1 BPGAS Gas Piping System 5+ Outlets P I 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Fee Issuance P 1PLMBLNCK Plumbing Plan Check P IPLMBINSP Other Plumbing/gas Insp. P 1TRAVDOC Travel & Documentation Fee B 1BUSLIC Business License B 40 • • Single Family GreenPoint Checklist date. ✓e / % •0? The GreenPoint Cheddisl is based on the venous green features Incorporated Into the home and is the basis for the GreanPolm Rated mogram. A home can be considered green if It fulfills the pratequishes, eams at least 50 points, and meets the minimum points per ratogory. Energy (30), Indoor Air Quattro Health (5), Resources (6), antl Water (9). Please contadl Build It Green for a list of qualified GreenPoint Raters If you are Interested In pursuing mm -parry verification. The green building pracdces listed below are described in the New Home Construction Grain Building Guidelines, available alwww.builditoreen.ore. Build It Greed SmanSnlutlom From The Ground Up lll n l Iri B. FOUNDATION Points Available Per Measure ' 1. Replace Portland Cement in Concrete with Recycled Flynh or Slag ❑ a Minimum 20% Flynn or Slag ❑ b. Minimum 25% Flyash or Slag ❑ ❑ El 1. Construct Resource- Efficant Landscapes a No Inadve Spaces Listed by U-IPC Are Flamed b. No Pram Species WEI Require Hedging c.75% of Plants Are Drought- tolerant Celifom ia Natives, Mediterranean, or Other Appropriate Species 0 g 0 _ 2 Use Frost - Protected Shallow Foundation in Cold Areas (EEC. Grid Zone 15) 0 ( 3 J. Use Radon Resistant Construction (in At -Risk London& Only) 0 1 4. Design and Build Structural Past Controls ❑ a Install Terms Shields a Separate All Fxtedor Wood- toConnea Connections by Mated or Plastic Fastansm/DMders 2.Use FlrcSats Landscaping Techniques 0 1 I 'I b. As New Plants Have Tnmk Base, a Stem Located At Least 361nche9 horlr Foundation D i 1 ^1 total n I C. LANDSCAPING Points Available Per Measure 1. Apply Optimal Value Engineering ❑ a Place Fallen and Studs at 24 -Inch On Center Framing ❑ b. Shia Dw and Wmtlow Headers fa Load ❑ c. Use Only Jack and Cripple Studs Required for Load ❑ ❑ El 1. Construct Resource- Efficant Landscapes a No Inadve Spaces Listed by U-IPC Are Flamed b. No Pram Species WEI Require Hedging c.75% of Plants Are Drought- tolerant Celifom ia Natives, Mediterranean, or Other Appropriate Species 0 _ _ 0 1 2. Use Engineered Lumber ❑ a. Beams and Header ❑ b. Insulated Engineered Heatlers ❑ c. Wood Woists or Web Trustee for Floors ❑ d. Wood I-Joists for Roof Rafters ❑ e. Engineered or Finger-Jointed Studs for VeNCaI Applications ❑ L Oriented Strand Board fa Subnoa ❑ g. Oriented Stand Board for Wan and Roof Sheathing j - 2.Use FlrcSats Landscaping Techniques 0 1 I 'I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ J. Mlnimizs Tuff Areas in Landscape Installed by Builder a. All Tud Will Have a Water Requirement Less than or Equal to Tall Fescue (60.6 plant factor) h. Tud Shell Not Be Installed on Slopes Exceeding 10% or In Arses Less than B Feet Wide c. Tun Is =% of Landscaped Area (total 2 pblnts) J. Tud is 510% W Landscaped Area (total / points) 0 - 0 0---- 0 ILI-- - - -- 1— -' 2 2 2 1. Plant Shade Trees 0 I 3 5. Grou Plenty b Wafer Needs (Hdrosoning) 0 0 ❑ ❑ 6. Install High-Efficiency litigation Systems a. system Uses Only Low -Flaw Drip, Bubblers, or Law -flow Spnnitars b. System Has Smart Contmllem D 0 p- 0 2 0 i 3 7. Incorporates Two Inches of Compost in the Top 6 to 12 Inches of Soil 0 I 3 6. Muleh All Planlln Betla to the Greater of 2Inches or Local Water Ordinance Requirement 0 2 S. Use SD% Salvaged or Pe dedLontent Materiels for 5D% of Non -Plant Landscape Elements 0 I 1 tD. Retluca Li hl Pollution by Shieldin Ft=endor Directing Light Downward 0 1 I I ail n 1 D. STRUCTURAL FRAME @ BUD.DDVG ENVELOPE Points Available Per Measure 1. Apply Optimal Value Engineering ❑ a Place Fallen and Studs at 24 -Inch On Center Framing ❑ b. Shia Dw and Wmtlow Headers fa Load ❑ c. Use Only Jack and Cripple Studs Required for Load 0 _ 0 1 2. Use Engineered Lumber ❑ a. Beams and Header ❑ b. Insulated Engineered Heatlers ❑ c. Wood Woists or Web Trustee for Floors ❑ d. Wood I-Joists for Roof Rafters ❑ e. Engineered or Finger-Jointed Studs for VeNCaI Applications ❑ L Oriented Strand Board fa Subnoa ❑ g. Oriented Stand Board for Wan and Roof Sheathing p 1 I 0 0 0 3. Use FSC- Certified Wood ❑ a Dimensional Lumber, Studs and Tlmbar. Minimum 4D% ❑ o. Dimensional Lumbar, Studs and Timber. Minimum 70% ❑ c. Pane Products: Minimum 40% ❑ d. Panel Products : Minimum 70% D 0 p- ' ---' -- 2 I 2 - - -`-- —� -j ( — 0 T 1 ®2007 Build It Green Single Family Grampian) Chodi ist 2007 Version Page 1 of 4 H. HMATINO VENTHATION A AIR CONDITIONING Points Available Per Measure 1. Design and Install HVAC System to ACCA Manuel J, D. and 5 Recommendations 0 4 ❑ ❑ 2. Install Smled Combustion Units a Furnaces b. Water Heaters 0 2 I _ 0 3. Install Zoned, Hydranic Radian Hearing with Slab Edge Insulation 0 4. Install High Efficiency Air Conditioning with Environmentally Responolble Refrigerenu D 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ S. Design and Instill EHanin Ductwork e. Install HVAC Unit and Ductwork whin Conddoned Space b, Use Dun Mail on All Duet June and Seams C. ll Ductwork under Attic Insulation (Buried Duce) d. Pressure Balance the Ductwork System a. Proton Ducts during Construction and Clean AM Duch before Occupancy 0 D 3 _ _ 1 T 1 D D 0 El S. Install High Effinancy HVAC Fltar (MERV S+ ) 0 3 ❑ 7. Dent Install Fireplace or Install Sealed Gas Fireplaces with Efficiency Rating Not Las Than so% using CSA Standards 0 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ a. Instill Effective Exhaust Systems in BClhraenw and l(ichens e. Install ENERGY STAR Bathroom Fang Varied to the Outside b. All Bathroom Fens Are on Timer or Humidistat c. Install Kitchen Range Hood Vented to the Outside D 1 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. atell Mechanical Vandlaton System for CooMg (Medmum 4 Paints) a. Install ENERGY STAR Calling Fans a Light Kits in Citing Areas S Bedmoms b. Install Whole House Fan with Variable Speeds c. Automatically Contallad Integrated System d. Automatically Controlled Integral System with Variable Speed Control 0- —,D 0 _ I 1 3 ❑ ❑ 10. Install Mechanical Fresh Air Ventilation System (Maximum S Pointe) a. Any Whole House Ventilation System That Masts ASHRAE BPP b, iatall Air4o-A6 Heat Exchanger that meets ASH RAE 62.2 _ 0 0 _ 1 2 11. Instill Carbon MDnodds Alarmist 0 1 Total Points Avallade in Heal Ventilation and Air CondocnIng a 37 0 I 1W 02DD7 Build It Green Single Family GnsomPoInt Checldist 2DD7 Version Page 2 of 4 • J. BUILDING PERFORMANCE Points Available Per Messiahs 1. Diagnostic Evaluators ❑ a. House Passes Blower Don Test Ej It. House Passes Combustion Safety Backdrafl Test 0 1 0 i 1 —r 0 ] _ _ 1 1 3 2 Design end Build High Performance Holmes. %above TMa 24- minimum 15% Required 0 a_30 , ❑ J. Houss Obtains ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package Cerdficallon - Pflm Measure (Total 45 points; read commenq 0 S 2 Total Available Points in Building Perhometrusi =39) 0 ) E. FDVISFM Punts Available Per Measure ❑ 1. Design Entryways to Reduce Tracked In Contaminants 0 1 2 Use Low -VOC or Zaro-VOC Paint (Maximum 3 Point) ❑ a Low -VOC Interior WeIVCalling Paints (60 gpl VOCs (Flat) and d50 gpl VOCs (Non -Flap) ❑ b. Zaro-VOC: Interim WoInCeilin Paints Icy 0 VOCs (FleQ) — 0 0 _ _ 1 1 3 0 0 ❑ 3. Use Low VOC, Water-Based Wood Finishes (a5D pill VOCa) 0 2 I 0 ❑ 4. Use Low -VOC Caulk and Construction Adhesives (aD gill VDCs) for All Adhesives 0 2 ' 0 ❑ 5. Un Recycled- Content Paint 0 ! 1 I 6. Use Environmentally Preferable Materials for Interior Finish: A) FBCCardfied Wood, S) Reclaimed, C) Rapidly Renewable, 0) Reryded- Content or E) Finger-Jointed ❑ e. Cabinets (50% Minimum) ❑ b. Interior Thin (5D% Minimum) ❑ c. Shelving (50% Minimum) ❑ d. Doors (5D% Minimum) ❑ e. Counsto s 50 % Minimum) 0 0 , 1�- ( ] 0 0 0 I 1 7. Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish (CA Section D1350) ❑ e. Subflon 6 Stair Treads (50% Minimum) ❑ b. Cabinets It Coumenmps(5D% Minimum) ❑ c. bill Thin (5D% Minimum) ❑ d, SheNi (50 %Minimum) 0 I I _ 0 0 0 1 1 ❑ 6. Aftu InsYallatlon of Finishes, Test of indoor Air Shows Formaldehyde Level a7ppb 0 3 Total Available Points In Finishes =211 0 1 L. FLCNORING Points Available Per Measum 1. Use Environmentally Preferable Flooring; A) FSC- CoNfied Wood, B) Reclaimed or Refinished, C) Rapidly Renewable, D) Recycled- Content, E) Exposed Concrete. Flooring Adhesives Must Have 60 gill VOCA ❑ LMinimum 15% of Floe. Area ❑ b. Minimum 3D% or Floor Area ❑ c. Minimum 5D% of Floor Area ❑ d. Minimum 75% of Floor Area . 0 — 0 1 0 0 ] ❑ 2 Thermal Men Floors: Floor Covering Other than Carpet on 50% or More of Concrete Floors 0 1 ❑ 3. Flooring Mass Secdon 01350 or CRI Green Label Plus Requirements 5D% Minimum) 0 2 ToW Available Pants in Flowing = 71 0 1 M. APPLIANCES AND LIGHTING Paints Available Per Measure 1. Install Water and Energy Effich nt Dishwasher ❑ e. ENERGY STAR (total 1 point ❑ b. Dishwasher Uses No More than 6.5 Gallonsur cla did 2 oints 0 — 0 1 I Install ENERGY STAR Clothes Washing Machine with Water Factor of 6 or Less ❑ a. Masts Energy Star and CEE Tier 2 requirements (modified energy factor 2.0, Water Factor 6.0) (total 3 points) ❑ b. Meets Energy Star and CEE Tier 3 requirements (mollified energy factor 2.Z Wale[ Fetter 45 a Tess) local pmts 0 1 '_ 2 0 __ _ I 3. Install ENERGY STAR Refrigerator ❑ a. ENERGY STAR Qualified 5 e 25 Colic Foot Capacity ❑ b. ENERGY STAR Qualified a <20 Cubic Feet Capacity 0 0 , 1�- 4. Install Built -In Recycling Canter 0 ❑ a :a Ill Reeychng Canter ❑ d Bulh4n Composting Canter 0 I I • I 3. Community Design Measures 5 Local Priorities: See the Community Planning It Design section In Chapter 4 of the New Home Guidelines for manures. Maximum M 20 points fn suggested measures. Local requirements may also be listed here. 0 2D07 Build It Green Single Family GreenPOint ChecMis120D7 Version Page 3 of 4 Error description hem, and enter ponds avnose for measure In appropriate cauporin to the right 0 0 D D 0 D Enter descriplom hse, and anln puns eveEede for mourn M slpmptete cempanes to the right 0 D o 0 D D Enter notation hen, and ems puns avelede for mine In appropriate categories m the night 0 D o D D Enter tlaeopam ham, and ems polls waiese to mason M appropriate mtelpin M tln NK 0 D 0 0 0 D' 4. Innovation: List Innovative measures that meet the green bullding objectives of the Guidelines. Enter up to a Build h Green Checklists entl maximum combined total of 20 pts. See Innovation Checklist for suggested measures, usina the link to the n ht. _ Ould9lindin Innwallon In Communl : Este dawr 'm hen, and tenter 'nib na0ese for manure In am Categories to the d hl. 0 0 D 0 0 0 Innwa im in En . Enter descriliker here, and anls points avalsMa for moue in appropriate delegates to the right. D 0 D D D D InnmreOm in IAQHWN: Enter deacripam hen, and enter dome avalable Is maven in appropriate cataliMin to as 0 0 0 0 0 D Imwaam M Peoumr. Ems dnmiplim hare, and ester porne wapehN Is mire in appropriate olegarin to Ore fight 0 0 0 0 D D Imoalim in Water, Ents tlecnptim hse, end eon pone evalleue is mearre M eppapMle cetegoNS to In right. o 0 0 0 0 D Total Available Points in Specific Minimum Points Reouired in SD0oi6f Project Inds not yet met the following recommended minimum requirements: - Total Project Score of At Least 50 Points - Required measures: -A3a: 50% waste diversion by weight -71: 15% above Title 14 -NI: Incorporate GreenPoint Rated Checklist into blueprints - Minimum points in specific catepories: - Energy (30 points) - IAQ/Health (5 points) - Resources (6 points) -Water (9 points) 4+ 96+ 41+ 66 0 30 5 6 • E 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint Checkllsl 2D07 Version Page 4 of 4 __R PROJECT NAME M MINUHIN-111 Total Available Points in Specific Minimum Points Reouired in SD0oi6f Project Inds not yet met the following recommended minimum requirements: - Total Project Score of At Least 50 Points - Required measures: -A3a: 50% waste diversion by weight -71: 15% above Title 14 -NI: Incorporate GreenPoint Rated Checklist into blueprints - Minimum points in specific catepories: - Energy (30 points) - IAQ/Health (5 points) - Resources (6 points) -Water (9 points) 4+ 96+ 41+ 66 0 30 5 6 • E 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint Checkllsl 2D07 Version Page 4 of 4 FROM :CUPERTINOSANITARYDISTRICT • DISTRICT MANAGER-E GINEER JOHN M. GATTO MARK THOMAS&COM ANY. INC. .• RICHARD K. TANAKA DISTRICT COUNSEL ATKINSON . FARASYI HAROLD S. TOPPEL .LP. City of Cupertino Attn.: Building Dep ent 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, CA 9501 -3202 Subject: install Pt Name:Lee Residei Address: 7622 Rai APN: 366- 110 -31 Permit No, 080301 • Videotape FAX NO. :4082535173 Mar. 24 2008 10:33AM P1 SANIi�O�e ` +p BOARD OFT DIRECTORS WILLIAM A. BOSWORTH SCE JOHN M. GATTO YEA CURTIS B. HARRISON l�BLISNEO WENDELL H. KERR, JR. tiq CHRISTOPHER C. LEE 20833 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, SUITE 104 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 9501 x2184 (400) 2857071 PHONE . (408) 2835 173 FAX www.cupertinosanitarydistrict.com File: CuSD ••• MOP Building Dept. -- Cupertino Line Cleanout dr Property Line Cleanout inspected. No addit nal condido equirements by the District Inspector: Roger cantos .............. ' Date: ... 03- 1- 2008 ................... Sanitary Sewer Location: cc: Property Owner 24' R /pl 5' eep 42' Long S:\ WORDS \CUSD \l.P'T "I'f3RS \13UILDING DEPT LETTERS \CuSD 2 08—TV Inpection_080301.02_7622 Rainbow Dr_03- 21- 2008.doe SUPPLYING SANITARY SEWE1tnGE SERVICES FOR; CITY OF CUPERTINO, PORTIONS OF TFIECRIEs OF SARATOGA, SUNNYVALE. LOS ALTOS AND SURROUNDING UNINCORPORATED AREAS G C> J L 0 0