29467 _7568 Rainbow CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ILDING 'PERMIT Dafei F...LVC?l....................195-4?-- No )-.'.'-)440 - - -7-Xf------- Application is hereby maid fp" permit to--- ----------------------------------- ------------- T 0, ype..._, 11 ie�iis lie -------------------------_--- Building a----------- ----story, I o --a 46. ........................................................... .......at_.__---------. d...---414 Z to be occupied only as....Zte—a7z'Co ........4f --------------_----- in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-plan filed herewith. Estimafe&Value of Improvements, $--- 1+ is hereby agreed that the requirements V.- San Jose Building and Zoning ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jos*.,will 69 complied with. 0wner_'; ....f ddress.............................. -------------------------: ......... By----- .:-Address------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Contra Ag T F­o,rn 281 7568 Rainbow Lindsay tit RECORD OF INSPECTION Foundation-.._'-. Fra ------------ - Stucco------ -- --- - ----- ----------------------------- ------------------ ----V ---------- .. ............. �j ,04-