01040085 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: RUI LIIING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7390 RAINBOW DR ATLAS HEATING 010400AS OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUR DATE PHONE. SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O��O ARCIII"IIiCI'll!NGINMIR: BUIIDINGPERMITINFO 131.DG ELECT PLUMB MIaC m�,G 6 z N LICENSED CONTRACIOR'S AFCLARAI ION Job Description I Lerch,:dano ohm 1 um licenwd ,ad,,porvi,innt oI Chios 9 tconnucncing ��m^F twit with Se,tinn 9q o m Division Sot"the lluvinee.,and 11 te,sions Code,undnty(wrens, y`,, i.infnlllir`camlysjly.yt � REPLACE FURNACE K d 2 hiccnnc�/ ppGZC) Lic.N fW4 67 O i O Date y�/'��Pr C armor /J 3 u h ARCHI'IF.CI'S DECLARATION a yI understand my Plan,shall IN,used as public records sY u a p Sp I,iccnw•d Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION w=w 1 hereby off nn thin I mn esemP,from he Commemr's License law for the N Z< folhwing reaw,n.(Section](UIS,Bos nes and Professions Cada:Any city fir comm, E x e which rivalries a permit to construct alter.improve,demolish,or repair any sameare u, prior ohs iswance.also mgrac'maapplicant fursuch penia mama signed%fanner, mat he is licensed pursuanno the provision,of the Cemmenr's License low(Chapmr 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (Commencing with Section 7NXI)(i(Diviono 3 of the Business anti Pron,own,Code) ar her he is e`e npi mc,efrom and m,basis for the alleged Csca ,ion.Any vdolmion of sector 70315 by tiny applwam Inr a permit subjects the applicant w a civil malty of Colt more Corot file hundred dollars(55M). APN Number Occupancy Type Cl,a olaw, ,Lyn rty .u,I.... wtmwa ,collie,ane cnmpenamimr, 1) do old 11 ..:,v Inc rcnme it oat intended or tiered In."ur a(Sec.main. . Bonin,,.,amt erne Wain.ccs or iia Cornell Lie,m,Law,ansa not npyly w an . Required Inspections w r firh his o won Humes or impnwcs mown,and wen own,such work(ted or ,it through els own it-cvc,.e,. building matsuch hen,ovem,ms arc s„ire yesrm 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME clamed tor sale.of hawuilde the nuiave t fir imnrwawmt is xrdd within one year of - i,n,petwn.me owner-Load,,will Linoem,bumen of pradmg that mind nm bairn or 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING mpmvc Inr purp„se of sulc.l. Ousownnfthenn,ncoy.amex,wmmmw ,ivelycontractingwihceenraetnr to 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL Lw nnttmet the proje t(See.7Iw.Boo..and Pm(c„inn,CWC:)'rne Cnwraem a 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL license Law dor,nm apply loan owns of propeny won builds or impmvc,thereon. and who contnu't,for such Ili with a commchoP)licensed pursuant m me 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ITinme.cmptonJr Sc'. .II&PC(o,hismaw,n 507 — FINAL PLUMBING Owns, out, 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS 1. here',amore order pommy ofperjury m,e of m,following dedromicna:Cl I hove land will moinmin u Certilicara of Consent Ilivell:inanre for Worker's . Coo,punsmi...l Its provided fnr 'y seed 3700 of the Labor Code, Iia the ,sedore of otowark Inrleach oris croll is i.creed Cl I terve and will mnimalo woke,',Comp,nsmia i I,wnnee,as C,ur,d by Section 3900 of the Labor Code 101;the pCrfornrnce m aleee ww�ork I'or which this permit is orker Pit C,mon Can My WCERfIpICATInwNO (IF EXF.M�ION IRO7IiRS,arc COMPENSAr10N INSURANCE ^ Oris section need not be completed if the permit is for ore hundred dollars MAY I/ 200 D ISIo(p or Ie".) L verify that in,he performance of the work for which this permit i,ismed,I D shall nut anplo,e any fiction in any manner situ' as to bome,object to the Workers /A/A Compensation Lows nfcnlifraii.Date �r■�r�1 Applicant NOI'ICI;'f0 APVLICA N 11;after making this Cendwate of INcinption,you should bccnnm subject onthe Worker's Compensation provisions til the Lnb,r Code,Ynu onto 0 fonbwit,Comply wi0t-old,povi,iuns or this penult mall fie deenud revoked. FCONS T RUCTION LENDING AGENCY a ' I horcby atlirm m:r d,co,is n eno,bunnit lending agency for he pe ornuancc or work I”wh'mh(his Imnnit is issued Nee.3097.Ci¢C., Q Lcuda't Naim - .7 z Lcuder's Address U C I certify that I have reed this application and state that the aM,ve information is W. '. emmct.1 agree n,comply all all city and army ordinances and,tate laws relating _ f, to building construction.and hereby aurhnriaerepresentatives of match,b,carer upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. 0. (WC)agree to save.indemnify and keep lmraless the City of Cupcnino against to liabilities,judgrtmms,co,n and expenws%4y may in Cop way avenue ugain.n said U Z City in conwluencc of the granting of oho tit. APPLICA 'I'UNDERSTANDS AND L COMPLY WI'm ALL Nf.-POI r Issuedb , Date /e SOU ifiULAfil Z/// li%n,nIns �1110/. Re-roofs Z IN) fATERIALS DISCLOSURI: Will me apnli,mI r l ilding«capant ani or handle h:,ml material Type of oaf is defined by the Cre .fun ipul Coda.Chan¢'212,n id the IEeahb and Safety - Code.Section 255321;07 0W, No All ro fs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will lie a,fl".letmmmmbuffing 0,cnpam alecgrdpnam m ceedscsweill, If it roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Call b:vanlnux air Conumanunts is def red by the Bay Area An puAk,y Mamusmmem Darned all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with El Yes ElNo all non-point source regulations. 1 have read the huaadam materials requirenmmv under Chapter A 95 of the Calilinam Health&Safety Code,Senior 25505.2553)and 25531 1 understand that if the building dins not currently have a tenant,that it is my marymslblllry nu notify the occupant of the n'quilements which must be met prior In issuuaa,of a Cenifcate of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date Owner is,..Iliiced agent Date All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better OFFICE