29722APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING . ELECTR BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHAI BUILDING PROJECT IDBN9 BUILDING ADDRESS: 2.1.7 29722 OFFICE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO, ADDRESS: "7ct(313 CONTACT: PHONE: ❑ Consultant FccS Paid by Applicant (Initial) BUILDING PERMIT INFO FP B MECH yCy11aZ FWB �UZFU Q i ' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby am That 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 700(fof Division 3oRhe Businessund Podfisoons Cohl.and my licence is in roll force and ellen. License class Le.M Date - Contracto Contract... QTY. ELECTRIC PERM IT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION BUIDEN IAL DDITWI. El KITCHEN REMODEL AION ❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MULTI.UNIT []STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS 0 INTERIOR ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT [I BATH RETtIODEURF.PAIR El DEMOLITION ❑ OTHI7R PERMIT ISSUANCE ES APPLIANC-RISIDP,NTIAL ARCHITECTS DECLARATION IZOy> q Iunderstnnd my pl:ms shall housed as pnhlicrccnNs OZ'S —Licensed! PANELS - UP TO 200 AMPS F � t Professional Yry OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION O w U I hereby affirm that I ant exempt from the Corrosion,', License Law for the O d U following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Cale: Any city or county pF- which reyvires n permit to eo earau,,ler, improve, demolish, or repair any suvaurc ' N priorm its issuance. ukw reynires Ne xpplicam fortand,n outto lilensi,mol stonmma Si that he is licensed pursuant o the previsions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 ecgGO (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)Cc d ea that he is exempt (here@om and the basis far Ne alleged exemption Any vinlmma of N Section 7031.5 b on applicant for y y pp permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of t mom man five hundred dollars ($5110). pQO (]I, as owner of the progeny, or my employees with wages as their. sole comlwasatlon, GLGL�` willslomework, mad1he stmeturei,mu inumdolormffered fur safe(Set.]W4,Businua and Professions Calc: The Conaactor's License Law does not apply to an owner of 6.i property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such imprmvemems arc not amended m oll'ered for late. If, however, the building or improvement iasold within one year of completion, the owner-builderadwill have the burden of proving that he tliJ not build or improve for pun pone offside). „ ❑ I, as owner of the properly, um exclusively nmntmcting with licensed contractors to Consumer the project (Sec. 7014, Business and Professions CWe:) the ConOactors Li- rte Law does our apply tat an owner of progeny who builds or impro+ren thereon.and who common for such projects will, a Comrucmr(s) licensed pursuant to the Commences License Law. [dame orderSec PCfrt nt Dm 201-1000AMPS OVER IIMI0AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUI UMISC. 'TEMP. MU`FM OR POLE INST. - COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑TENANT [I FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT []OTHER POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETS -SWIrI'CHES-FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECT R SQ IT. SQ. FIT. FLOOR AREA �O E/SQ. IT TOTAL: QTY PLUMBING PERMIT' FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE. ALTER -DRAIN&VENT - WATER (EA) A VALUATIO P� ^C ' {„I WOR9aS COMPENSATION DECLARATHTN I hereby offinn under penalty cf perjury ono lathe following cheleratinna 1:11 Ecla unJ will nothainaCenifieeofCoroenunscif-inaurefor Worker's Curnam- s tion. a provided for by Section 3700 of The Labor Cede, for The performance of the walk fur which this Permit is issued. ❑ I have and will maintain Workeras s Compensation Insurance, required by Section 3]00 of Ne farorCode. fonhe pertornanm of the work for which this permit is ixsued. My WorkcY.+Compcnsmion Insurance Curtis P.1hey Nicy number arc: Currier: Policy O CERTIFICATE COMPENEXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION N INSURANCE (Thiasemion need not he ammpincA ifthe pemlit is fonmehutdreJ dnlbus (EI00) or IcssJ ICs That inthe ffn..al of the work for which this Y R the W. is nallrundo,,).Law ofC.1istm in an, Do runner an us to become suhjunn mita WorkuK Compete Z of Calil'nmia. Dec � O A licam Applies., PP VJ NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, Co making this Ciamas c of Exemption, yon should ah became subject [.,he Worker's Compensation ter mit steal of the Lalwr Code you run forthwith comply with such prrnisionsunhis permit shall he deemnal revoked UZ CONSTRUCTION LF,NUINCAGENCY D rat Permit3W7. ding agency rorthe pertunnance or U k for V. F tete work rat semen rots permit is issued (see. 3(19], civ. c.) _ OU Lendres Nome Lender's Address .fa I I Certify mat I have road this application and mate thht not drove infatuation is . Z) correct. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws milum,to U building consiuction, and hereby authorize representatives nlthis city to en¢fupan the drove -mentioned progeny for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Caperton against liabilities, judgmems,enstsandespeaws which may in any wayaccrue against said City in consequence of the grnming of Nis permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS VILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE TIONS. BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOF, AREA, COND. TSL FsT � �^ u '1�• TYPE CON 'RUCTION FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INCA OUTLETS LN.zfiNpOp CCy V APE GAS -EA SYS'1'CM-OVER4(P.A) GREASMNDUSTRL WASTE INTHRCEPTOR 11 GI31V1910N P13E5 -B GREASE TRAP PLANCHIiC SEWER -SANITARY- STORM EA. 2110 IT. - ENERGY PLL WATER WATER HATER WNFJJT/EL[CTR GRADING PEE WATER SYSTEMITRGATING SOILS PEE WATER 51iftVICli PAID Date RxeiptM NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIi. SQ. FE. TOTAL: TOTAL: BUILDING FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERM IT FEE SEISMICFEE ELECTRIC LGE PERMITISSUANCC AL'T'ER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CPM) MECHANICAL FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVF.R I0IXI0CPM) CONSTRUCTIONTAX Signature ofAppliciam'Concragoli J Dam HAZAR S MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building oecupout store or handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and Be Health and Safety Gee Section 2553200! E] Ye. 6 N Will the to, corm or future building by the Buy A .At,Qunr Mieenwhich nit hazallous air ctmaminams as deRnal by me Bay Arca Air Quality Management �x iL ❑No Ne hmannoua mmenals under Chapter (.95 of the Cali - Safety Code, Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. 1 understand Nut if the currently have u tenant, that it Is my responsibility m maly the aecvpantems which must be met pdorto issuance ora Cmifcam mf Occupancy. EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT 00100,0(1(1 TIME HEATING UNIT (OVER Iis AS) B'TU) PAID Date Recciptk VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE: RES ED) BOILER - COMP (JIiPOR 100.000 BTU) TOTAL: BOILER-COMP(OVER If1,11(s1BTU)ad AIH CONDITIONERISSUANCE DATE.requirements ISSUED BY: NEW RF.SIUIiNTIAI. MF,CI I.SQ. PI'.ot anzed agent Date m TOTAL: OFFICE '""-` APN: SITUS STREET: SITUS NOM AVE.CT,STAD: N.S,E,W: N0# CITY: ZIP. LOM ID:OT TI OWNER: NOTTI ONE ADDRESS: IY,STREET21P: PHONE: CONTRACTOR: SAME UCX 29722 • ARCHITECT: LICENSE p SUBDATE: 2/29/1996 TYPE:SFDWL DESCRIPTION: SNG.FAM.DWELL PUCHKFIEQ: CATEGORY: DATED DATEDUE: Commercial CA sq#It CE-sgtlllg. CN-sq#lta: Residential RN-sq#ItO: E 400 RE sgpNq: 1-7 RUS-sgNltk 605 11 VALUATION: C ISSDATE: 12/3/199 PLCHKDONE: LATE CODE: BLDGDEPT: ENGDEPT: PLANDEPT: CMrl CTRFIRE: SANDIST: HLTHDEP7: STRCTENG:. TOTAL: INSPHOLD: F--I LJ 0 0 �24 7 L7- F- -I 'Z 64*44-nW6 w441� E • I t • •