S 1570APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO IRUILDING - ELECTRICAL RUILnINC nI VISION APPIACATION/PFRNIFP PLUMBING - MECHANICAL I BUILDING PRO.HiCT IDENTIFICATION I'EF�\]IT NO 1570 kJ ILDING ADUHESS'. ) ` SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL ONE [I o�oZ/SSG% e. ,ln• ��Cx-+TI nf7 ✓ � 2 VNER:S NAME: N OZ_ JPO asp Q CONTRACTOR'S NAME. LIC NO'. NIC ❑ rsfkCONITRRROLIT / V� ( e ARCH1TECr/HNG;ER: LIC NO: R:CAa_d Hiek TOhn a ADDRESS: ONTACr: PHONE: BUILDINCPEIiMI'1'INPD WaWal F�� W-+ <-U F Q 6 t Dm z0anzI az=o F4ttrl �dY2; a a Q a o, U W 3 a F* 1L O`er Q, i ❑ CnnSBltanl Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 131.DG'1{� IiC'1' _ PLUMB MECH A _VJ'[-, ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DEi LARATION I hereby arnnfl mal I .m, ba7rsed ander prayIscon+ of Chapter I) Ic KlIammins with t0(10O)ol Division 3of the Rmina+smad Podassiana Cade, and our license is in full mmcind effect License Cla» Limp Date Cen,.,,,, ARCHII'FC`S DECLARATION understand myplansehal III as Public ,.,ads QTY ELIeCTRIC PERMPI' Il?T: JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL ' ❑SI'UWI, [I KITCHEN REMODEL )ITION El PLUMBING RE -PIPE. MULTI -UNIT EI STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTFRIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODF.LIRE1AIR ❑DEMOLITION Ol'I{I7k I'IiHMI'1'I$$IIANCh APPLIANCF_C- RESIDENTIAL PANELS UP TO 200 AMPS lie,awd f ol'c,i( al OWNER -BUILDER DECLARA'130N I hereby amen that l am ucmpf from me Contrncmra Livuase law far be followingmmom (Section 0031 5, Business and PmEssions Code: An cit t which requires a t m construct alter, im demolish, or repair an ruucture 9 R p P Y' poo t t ,s - ld rc Rac.,licandfor such permit file a signed statement 201-1000AMPS OVER IfNN)AMI'S ti1GN5 ELEC1'R1CAI. SPECIAL CIRCU I'VMISC. 'n adE M y o a LLXI Isy H Z �• Q � � tail �' a that he Ircel,rd pursuant tthe summons of the Coal t License 1' (Chnpler9 (,aroma a. all w't h Selina 70(hr 11)'v'aia. 3ofthelb+au,a W lr l e'' 'Gda)or r me alleged exemption. Any vinhninn of that he i+cxunipt therefroand the hoes. foegeex m Section M1ymryapplicant Earn permil,ami is thoapplicam m a civil Niully of of more loan Five hundred dollars 1$500). ❑Las ew of ndfle, solvently. or nrycnsployee.wim Bredwagesfastheirsele 0-14, Business dos of apply to an o ax, is will dmbe sion4 and the he Cont is hot tors Lndede Law and Rnfesin, h Cute: The Contractors License l,aw docs not apply m h . owner of progeny who bn'es, lar impnrvcn Ihcram, and who Anes bah im hltn,dl' llemd f.. m of urn, for his awn employees, pnrviJnl mat inch imprnvmnonw are nal iycle of sale, If. however . the building or ltnprovemem is+old within one year of completion, the PIMP. MP"THR OR POLE INS' r. COMMERCIAL: ❑ NFW BLDG/ADDI❑'110N DEMOLITION ❑'117NANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑TTI III?k POWE DEVICEti SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OU'TLE'TS -S WITCIIliS-FIX'fURGS NI1W kB31D1:N'I'IAI. I?LECTR SQ PT. SQ. Fin FLOOR AREA 4/SV. 1'P rvhuilAer will have be burden of placing that he did no build to improve for pol, poseeofsale.). ❑ 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively countering with licensed contractors to O construct the project (See. 1044. Business and Profemions Cod, The Contractar'e Li- - 1se Law dale mat apply Enron owneri property who htdlds cr imprnvea nmmon, and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE whoeommclef ranch pr jests wllhncnnwemr(s) licenrcJprommann The(: .... ms Liceae law lam exmnpt der Sec , B & P C fa,hi, reason L]un I PERMIT ISSUANCEA mer nate ALTER -DRAIN & VENT- WATER (EA) VALUATION A BACK FLOW PRM ECI'. DEVICE WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION A 1 hammy amort awnr penalty of ge iaD ane arnte launwbt6 acehtmdonx. I haveand will autumn aCeniliam of Consent losell-imure for Worke-Canlpen- satin, as provlda] for by Section 39(X1 of the Lahor Gale, to, perfarno nce of the work for which this permit is issued, UIiAINS-FLOOIt,kOOF.ARIiA,CONI) er;E) 1(;S yf tiVf• rrIIIN TYPE CONSTRUC'I[ON FIXTURES-1'13RTRAP ❑ I have on.I will maintain W..kelz Compensation Insurance, as reyuind by Section 3100 of the Labor Cele, for the perfornence of the wad(or which this permit is issued. _ OCC. GROUP APN GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. 4 OUTLETS My Worker's Compensation Insurance anis and Policy number am Cnrrien Polley GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (GA) GRH!ASFJINDIISI'ITT. WASTE IN'I'I!IiCI!PIOk CIETTIFICNI V OFI?XEMPOON FROM WORKERS' COI' COMIiNSAT1ON INSURANCE ILMI .DIVISION PIidS (Thixecction nced mat he annplmed i(me permit is forone hmndreddolhfrs(5100) nr lass.) GREASETRAI' PLANCl117C I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, l shall mot employ any person in any manner so as to twearm suhjee m the Workers Compen- SEWER-SAMEARY- STORM HA. 2f N) IT. ENERGY 17EE O% Z h I^ ? Wforthwith aQ '7 z �"' (•" L) .Fib L)2 Indian Liwaof Califnrm, [)am Applicant WATER [WATER W/VI!NT/E1.13CTR GRADING NHP. ' NOTICE' 11ll'APPLICANT: I1: u0cr making mss Cenilicme of EmmFlin c you Nadd became subject to the Worker's Compensation pmvinlon, of the tabor Cat, you must nnnply with such pmvisinns nr this pem)inhall he JeemeJ revoked CO,Them RUCTIONLENDINGNGAGIiNCY Iharahy ufdmlmm mere ixu aortwmainn lending agency car the perlixmenec of mework In. who,(at, permitk Nunrd(SC, 3091, Civ. C.) Lender',, NameFAL: WATER SYSr,E /I HEATING SOILS ItiE WATER SERVICE PAID Uule kccci H NEW RESIDENTIAL I'LMH, SQ, FL Lender'+Addms.+ T(TI'AL: BUILDING FEE ge 1 certify that 1 have read this application and state that the above inlimmmum is correct. l agree to comply with all city and amnfy ordinances andvme laws relanin"o, mildia,comwclien, and herehy mnunice represemalives alibis city mcomr upm the Ql'Y. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE H TCI'ITIC FEB above -mendoned progeny for Im,,c.on Purpose°' (We) agree m save, Indemnify and kelp harmless The City of Cfgmrtino against ALTER ORADD'10 MECH. PLUMBING FE liabilities, judgments, costs nd expenses which may in any way aecme against said City in asequence,of the 'ronin' of bis permit AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL FEE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON.POINT SOURCE. REGULATIONS. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCT [ON TAX / ` _!T�_ Sl mnac ol'APPlknnl/Cammnl Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST II00DOODUCI) HOUSING MITIGATION FI!1! H EDIfING USE FEE ) 100.00(1 BTU) Will IM1eapplicant mfurore hoildingm'c.... ,Tom nr handle hamrdnafnuisrial as Jefioed by IM1e Cupertino Municipal Cale. Chapter 9.12, and the IHealm trod Safety Cod, Salion 25532(a)4 HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 II Fit) Yes No Willilwnl'Plicanl or fuauc huilJin6occuptunnse nry'andat m'Juviecs which I it hmalous air cmnlamin us. a, defined by the Bay Arca Ail Qualify Maoagencm Dislricl? ❑Yes ❑Nn PAID [)air Rderiple VINILAT10N PAN (SINGLE HI!SIU) BOILER-COMP1311P OR IIMI,INN111'fU) TOTAL: B(111.ER-COA1P (OVER 100,0001111)) AIR CONDITIONER I I have mad the hazardous tocammaLs requirements under Chapter 6,05 of be Cali- ISSUANCE DATE" NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FC formal Health as Safety Calc, Sleflons 25505, 25531and 25534. 1 understand that if the handingdocsnor currently haveamount, thatit is mryod, cihilitym mudy me nauparl ofthe ma mmumnts which must rte the no, to iasaaaa of a Cetdfiate of (kaparc, �AA ISSUED BY: TOTAL: Owner or aumoriud agent Date OFFICE