DRC 04-05-07 Design Review Committee April 5, 2007 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON AprilS, 2007 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Cary Chien, Chairperson Gilbert Wong, Commissioner Committee Members absent None Staff present: Piu Ghosh Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence from Terry Brown dated April 5,2007 Correspondence from Mr. Gandhi dated April 2, 2007 in support of the application POSTPONEMENTSjREMOV AL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): Applicant: Location: EXC-2007-04 Amar Gupta 22975 Balboa Road Fence Exception to construct a driveway gate at an existing single family residence Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Ghosh explained that the application is for a 6'6" electronic gate to be installed at the front of the property across the entrance to the driveway of an approved single-family residence. The house is currently under construction. The exception application is necessary per the Fence Ordinance for an electronic gate. They are in a secluded area, but have no documentation to support a recent incident of theft and vandalism at the constructions site. With no documentation, they are unable to prove there is a safety need for such a fence. Additionally, there is a potential for all of the future developments along Balboa Road to have electronic gates installed creating a "gated enclave". The General Plan calls for neighborhoods 2 Design Review Committee April 5, 2007 to promote a "neighborly" feeling. This goal would not be possible if all the homes had electronic gates. Staff is requesting denial of the application; however, if the Committee approves the application, staff would like to include a condition of approval that will address the concerns/comments of the Fire Department. Commissioner Wong asked to see a site map for better clarification of the placement of the proposed gate. He had been to the site and agrees that the house is in a secluded area and that there is a potential for people to enter the back yard via the Stevens Creek Canyon Trail. He asked for clarification of the Fire Districts concern. Staff member Ghosh explained that the Fire District is concerned about the space necessary to enter and exit the driveway through the narrow gate supports. The development plans have been revised since the Fire District reviewed them and those concerns have been addressed. The current drawings show a wider opening, negating the need for another review by the Fire District. Chairperson Chien asked for fence height clarification; proposed versus the fence ordinance. The applicant, Mr. Gupta, spoke about the secluded nature of his property. He travels and his wife would be there alone. They have had vandalism at the construction site already and at night it is very dark. He stated that the existing gate at the bottom of the hill is not in operation and, therefore, provides no measure of security. The applicant submitted a printout from amlegal.com of what he asserts is a printout of the City's Fence Ordinance. A developer on Balboa Road, Terry Brown, spoke about the unfortunate contentious nature of the personal interactions there. Because of this, the existing gate will not provide any security for Mr. Gupta. He also spoke about how the area has long been open space. People resent the development of this space and can be very confrontational. He feels the gate is very necessary and should be allowed. A resident, Jennifer Griffin, expressed concern about installing electronic gates around the City. She feels there are other ways to make the home secure without installing electronic gates. Commissioner Wong feels that the application meets the requirements to satisfy the need for an electronic gate. Chairperson Chien concurred with Commissioner Wong. The house is very secluded. There is an established history of robbery and vandalism in the area. He supports the application. Commissioner moved to approve the application. MOTION: Commissioner Wong moved to approve EXC-2007-04 SECOND: Chairperson Chien ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: ;( I:)j-h. ~ jQ bl'~ Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC CommitteejMinutes040507