00080001 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: If UILDING ADDRESS. PHRMnNO. 15111 PRUNERIDGE AV ADACON CORP 00060001. OWNER'S NAME APPI.ICAI'ION Still DAIn HEWLETT PACKARD CO 2048 A CORPORATE CT 08/01/2000 I'IIONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 321.-8700 not A RCHITECTICNGIN1717 R: BUILD(NO PERNGIF I NFO n00 BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MRCII Ha� F y p LICENSED COMRA S DECLARATION r 1 M1crtby aliirmhan I ren licensed tootle,prvv>ionsof Chat J Iconvncncing Job Description OyFp with Semina 7lXXp of Division 3nf the Rosiness vnd l'mfcxsions Ccda,and nsy licenx —_ in full force and elf �s�a i:henre Lin.x 650720 ADDENDUM. TO LIGHT STANDARDS FOR LOT ON xo F Da.°-�—t=c2 I'S DECLARATION PERNLT, REQUIRES PLANNING PI_ANCHECKnRculrecNQNCClJ g undemtand my plans shall W used as public records ce rep o U,,ca,ul Profession:) co.a o OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby i ffmnbm I um esnnpr from the Cnnwclor's License U.for the 3< following reason(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county R a which requires a anvil u+conswm,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any srumum pa prim to its issuance.also requires the applicant for such permit to a signed statement �— that he is Licensed too,oanuo the lavasn m—fthc¢ommctors license Law Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 70X8 of Division 3 of me Business and I'ndesslons Collet or soul he in eaempl Ihercfrnnl and the hail Inn the ullegcd cxentaion.Any violation orSectior 7031,5 by any upplicum Iia a all nor nahie",one upplinnn u,n civil pcmdly Ill tat:mom than five hundredollart($500). APN Number Occgpaa)Lq@fte ❑1.as owner of dw pmpen,m my nnpNyres with wages as bell sale umnlara,m un. I . will Jo the work,and the nmnum is not intended or offered for sae(Sec.7813, IIIrCd Inspections euanets and Lhnfessmns Code:The Contrartnr.Liccn.e Law does not appy m an 31507043. @01 P ,wase,of property Who Wilds or improves thereon, ad.Im does such work himself .oirthrough his own employees,provided that such improvementt art not intended or offered for sale.If,however,the baiid:og or mmrovemeal is sold with,one year or 04 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL nnplminn.:he owner budder will have the harden lot'provins that he did nal nulla ? or r „pro', o"urp"`eorx:d"), _901 ' — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY ' ❑L. owner of be properly,am exclusively coavatlthg with heca.wdcoarmclor.In 505 — FINAL 'ELECTRICAL msmict the project(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Carle:)The Contmnor's License Law does not apply to an owner of pmpeny who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a commclor(s)licensed moment to the Contractors Liceme Law. 01 am exempt under Sec. .B k P C for this mason Ownm Dare WORKHR'S COMITNSATION DECLARNI ION . 1 herchy milr n under penalty of Pcdury one A the following declarations 1 have ❑ ve and will n tonin a Com mate of Consenl to .self-insum for W'orker's O Compensation, as provided for by Section 3710 of the Lathes, Cock, for be pet have an %the work for which this watimems ti issued. 01 have and will nm...le, oWorker h 'e Compensation inn ,work F as ayuireJ by Section %sem of the Worker Curna for parllatmmcc nl et work for which this permit is ssuttl.MA�Y Wp,�rtkc,r�'n Cutnpcnsation Inetrunce can let;mJ Policy nutnbcr arc: " Carrier:= I policy Na.: CIiRTIPICAf1ON EN NITON INSURANCE RWORKGRS COMPENSATIONON ('(Lis senior need not W completed if the prm,it is for one hundred dollars IS 100)or less.( I certify:Nn In thin Pero n Glace of it,work[or i �wh ch this Penh is issuc4l shall nal eminynw�l IF f elrsovijnrn.y) "'',jncr s^nB �ohvUsuM1lect m the Wndcn rcC Comnsmiu J o / Applmam N(sioCE'IOAIn'heW k:IL aloe(necking(his Cenin,of 1Excmpuod gnu should Q QWrome su omptotesuch rsnmpcnsvtion provisionsof the Lull mock You most hmhwit comply with such prori.inn.wr this prrmil shall W dcnncJ rcvnkcJ. Z — F = CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY ai } 1 hereby:ill!rm that them is a constmclin I lending agency fnr to performance W of the work for which this pemnit is issued(Sec:.30817,Civ.C,) 0 OI Lender's d ;Dz Lrndcr's Address V 1 certify thin l hme read his npplicainn and sw:e that the aWve information is coram.I agree w 0)IN%lib all City and county ordinances and%late laws relating V u,Wilding construction.and hereby authorize representatives or this city to enter upon the abovc-mentioned properly for inspection putraws. h L (Wel agree to save,indemnify and keep harndess the City of Cupertino against rn City inie.,j oag erice I f he and mining I Ic i which may in any way aucme against said / D (,J z City in ANTU D R the Framing D tis No CO APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NONPOINT IssDedb Date SOURCE R"GU TI 1S. 1'' sgt more ornpr:r:nm/Commen,r Dae Re-roofs HA%ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE willlhe applicant or failure Wilding occupant smmorhandle hmedouv mamntil Type of Roof a defined by the Cupertino Municipal Col Chap cr 9.12.and the Health and Safety Cade.Section 25532(a)^ yyy G Ye. dYNo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will denplgientnmmmmb,albngoeolnat;;.e eq"ipmemor devices w iich If it roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove mil hvJa.00s air snuouninnms a.JuGncd 1,the It,,Am.Air Gaudily Munagmnem •Digdc,I - all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Yca c(Na all non-point source regulations. 1 have read the hvardoml�materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Heart&Safety Code,Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand that if the Wilding does not currently have a major,that it is my mspnnsibility n,notify the occupant of the acquirements which most he met prior u,issuance or it Cenilane of °e` a"e�( ooa�).--'�r�or . Signature of Applicant Date O neruru thorisAngen Dam All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE