00010030 MIMn "W ire CITY OF CUPERTINO " n BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT 'CQiVTRA@TpO, R INFbRMATIO r BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 00010030 0 W NER'S NAME: PERMIT LSSUE DATE ONE: SANITARY OL NO. AR CHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH , LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION " 0o Job Description 3 Z �n F 1 bereby affirm Nal I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing " with Sttuon 7W)af Division Sof Om Busass aril professiOcu Code.and my license '^�z I.Li full force mulattoes. �t to I.i arm clan Lic.g FURNACE vb� am—Contractor. ARCHITECTS use DECLARATION —t r understand my Plain shall be used as public aartls I yULt 30G Licensed Pmf.asi...I V L '' S OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION y I hereby abrin that 1 am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the i00 following 2a.Wn(SCedUn 7031 S,Business and Pmfeaumbas Cade:Any oily or County >e 2 which lariat s a Permit to convect.alter,improve,demolish,Or.,I,any strvcwm pilar to its issuaaR.elm require lW applicant for such Permit to File a signed statemein that he is licensed punuent to the provision of the Conlaacmr's LiceMc law(LTapmr9 Sq. FL Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of lbe Business and Professions Code)or .. that he is exempt therefrom and ft basis for IW alleged exemption.My violation of Sector 7031.5 by my applicant for a permit ubjects the appllcanuo l Civil penalty of 33VNA14*er00 Occupancy Type not more than five hundred dollars($510). I,asmvner of Ne propuly,amy employes wlN wageaas toss role cmnpewtlon. will d.thework.mcift.wcture isnotintendedoroRe¢d Wasda(Sec.706s,Businrss Required Inspections end Pmfesaioos Code:The Conuac ,es License law docs not apply 0 an owner of q p pfoanywhobuilds orimprovesbiropl andwhodaosuchwart mofficarIMugh his ownemployes,provided NalsohimProvem within t in:not intendedoroRemd faasleer, build,, N.building aimprovementhmad withinane year of completion,Neowner- builder will have Ne Wrdcn of proving this be did not Wild or Improv for puryore of sale.). I,as Owner of use property am eacleaively contracting with licensed contractors to conssmcl the project(Sec.7W4,Business and Professions Cade:)The Communes Li. ea.I.A.dors not apply as so owner of Property who Wilds or improv thcmon.and. who contracts for such pmjccm with a contractor(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractors License Law lam exempt under Sec. ,B&PC for Nis moron Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury ane of IW following dexa mions: 1 bare and will maintain a Certifies.of Contin m self-inmro fa Wallace'Compen- tian,as provided for by Sedan 37011 of the IJWr Code.for the Performa...of the 10317',W rk for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Workers Comperustion Iuurance,u required by Section ofNe labor Code,far Ne pctformance of the work for which this permit is issued. y Workers Compensation Insurance artier and Policy number em: rtier: Policy Na.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (lTu section need not he completed If the Permit Is fa one hundred dollen(SIM) per It.) 1 arlify Nat in We penromtmc.of Ne work for which this Permit is inucd.l shall not employ any person in any meraefan as in become subject to Ne Workeri Compewtan Laws of California.Data Applicml NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Cer ibcam of Exemption.you should become mhjcet to Ne WorkerW Le Worker's Compensation provisions of tber Cade.you must 0,Z foMwidecomplywiNmchinowisiam or deice PcrmltshdIbcdccm.dmwked. zO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [r 1 hcmbm yaffirthat these i,.eco tion lealft.gency or NC Pcrfurmsma or a 9 the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) VJ Q Lenders Name =z Lender's Add., U I cenify that l baste read this application am sum Nu tho show information u II.(—' amea I agra to comply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws miming to V Wilding consu eetom.ane.Inde auNand eprexnmivaf this City menter no agathe abeve-mentioned proPeny for inspection pu poses. (We)agme to new.indemnify and kap harmless Ne City accrue id City liebilites,judgmenn,costs and expenses which mryln any way accrve against said City L)7, in consequence of the graining of this permit. Date r APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re-roofs Signature of Applican✓Contrantor Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building Occupant mom afhardlc hwardous material u defined by the Cupenlba Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safely Code.Schon 25533(x)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. [DY. ON. Will the applicant or future building Occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove it hazardous air contaminants w defined by Ibe Bay Ama Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. istrie" O Y.s ONO I have mad the haemmen materials mquirom.nH under Chapter 6.95 of the Calif.,. ria Hcal"Safety Cade,Sections 25505,15533 and 25534.1 undcnnand that if the Wilding does nal currently ban it tenant that it a my.,maihilily in badly the oceapart of tha requirements which must W met prier W Women ora certificate Of OC.uNncy Signature of Applicant Date Owner or ainham<d aSam Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better