06060261 CITY or cuPt RTI o BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ,w3xrNRMATION� waF BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE TIU TSUNG-TIEN ET AL 01/02/2007 E: SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH loo LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION C� O O O m I kmby affirm that I am liansed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description <, withSection7M))ofDivision3ofineBusinessandProfessionsCoda,andmylicenseis 550 ' ADDITION TO: GUEST BEDROOM SUITE, KITCHEN, in full force and effect. in? License Class Lic.4 NOOK & SKYLIGHT IFO Dam Contractor 'pp ty ARCHITECTS DECLARATION i k I understand my plans shall W used u plant,recoNS :.0 Q� Licensed Professional g OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION <y I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from Lie Contractor's License Law for the c D O following match.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city at county - e .9 which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure '' r ,¢i prior m its issuance,also mquorm the applicant(Of such permit o Glc a signed statement - a< met he is licensed formula to the previsions of Lie Contractor's License Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation eFG (commencing with Section TAXI)of Division 3 of lW Business and Profeuinns CtMc)tar $11-7903 45? that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicam for a permitmbjecu Linc applicant o a civil penalty ofNumber Occupancy mm more man five hundred dollars WWI. 31633081 M4 Pane Y Type ❑1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as roulade cnmpenadmi wilt do the work.and the swaum is not intended or offered for is].(See.7144,Business -- (- it Pmfessiam Code:The ContracwYs-License Law does nor apply'0 an owner of; _. _. ____.__._._-Required-Inspections 1 ._..._._— _.._._._._._ .......... Property who buildsbr iimprovet meiion,and who demsuch work himselforthrough hill ro _own emPlpyees;proWded lhusueh improvements are not ireiidWmoRved for sale.If,i tis�1' ��y,{,{. �l,y hC ffC.'t,v;�j�:`+% _7'�i: I, however,the building or improvement is.]it within one year of completion.me owner-, builder will Have the bane of Pro g Lbat he did not baud or int' for....•5 of salt) i I , 1,as uwnor of dw rt 1 ❑ sec.property, exclusively WLNI)CCnoCennV Li. ' Conswdnhe.projcn(Sec.700,1,Business and professions;Code:)no Conmazmr's Li. 'rE `„",i_Il•,_` ! cense law don not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves shereon,and I I who Contracts for such projects wish a contractoas)licensed pursuant m the Commences LiceveLaw: _. . . —__—...._. __.__._—_ ____ ____________ ___ ___.—____ __—._ ._.—_. .__ _—.__._II._..__.__...- 11.N! AFY NO ❑I am exempt under Sec. B A P C for this moon! L ... Owner. _ . � _ ._. .!!�'•'” _Due. 12 .0_ _._.._._.__—_-_.___....—____.___. fl::'"- W KER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - 1 can I. adcr penahy of perjury one of the following declarations: ❑Ih:ve and will maintainCenificom of Consenllo mlf-insure for Worker's Compen- �------------ - - ---- -- --� "----""--" ----_._'_.._. - I session;es provided Tot by Section 3]oO OLdLe Labor Code,'fm'.the pcRmons dus nof me ,•!mdU T)C jPri:-;,til ,.I work for which this permit is Issued.F!o: v.,.,n. ..,iciro,o am,. ...ca .,. ,:.-i �.., u; ❑I have uLd ell maintain Workces Compensation Imunnce,n mquimd by Section -:1 370D of die labor Cotle,for thepeRarmenec of Ne doikforwhich this permit is iuueel! �s ic41 My Workers Compemadon lasescc carrier end Policy numberart:"'--"'- CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION.MOM WORKERS'-_._._....__.. t "I a_m;:J irinrs`n'°t COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thumetian need not Wcomplemd if the permitisfmpnchundrctl dollar(EIW) or Ina) t - ,11 is c tt 1 c n'fv that line perB a c of me ark far h ch tins pc mit s CE 1 shall not mploya )personmany ma rte mow bciL sit cn to the Wo kersC pcnsafon _b;l "C. I' UGI -d ._..__..I --_. pint La safe if ma Da APplicai .:, I NOTICE TO If.after making thisC wlG of Excmpl on you ih old Wcbmcih i the okras Compcmauon pro Dons of the lahh Codc yo ung ,J.js4 ,. 11L�•t::. _..l __ ._.__.._ _ /)'r.'•1`tf, ti !` )c'_... _._..-.._. z Tache tin M ly Ih cM1 pre s n n tints perm t shall be deem d ked I c O .•. 1 151,1 u Z� 'I L •CONSfRUR10N,LENDING AGENCY lJ'•T �'ll>: L --._....—_..___ _..... __ _ .. ._. _ .. .._ ..___.._. herchyafrum thou the sea nsuuetinn lending agency,torlhe performnce of _ __. —.—_ .._.. .rt1:.I'•,.1�;. -1 E+1(.-rc _ Z � d¢w�rk(tar inch Nis ppnnl is isined(SCc.309]C C) Name O is dcis ,r� - - l ";•y -J.�t s h - lit I. ii'S . 3 z 3. Linde?s Address, - .-- - _. _ J O' " '•I certe o co have mad ll s opald too a d sum Thai Inc pave formation it I '1;o.'s' 1. H cdmcm.I agree to comply whin all city and county nta nancn and seam laws totaling upt"e �U Auimingcot.lood ionand hcmhosacion. representatives a(this city mLu ;,,,,U.1j --/ _ 1 - W ahovcm nuuncd property for Lm lsenam which m f *'1! r",,m,l.o•i t o-1; re m j , CL I_(WC)agree 16 ave,indemnify and keep harmless d1C City of Cupertino+ganit req I hditicif dgmcnts,case ticxpcnscswhreh ymanyway eccmcgainstsoldQty I J z inconsequence ofthe granting ofthis permit ._ - _—. ._ _ __ __ ._ _ _ .. _ . ,,T .. _ .. APPLICA NTS UNDERSTANDS AND,W L CO PLY WITH ALL ON POINT Issued by: 7 Date /^ ` �� I SOURCE R U ONS. - Re-roofs----- - P Sgnamreaf IcahV .Mono, -- - - - Date !•f't .n IL_.a •f V. AZARDOUS'MATERIAIS DISCLOSURE I n:.o.u. Type of Roof i •` ' -- thea limn'or future Wilting complain,store nth dl h amous material[ ......... .. az defined by line Cuperimo M n!pal CCd?'Chapmr 9 li 1 A the HCaIN anJ Safclyt i.L'1 L11 ', t Crust,S-tied 25532(a) •? a' .I° t h. r., -c,.x❑y i shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. „ g If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove `,Wil]the applicant i future building an pant use equipment o d cn which 1 i it he it a co uminanu as d f ed by the Bay Area Air Quality Managememl all new materials for mSpCCIIOn. Dst mss r. � !❑YCS 1a WAIL _ _._._�, Ilhavc'ma "td&SxddthCdCp 16.t het 5,2553ire ecu ndcrChapter69lifthe Calm, a Hculthk5af ty Cede Sects m255U525533 and 255341 denuntl mal fm b (Jing i doe at c rte Ily h vattem.1,11hal d u mspmrh111y in hour,the ace par of the p it mgmrt m etch "it be mel nu sugocc a niGcalcofOccup Signature 0_fApplicant Date r w s t rti aC m r- ow + morlae seal_ 1 t i =- - / Flo 'All roof coverings to be Class or better,' g,.