1780 10 X31 , . .., , _. Prune Tre' a LOT N0. 1LZ_; NO. STREET OR BUILDING PERMIT \ ® I UPERTINO (-e t,S 3 Permit No. Application is hereby made for a permit to, prPrt. a 1 _CMsto0FYjG11PrRT Nf) Building at above address to be occupied only as SF Dl•71g• Hml in accordance with Plans, Specifications ind Plot-Plan filed herewith. - Estimated Value of Improve ents,$ t �� Fee$ S oa v ^ It'is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and $ 'ill.rother laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Fj Cupertino will be complied with. Y Owner American 30ild Homes Addreso x 11128 _Palo 'Alto BY - Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT 'PhoneD —0(130 Approved-1 r tT BUILDING IN51'E t RECORD OF INSPECTION'APPROVALS ' FOUNDATION Z, .P7 12 I . , INSPECTOk O DATG INSPECTOR': L an kS .R D- TE SPF.'CTOR FINAL BLDG. 3 Z D TF PEC.TOR FINAL ELEC. 3 Z DA SPECTOR FINAL PLBG. SPECTOR , FINAL GAS1;71Q` 073-,— DATE INSPECTOR STC y ..... t 1 • r .r i; CERTIF.1CATE OF; COMPLETION - _BUILDING 'INSPECTOR S- OFFICE I'' a CITY iOF' CUPERTINO, f ti Date .. J J� ,: ,19f '�-• Building Permit The Budding Located I i2=G n Owned by .. �,! 'L.> • ��r 'cif,dr,�., .................................................... te Has Been -Altered) For.USe As 5. 1: �' .{N„ - r J ........... . ..._ ...................... - :.' # * �-" w J' BUILDING .INSPHCTOa • 102'4/61-500 r� State License 127278 T tz F w b d no 7 A O> Owool � � ry C IPI ° w N v Z M N _ CD w b s ....1 0. .I S O N T ' ND ry O- n I rt p rt Y 99 C o ro z oe T o 0 o • w y O C w m c'F n .. z ° o rb O) m CL -40 CSi n n s, � o � —t IXJRES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS I FEES I IUNITS FEES Warei Hcarer / Size Water Closets 1 3 �I Material Bath Tubs / _ To Curb Showers To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existin I Ig Kitchen Sinks Dish Washers SEWE BOXES 3 ISG Waste Disposals Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines Size I . Water Softeners Material I Bar Sinks To Main Drain Comb. Sink a Trays To Curb Dental Units Drinking Fountainsl III _ Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers I II Size ( — Restaurant Sinks Material �— Sand Traps II TOTAL FEES Urinals I II Fixture Fee Ir Area D�r-ainsl II Main Drain Fee 2 Water Leile—rs—j j Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Varves I I I Water Sys. Fee _ Permit Fee TOTAL TOTAL FEE RE OR OF SPECTION Partial Routh l 7 Rough Co Mete Final Z J ,Blidg. Dept. - Office Copy BUILDIWG INSPECTOR'S OFFICE Ip� CITY OF CUPERTINO Q Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. .:... . (o.Q 3----- _.� ' lumbin$.Final l ' � Plumbing PermitNo. �fl of No. L _f •• Owner or Tenant ------ Ql- ------ .L: - .. . -- ... .-...-.. Tract -------------' `--=--- - ....... ................ ........ Date Connected ........ ------------ --- ---- --- .....— ?— I Date Final ........ . - --- -- ... --- MIN --- 1RPLUBG ,F TO -sao111 7/6 -- .Z..,. I rw NO STREET LOT NO. APF�N,,�A FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ��--tt,��aaCI F CUPERTINO C (u1p Date � 'EY�( I�y� , 195�Z Permit No. r/0 Apoi fft�6, GFe,c&UPMT1V City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said fV1 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. , v Use of Premicec /'YP.z•--._� t� 70 ner '�� Address l . .Address CONTRACTOR AGENT S Approved Pho C- 7 (`n�o ! Lecrxtur. rHsvecma NEW RPL FE Es t;J Size Service Conduit.....1-.-/�-Number of Outlets...- --- -l�1 l ._! Size Service Wires-----_ . .../.1...--..Number of Switches---------------- ..I. . .....--. .1............ n I 3(7 Size Service Switch...l�0-�/:..---Number of Receptacles....----..-.1:3 (--� Size Sub Feed Conduit------h........Number of Fixtures.................. �0... .......... .. "� Size Sub Feed Wires...... .:.......Ranges........-------- KW.....-..- --- ----It ----- --------- -- Number of Circuits........::.....--- Oven -------------- KW.............. . ----- ;--_-- . �� Number of Meters........ ...............Signs.......... Transformers........ .......... ....... Mise.------ — Dryers..----------------..._..-------------. ./..--- ------- Motors--.. . Phase--- Permit Fee $1.00 1 Motors......------------ HP.. --------- Phase.------ --------- Motors-------------------- HP.--------------- Phase..___- -------- H P Charge------:------ ....... TOTAL*FEES �« REO SPECTION APPROVALS .Rough Wiring ���- }----- ------------ ---- _Fixtures -----------.........-I------....-----........--- OAT IN 9I TC INSV Finish Wiring � �. ECTOfl- Motors ---------DA-.-. --------_ -..----..CCTOR... .--.. _DATE' INSPECTOR 1 Final .� 0Oz.---I- s T-- ---._. DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE IFFIC17 " G� BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPY /gyp/ CITY OF CUPERTINO To You are hereby aujo ' to c n t th ELECTRIC service for 'a Owner or Tenant ....... .. .. ....:: .. .At ..... .. ..: . . .. . ... SizeofWires`.. .. --- ... ....._.. _ _ .SIS No. of Wires ._1.J...... Size of Switch J,O.�: '. Motor Load ....... ............. Voltage ......... ........ _ Phase---.......---.... .---._I---.._. Heating Load .........I......----- K. W. .............. ...... ....... Voltage Light ... 110 ._ .....New Service:..._ ......:Reconnect No. of Meters......J._:.....: Heat ...."_.......220 _.._..Three Wire.......__....:_Move Service L.:.:. No. of Add. Meters :::...._. Power ..._........... i ..................Move.Meter -.�.....:... ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 104 7/61-500 - t e 10889 Prune `Free Lane LOT NO. 109 NO. STREET ® L R GAS PERMIT CITY O ERTINO M1962 ,��a Date AUS. UG 3 195_ Permit No. CITY Or CUPERTINO Fee $ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes c and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v v - Use of Premises 1 Family Owner American -Guild _ Address_ G. ox 1165 I ' By Wilder & Jones Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone CL 1 0400 Approved PLUMBING INSPECT ? O.Z . N ° o n y � ryry ?n 3 v 11i m � . y y � p O __ _________— .p p : n J r -103 b"/ I �.wh,c J✓tfc',Ca.r.-� Lor NO. NO. STREET APPLIC-ATIONy FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CI FY SOF CUPERTINO F p 5 1962 d '. Date AU '3 1 1962 t96..... Permit No.�_ CITY OF C11°ERTINO Fees I za Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing bode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises r�QQ-�-^----�-•-/ �n Owner� a^ti .u,�.t,�/e»�r.� Address_ B LKA Aaare:5HEATING EEdofulfrZ{11rdt0nceNrso E. a'a48VE., CAA1PAELL, CALIF. ApprovGa _ ' ` ` I I I 'PLUMBING INSPeCTOa v n v n 0 W 1 � 3 m � .•t' JOTICE- OFFICE GAS SERVICE CoP1 BUILDING INSPECkRJS OFFICE CITY OF 'CUPERTINO 3 " To You are hereby aut e to co ect ASfervice for e ✓ Owner.or Tenant ---------- .. ... ...... At New Service -_ ...... No. of Meters .... ............... Reconnect Move Service, ........ ............... I .. No. of Add. Meters ._._ ..... . Move Meter ... ----------------- ---- -- - -- --. -a<�----..._.: " PLUMBING INSPECTOR 110 7/61-500