03010193Oz z� F� a� UC UC_ OF FLL a ► V. U2 CITY OF CUPERTINO 'mss^.'., "K r,,•. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: BATHROOMS BY REMODELING SP �-RMITNO. 1491 PRIMROSE WY 0,1010191 IER'S NAME: 1422 SARATOGA AVE APPLICATION SUB DATE FLORENCE SHENOY 01/29/2003 PHONE: (408)328-6700 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITTCI'IENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INPO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONI RACTOR:S DECLARATION 9 Job Description 1 hereby affirm Ibar 1 am IiceneJpppppp�der provisions Irl Chapter (commencing with Sec X))of Division 3Of1.a;j nexsandPo1 ions Cta1c,and my license in full Ra J cc r ��_ i�G7f'o��3 REPLACE BATH FIXTURE TILI 'NALEp Licmasc lura .... Dal[ C iRlabd B,M`3 AR IIITIeCT$ C1.ARAT�ON I understandmy planssholl heused aspublic records FEB 2 12003 Licensed Pn lcxsi... I OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the BUILDING reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and PmfaYsiuns Code: Any city ur County which re9uires a panni( to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit m file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant In the provisions Of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area ,s..rw $13Y40tion (cmnmencing with Section 7010) OF Divi.ian 3 of the Busi nese and Pndemmus Cute) or that w is exempt therefrom and Ne basis for the alleged cscmpunn. Any violation of 3e Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a Civil penalty of not more than Five hundred doll.. (S500). 1, as owner of Be, property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, — equtred Inspections will do Fire work. and line someone, is nut intended or offered for sale(See70x4, Business and Profession.. Code: The Committees License law coo nut apply to an Owner of 102 — PIERS property who builds or improves thereon. and who doessuch work nimselfbr through his bon employees provided that such improvements am not intended or offered for sale. If, 103 — UFER however. Ne building or improvement is stud within one year of completion, the mvner- 104 — REBAR builder will have the burden of proving that he did not wild or improve for purpose of sa1e.). 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed convenors to 106 — SEWER & WATER construct the project (Sec toad. Business and Rofession t Code:) The Conlracmr's Li- ectem Lawdoes not apply toanowner of property who wildsorimproves the¢on.and 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING who contracts for such projects with a cnntranurtx) licensed pursuant to the Cnmracwr'e 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL License Law. ❑ I am exempt under Sec. .B&P C for this Maon 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME Dal 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING I Family affirm under penalty of penury one of the following declarations: 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER El [haw and will maintain a Certificate a ofConsenttoseBLnsumfor Worker's Compel cation, provided for by Section 37(X) of Ne labor Cute, for Ne perlormancc Of the 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL work for which his Permit is issued. 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL 1 have and will maintain Worker's Cnmpcn t and Insu.nce, as required by Section 3 0 5 — FRAME 391X1 of NC Luton Code, for the pt'rfermanw the work far which this permit is issued. M Worker's Compensation inmranceea' ndPolicynumberam: 306 — HOLDOWNS nicr: 10YI-1v' PolicyNo.: 00 o0.5 307 308 — INSULATION SHEETROCK CERTIPICATF. OF: EKEM Pr10N PROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE — Chis section need of be cmuderMdtic rcrmit is for one hundred dollars ISIh(d 309 — EXTERIOR LATH or'e's) 310 — INTERIOR LATH 1 cenify that in the performance OF the work for which this permit is issued. 1 shall not 311 — SCRATCH COAT employ any pe.nn in any manner so as in become subject to the Workcts Compensation Law. of California. Date 313 501 — ROOF NAIL - — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY Xo IGTOAPPLICANT:I I. it It,daking his CcnilicateofExemption. You 'be.1J become subject o the Worker's Compensation provisions of the labor Code. you muss 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm Ford then, is a construction lending agency for the perIonourme of 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY the work for which this permit is imucd(Sec. 3007. Civ. C.) I.enJet's Name 505 506 507 — FINAL ELECTRICAL — GAS TEST — FINAL PLUMBING LendersAddrea: I ccnrcy that I have read this application and state that the above information i. correct. 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to nodding comFmction. and hereby anmoda representatives of mix city lot enter upon the 5 FINAL MECHANICAL abovomentioned property for iro,red nn purposes. O 9 FIN (We) since to save, indemnify and keep Went the City Of Cupcnino against City G liabilities. juJgmenB,cna and expenses which may in any wayaccmc against mid 5 N f 11 AP nwq NT UNDEA the6 anAND5this ANDrWILL COMPLY WITII AL}}} N N POINT Issued bye l — ' WORKS Date SOU .E R[GUI. 5. Re -roofs Type of Roof Signa uml,f ApplieaMcommeml Dam IIAYARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will Ne applicant or future building omuplum sore or handle Cargill malenal Icfined by the Cupenino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Ilcalth and Safety . Section 25532(arlAll roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. [:)Yes ANo If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which unit hazardous air conmmina is n%dcf'IrM by the Bay Arca Air coolly Management all new materials for inspection. Disoia/ ❑ yes Nc 1 have read the humrdnus nlamfials mquiremenLs rmtkr CFnpmr 6.95,,(tine Calif om- ma Hcallb & Safety Ci k. ScNn® 25515.25533od2553Y 1 un@rslunJ Nat if plc wilding ot aunendy have ¢Iran, Nat u is my responsibility to nMfy the rccupam of the does a.'. r,gpirentylat,wmrn melpdortoi„Oanaora�eni camorpanex Signature of Applicant Date Y/ All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better Irmm mwrimdagem Date