693 NO. STREET LOT NO. ® PL1CA(ITI_7Rs®+ lkc R .ELECTRICAL PERMIT JUN 16 1960 F CUPERTINO Date lc "� , 19�G Permit No. 6-1 r Fee $ �0 ;:� Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical 4 wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and .agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premises *«- a Address Owner �F 4�/ < NBy J 4�' Address "CONTRACTOR, AGENT :,/f' y�'�TI,.- -, y/ ✓ -Approved`7,U24 tJ//1 KVLi/ _t2- 34 ' .� Phone: ELECTRICAL INSPECISII NEW EEL FEES Size Service Conduit.... ...Number" of Outlets................... /�. .......... ..J --- Size Service Wires....... ........Number of Switches.............::.. .lar. Size Service Switch..... Number of Rec.eptac1es.:__i.:1_*, Al­ Size Sub Feed Conduit..........//........Number of Fixtures:..'...............LZU.. .......... .. Size Sub Feed Wires.............--.--.Ranges.......: .:..-. KW....---..--- ........... .......... .. Number of Circuits................... Oven ....I........,KW----- Number of Meters........................Signs....:..... Transformers........ ........: .......... ............ . Mist...._..... .....................---.......Dryers...................................... .....--r ..... ---------- --- Motors...................._ HP.................... Phase.._................ Motors........... ....... HP_....... ...... Phase.................... Permit.Fee $1.00 Motors...... ..... HP . .. _f-------- Phase.../_------------ H P Clarge... .3 ­---------- er's- TOTAL*FEES- ECORD .—INSPECTION APP VVAV. Rough Wiring% je Fixtures Ip T. Finish Wiring O.WT-4. c Motors . ........ ... . INSPICTOR ­JFinal ... ......... R DAT9 Nf PICTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPT �' CITY OF CUPERTINO , -4 ....... ... .........._...._r.......-........-............... 1 To You are here oli d to connec th electric service for / Owner or Tenan -_ l i j� /O No. of Wires .._ _ . ..... -:.... Size of Wires .......-y.:..-... 'Size of Switch ......_....::......../d Am fl Motor Load ............................ Voltage .........---.:................. Phase----------------f—........... ..... HeatingLoad-......................... K. W. ----.............................1 Voltage ................................ ILighL._.........._. L10../.. ew Service._ .--- Reconnect................. No. of Meters............. Heut..._............. 220. .. Phr i"s............... Move service...... No.of Add. Meters............ . Power.......... T e Ph/f .............. Mov .Meter.............. 104 2/59-250 L•LL'CTIi1CAL INSP CTOR