652 :�a' + R, .L STREET .t "i .- :, .f L 4xo. AP WIIyCATION FOR . ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO,e; • ' t / t Date'—• �_ _ 195 2 Permit No. Ur l ur I✓urt:K11 U - 3s _ , hce Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical p wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures,in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premi a Owner �4� /?/ CfiJ Address O Addr ss - CONTRACTOR, AGENT w .5 Approve Phone: ! L/ // ./��/ ELECTRICAL INSPBCIM + C/v L/ NE . W � RPL FF.tP.rr. Size i�7ice Condmt: ............Number,of .Outlets:�-------------- .�1... .......����.: I({ti Size Service Wires.....- ...._..Number of "Switches....._........- -A5.--- ------._: ..C✓rU-. S' t Size Service Switch..../A!�- --------Number of Receptacles,�.--------- ,�..:9. ..:.. Size Sub Feed Conduit.......::.......Number of Fixtures-'—, ..... I.//... ::-..,.., '.:1,.±�''_?'."�- i• Size Sub'Feed Wires.....................Ranges.............. KW..:.. ..- -- �..:.'.x - _ r. Number of Circuits--.---..------- Oven ,KW...: Number of Meters....:../...............Signs---------- Transformers....---. -- .......... ---------- Misc------------------------------------------------Dryers------I------------------------------- '-'-"-- --------- ----- Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase......----------.- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors......----......... HP Phase.................... Motors-----2i....... HP Phase------------------ H P:Charge_-------------- mow... TOTAL FEES . 1 r� C F I ION APPROVAIS, Rough Wiring.,7.�/. - . .. ----` - --- Fixtures .�/.1�1 .•.D-�...... ------------------ / I {E. TO �{ IMSVEGTOP Finish Wiring�// �___ otors _71000L-------------- _.. -1- INSPECTOR OAT IXSECOTDR �/ Final OAT[ V INSPECTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE, NOTICE 1 4 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ',--`'.v7.�;• CITY -OF CUPERTINO t{ �t 4 c-.................... % 196 To ^ ;: You are hereby authpreo0c onnect th CTRIG_"se ice,for,' ' Owner orTenant...:.,.. ..` J_r/ (�`l'C� ( . _. ...�� ...... No. of Wires .w: ............... Size of Wires ..�....., ._.. --- Size of Switch ...-..:_. • Motor Load ............................ Voltage -----------------;.............. Phase--------------- ............... Heating Load ........................ K. W. .. Voltage -----------..---------_------ No. of Meters-._� Light ..............t 10 V..:_...New Service:V..........Reconnect ------_-------- No. of Add. Meters .......... Heat --------------220 .:.........Three Wire.................Move Service .......... Powet /-� ee P" e..................Move Meter ............ ................. .r..............................--------------... ......... 104 1/60-500 i �,ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ,