646 10270 I ORTAL VE UE LOT NO, 61 N SRF.F. D A i N FOR BUILDING PERMIT '. 'FEB 24 1 0 clTr OF CUP RTINO (1135) Date =5 195_ Permit No. 646 CITY A,Ppfcat OURE RTI4' 0 for a Permit to erect one 5 I J i a story,Type .at above above address to be occupied only as sfdwl in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. v Estimated Value of Improvements,S 12.000.00 Fee$ 39-00 c It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. i Owner- Ali f1AhdNT7A..TTONAddress IIY i Addre CONT ft TOR, AGENT Phone AL_ Phone Approved WILLIAM D. BEN ICH BUILDING INSPECTOR � V RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DA4E / INSPECTOR FRAME DA E 'INSPECTOR' LAT nd PLASTER G� v DAT/ INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. pINSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. 6 0 � ATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. z` ATH INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR ." CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIOW1, BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO / J� Date ....._ -------.....:.:................ 19!{tt?.. Building Permit No. .!n.:L.��7 The Building Located j4.: .�. Owned by .....I , ,f:'.GtyG.ri....� �4�.f.��,u2Qr'/{.Gr ..`f� tt�!/ .....___...... . . �(Comple�ed) f3 l Has Been (Altered) For Use As: X �-��r _.................. _...........-............._..............:- . . ...................................................................... _........................................:.................................................... ................................................. 102 7/59-500 ! BUILDING INSPECTOR