643 LOT NO. D PATI OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT I APR 19 1960 OF CUPERTINO D 19�e"0 Permit No. �3 / Fee $ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to stall electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 4 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. IJ ' c . v Use of Premi c a Owner <Address in By Address - CONTRACTOR, AGENT t` �y < Approved Phone: ELECTRICAL INSPECTOI i NEW RPL FEES Size,,Senj:e Conduit----/.`/""-...... -Numb'er of Outlets.... ............. .......... ...... ........... s. Size Service Wires.........A, . ------------ Number of Switches....... ..... _/f. .......... Size Service Swi.tch.......ZZ-. 41..Number of Receptadc,s,,..... -4. .......... g"I e Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures_........... ---------- - Size Sub Feed Wires................ ...Ranges------- ...... KW.-----...--- ------*-- --- ---- /.�------ Number of Circuits.----:............ Oven -'-I-........ KW-------------- ---------- --------- -- ---------- Number of Njeters------------------------Signs---------- Transformers........ .......... Misc. ransformers........ - Misc.-----------------------------------------------Dryers..---- ------------------- ......... Motors........... ........ HP--.-_.-_-...._.. Phase.................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase---------------- .r Motors..,,.!? hase-------------------- Motors..,,.!?............ HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- H P Charge................ .. TOTAL FEES 1,/./,ZZ...-$V EC TION APPR Rough Wiring'- ....... Fixtures - *--- - ----- DA 08 ---------- Finish Wirin A*146- DAT9 IN PECTOR Ory* SP OR '} ( ELECTRIC 'SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE �Ct ..cger BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE L,,ti CITY OF CUPERTINO �/ ......................lv.-5............... ................. 196.D. To You are hereby aut ze to connect LECTRI1�Cppserrviice for . Owner or Tenant .- ..-.-' �.. .... .. ..� 41 .. . No. of Wires :5..//�� f - ------------- Size of Wires ._:........... Size of Switch .� Motor Load ............................ Voltage .....-- ......... .... Phase.................................... Heating Load ------------------------ K. W. - ---- ......-------- Voltage ------------ ................... i Light ..............110 ...41 Service'.v.._.....Aeconnect --------------- H of Meters .................... Heat ..............220 .........Three Wire ..._.............Move Service ---------- No. of.Add. Meters .......... Power .............. Three Phase-----.----------..Move Meter ............ :.5 104 1/60-500 'ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR