880 1 �(/p cvr SGC Cr r' ee nS 2 / D LOT NO. /V NPA STRB .,. ® O 19 /APP a LICATION FOR GAS PERMIT DEC " by CITY OF CUPERTINO r- 1959 Permit No. " " 0 _ C� srU N - Fee $,A -- Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes C and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof• and agrees to install said pipe's and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u Use of Premises /�D Pf' n Owner Jen Le J I rP!r Gel. p _ Address ByJ �, Jhfl� /!l TJ c� c.-., li'r aJ P� ,� Address -fm�. �' �• aJ Phone /'PC- GNTT7>'GENW Approved��fo�/Cm PLUMBING INSPECTOR �nz 0 o w x v w _ y -- -------------------- b o .1 � z s _ 3 A' : SERVICE NOT CE;� ' r)OFFICE R IL ING INSPECTOR'S ONICE\ _' may , rGPti CITY OP CUPERTINO .1 .... .......:......./ 'al '.:'' ..............:.., To You are hereby authori�ed to conned the GAS se vice for Owner or Tenant ..... .. ................. At New Service No. of Meters ...... ............. Reconnect .............................. Move Service .............:.......... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter .......................... --------------- -- - - .................. UMBING INSPECTOR, 110 6/59-500