01010086�oo mw— �H O< -C a Nc-w apace u�6u,N a600 es D y�= E Oz z 2- CITNO Y OF CUPFRONNO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10439 PLUM TREE LA BUDGET PLUMBING 01010086 OWNER'S NAME. APPLICI'I'ION SIM DATE JOHN PRICEN 28695 ROANOKE ST 01/19/22001 PHONE: SANITARY NO, CONTROL. NO. (510)303-7847 ARCHITECfICNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO BLDG ELEC1PLUMB MECH LICENSEDCOMI'RACI'OR'SDECIARATION Job Description I herchy IJErnnhm 1; limned under po,i,ur, id Chapter 1) fcmnmcnciny with Sectinn 71KK0 of Div lnion3 of the Busine,% mod Profasionx Code,:md my lurn.m is in fun force and effect. REPLACE WATER HEATER Lieenx Clan, Lic.n Utile Contractor Aucnn'Iscrs fir I.ARATION I ainmmtand my plana .non Iv u%, a%pamie recom]x ' Licen.cd Prole"iunul OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm mm I our exengn Tran the Confumors Llemua Law Oso the ' following reason. (Section 7031.5, Hu%inexa and Profcsiom Coe: Any city or county which rtquire, a permit to versuucr. alter, improve, demolish, or repair tiny %wmum 1. d t e print 'thelel tl tt such fl g tntt Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation lonh I it II,, he poo,olon, it11heC t f r', Li,eme I (Co-pnr1) f. ...... neroin, w',SWon 700(h lDivnova3 offic lionow, and In luxons C,xlm or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any vinlmion $615 of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora pernat.subjects the applicant u)a civil penalty APN Number Occupancy Type of not more than five humped dollars ($500). Ol.e, nwncr ofmbe pn,pcny. or my cmnPlnyec%woo wages us socio sole aonmpensatin 1, 31633084.00 Required Inspections rill do the work, and the nrucm¢ in not intended or nOemd for .to ISce. 701 1. Low does Bums,% and Profe,smn%Code :'Ile Contractor % License not apply m an ownu at property Who huilds or inlpravor there i, a I who dues such work him,clr employees. provided d, snet, impmncolens are ran imended ,, or through hls own empm 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY affected! forsole. B, mwencr, me building or improveraem i, sold within one year of 506 — GAS TEST completion, the owner -builder will hive the hmhou of proving that he did not build or tnprove for pmxw,or.me.). - 507 — FINAL PLUMBING ❑ 1, as owner of the paa,,r , am exclusively contracting with Recused enntruclors it, comwct the project (Sec. 70J4. business and Professions Cod,)The Contractor's , License Lax' does not apply m nn owner of propcny who wilds or improves thereon. and who amtrees for such projects with a .unlmcmrtx) Iicersnl pursuant on the Comraclor% 1.1n:me Law. ❑ 1 am tolerator under sec. . B & It C ter Ibis manor Owner Date AORKHR'S COMPENSATION UF.CI,ARAT1ON I hereby affirm under pcnvhy of perjury one of,hc hollowing decluretione ❑ 1 have :old will mord in a Ceniliene of Consent e, ,elf-inmte for Worker', �,• es p02 Conlpensminn, ax provided lel' by Section 3700 M the Labor Calc. For Tho • L Performance of the work. For which this permit is issued. . `G 0 have and will maintain W .. or', Compensation Insurance. as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Coln, Ibr the perbnmmc of the work for which this permit is V issued. My Worker's Cnmponsurn n Imumncn cantor and Policy numhcr arc: �� Can cr: Policy Na, CER9l FICAFION Of: E%EMPI'ION FROM WORKERS' . (IUMPHNSATION INSURANCE (Thin welion need not be completed if the recruit is for one hundred dollar ISI W) or leve) 1 renil'y it,,, In the fic,i nnlxnce of fbu work on which his penult is toad, l shall nm employ tiny "war in any Inunner so as to hannme xahj,ct to the Worko,, Camp usation Laws of Califumio. Date Affliction NOTICE,I APP1.LAN'n B. Inter ranking In, Cenmeane of exemption. you %botdd resume%uhp,r to the worker, Colmm'anaroa pen Ira of the Ltdon code, you uu,l limhwilh comply with such pmvi,irns of this permit that he dermad invoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDINGAGENCY ' I toren, awns drat mora i, n consmaron lending ogeney Far ale NIfontnmee _ of the work lin which this Immril is ivsucd see. 3017. Cl, C.) Lender's Nnine Lender', Add... I teddy Orf I havcmaW drat, upplie;nion tod "ale flet The ahuve iomnumiuli is I agree to comply with all city and county ordinance, and %fate laws rcmdny . mn. building construction, and hereby aumor.e representative, ofihl%city m enter upon herb ... c ounai aced pmpeny far ar"eaon perpme', (We)ugrm u, save, i ndnnni ly and keep hunnleas The City of Ca Is'- Ino ngri est ' liabilities, judgments, cokes and c,cnscs such otty in tiny way recruit against said City in con,equcnee ofthe graining of his permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NONPOINT Issuedb Date y' SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re -roofs Signature of AppBcmNContmcbr Dam HAL%RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will tire applicant or future building occupmn%mm or handle ha.:mmoux material Type of Roof ,,,tan, by the C,fgwnino Mtlldc'Ip:d core, Chortler 9.12, and the Health and safety . CIalc, Section 25532fu17 0 Ye% 0 N All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicatn or future building o.<urvmt use ewipment or device• which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove an, h.-rodnm air coup tirmar a% deforM by hot pay At,, Air Queliiy Mon,gmncm all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Dotn"?❑No ' 0 yes all non -point source regulations. I have read be hvordou, meconate rc,ornnond under Chapter 695 of the California Hmlth & Solely Code, Sccfions 255115.3533 mid 3531. I nndcmmnd that if the building dices nut canard], have a en:un, that it many ra%ry,mibllhy to nudity the cepa, of the reyuimments which amt the, mm prior oo issuance of o Cenifieme of Oecupaccy. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better I Owmeror n,, Date aulh agcut OFFICE