02010021Cri E02 EIn¢o. sent= OZ -C Ea,' C' oc 'a seta to 66ap �e F -Z> ce to a. CI UUDEIN CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: DIIVIISIONND IPERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 11882 PLACER SPRING CT DRAEGER CONSTRUCTION INC 02010021 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE SAKAMOTO RONALD K AND SAKAMOTA 605 COMMERCIAL ST 01/04/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)536-0420 ARCHITEC (ENGI,NEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO DG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Descrier' n I hereby arfirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3o fine Business and Profrasmaa Coca and my license RE—SIDING is in full force ;n t. LicerscCluss Lit.K {p17r l FOtlPsD Data - ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plant shall be used as public secants MAY 2 8 2002 Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARAt'ION I hereby offrn that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for she following moon. (Section 7031.5. Business and Profassione Code. Any city or county' improve, demolish, p�^ BUILDING $18411 which requires a permit construct, conset, alter, or repair any structure _.prior m its issur.. also acquires, the applucu t for such permit to file a signed statement pt's,} -s❑ -L P6g'1 orr9A Area7.� wr: f.1'r';j3i&b5i.JU Valuation that he is licensed pursuant to the pmvraons of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Smnon]000) of Division 3 of the Business ad Professions Code) or that he is exempt rherfrrito and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any viahtion of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects she applicant to a civic Family or not team than five nondmd dollars (s500), �l.�I3TnI7��UND 101 All FOATION -l ­..Occupancy Type ❑I, as owner offire progeny, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, - - - - - 103 — UFER Required Inspections •'''<•' will do the work. and the structure It not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 711 Business end Prafcssions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements am not intended or 10.4.— REBAR _ .- ..__ .._ .__.._.._...__._._.__._.._._._..__...-...._. offered for sale. If: however, the bu ding ar iniproJcmrnr is s61d'within-Dna Year of - _ _ 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS ' ' I t the owner -builder will have the burden of that he did not build or i'amp c ion, proving mprove far No,00, of rarest. 106 — SEWER & WATER of ownerof theIr taetngnsCociaThcontractors r's 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ectJScenr41s ewa the project (See. Olo a ownerBusiness and arty wholt Cade I The Licence andrnx t 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL contactsforduch,prnowmtthacoenrwnahalldtnripursuateream. . Cods who contracts rLawYCh, projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant m.thc -._ __ _ .._.._.__._._-._._.- 2.0.4 — UNDERFLOOR .F.RAME--- 01amexemptunxLaw. ❑ImnexemptunderSec. ',,BffiPCfonM1ismason 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION ow^ar - NSA 3 01 — ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER Ihcmb rfirm undgr gar rth�rouowin aalamaana: -- hereby penalty perjuryanea g 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent td self-insare for worker's 3 04 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, asProvidedI'or by -Section 3700 of the Labor Cade, for the performance of the wort' for which thisI. permit is issued. 3 0 5 — FRAME ❑ I have andwitl7radmain Walk,Courparlildim tessera^ e required by,Smtlon 306 — HOLDOWNS 3700 of thoLatior care. for h roof .ma ce of the work for which'his permit is io {a��5rw Work,,', -p�L r In.. dPol r umbo re„ •, _ _ 307_ — ,INSULATION rr(rdr^'cFAJPIIarNo.. 308. . SHEETROCK, ' 5 'EXTERIOR "CERfIF� EXEMPTION�M WORKERS t 3'09 '— LATH 'I' COMPENSATION INSl1RANCE - 'INTERIOR LATH ' - (This u<tion need not be completed if the perm is for one hundred dollars al0ojo�lettl3 311 — SCRATCH COAT ; ' 1 n fythat to the p,ro, Nance of the work for wh ch this per1l , rssuN 1 •shall - 31`3" -- ROOF NAIL I. not employ any person in any manner sat as to become subject to the Workers 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY 'Compe^:arinn Laws of Callfmnia. Date ' 'Appheant. '' ' -' -' ` - - - ----- 502- "-- FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY-'_.__ _ ....... _.___. . - NOTICE TO'APPLICANI: lf, arta innkimg this Cenllicatc of Exemption. you should 'become subject o the Workers Compensation provisions ofmc Labor Code you must ' 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY forthwith comply withsuch provisions m this permn shall be dc<meJ revnkeJ. _ .._ . 504 --- FINAL -BUILDING ENERGY—,;,r ` '.. 'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY "'' 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL I hereby aRrn that thele is a convolution lending agency for the perfmm3nce 'on h heworkfarwhichis pe. it i.issued(Seew97:co,CA .' ., •_.._. — GAS TEST. _ .... _.__ _. _._ .__.. _.._ .. ........_ .. _ Lender's Name•.. .... _ ,. ... ._..__ . ... -.. ..:. Leneen Ackl i,: _ _ ..._506- 507 — FINAL PLUMBING;a•r r. l certify that l have mad this appliea6on and state that she above information is 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL omien. l agree .q comply with ail citgapd county ordinances and State laws relating 509 — FINAL GRADE to building c.susinion, and hereby authorim representatives of this city to enter upon In, 'Pr carehinnedprogenyforin.peri IT.W..+es. . ,.. 510 — FINAL PLANNI (W) gree m sea a demnify and k p harmlcu th ry Cof C patina against I liabilities. j dgment. is add open m hindi may in any wayeernme against . and , 514 —r F I NAL U 0 S Cry M sequence thegranting of th pr it. APPLICA\I'U\ULRSTANDS AND set ILL COMPLY WITHAL 1NON-POINT' Issued by: D SOURCE' REGULATIONS. Re -roofs / Slgnamrc of ApplicanbCnmmtor -Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Wil I me appl icant or future'building occupt nm c, h dle hicoulorn, rantand -opal Type of Roof.- ... ._- its defiand byph Cupcn M Chapter 9.12 d the Health and Safety 'Cod S❑Y 255321a1 s, p .. 's ! k i ,� ., _ t ,-.. < .. ., roofs shall be.inspected prior.to,any roofing material betng.Installed__ _ _- _ Will the applicant or fitione building nec,apantune equipment andevices which• -All If a roof is ihr tolled without first obtaining an inspectl6n<I'agree 65.cemove cmrito? us airt u lsodcf bS the Day Arc AvQ lay Management all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with DYet all non -point source regulations..,,, . I have mad the �hazardous materialt requirement. under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code. Seaians 25505.25533 and 25534, 1 undermmod than .... - _. ------ --—� -- if the buildin8 doesndt eumcntly haveamnam; thin it is mY responaibilirymnotify the - - '-'" -_ e requirem" cnu whim mint be tet prior m isauantt otf a Cenifc5te of tozec u eot'f..t•h Signature of Applicant Date _ .. -„, - lots All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better ,.'rte - - •Dam - r.aumoH: age^ . OFFICE-