28473APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - XLECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. mF:cnpmcAL PERMIT NO. 28473 BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NUILMNG ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE I o�t Lit-. GA g So ly OWNER'S NAME.: lP,H.O4NE: `ia. _ - rC LL baa V pfd` eL�f p` 1'lb L•G COhURACTOR'h NAME: LIC NO: NIC CONTROL# s RCH�ITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT: PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO El Consultant Fce9 Paid by Applicant (Initial) B ELECT PLUMP IJECH. 'Oz �� U U 9GL ❑tn j!4 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby amrm the I aro licensed under pmvishms of chapter 9 (nommencing with Semi.n 7000)6( Divisimnl ofthe Busineu and Pr.fcssions Code, and mylicenu is in full from and effort. License Class Lic. p Dote Contractor QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFDWL 0 TCHEN REMODEL. ❑gDOITION LUMBING RE -PIPE \r�`r ❑MULTLUNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION s1 _ PERMITISSUANCI3 APPLIANCES-RLSIDENTIAL ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall the used as public records - PANELS .Z. Jh UP TO 200 AMPS RIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR Licensed P,fnsi.nnl Iam exempt lfr m the Com IONOVER hereby affims o nt I em esemnl from the Contractors Liccnu law for NeON following ,earn. ISecti.n 7011.5, Rosiness and Professions Code: Any city or county which rt, six a permit to mans theL,dic impmvq demolish, laid, ,pair any swore #,,coloitscense Trnsort tote lhovisiosartheation such pencilLcense awJshaptert thmheislicensedpursuamtoNeprovistanmTtheConwcmr,Liccnul�w(Chepter9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3oflhe Business and Professions Calelmr that he is exempt therefor and the basis for the alleged exem tion. An mlittion of P g P yv Sati.n703L56yanyapplicant for a s"permit subjects the applicant scivil pcnnhy of re than five hundred dollars ($500). sowner of Ne pmpeny.rmy employees with wages as their ante compenutinn, !Ildewnrk, send thesweturc is nm intended or nlfereJ for,le (Sec. 71}00, Business d Pm ssinnx CWe: The Commn.rs License Low does not apply to an owner m perty ho builds or improves them -on, and who does such work himself or through 20LI(KKIAMPS 0.V 1 O �j 3p3 7pN. iGC C Ino. �•• ' < I pa ' VEMENTOat REMODEI/RF.P IR ❑DEMOLITI1 krTH�E I000AMP5 SIGNS P.LECfRICAI.'� SPF:CIAh CIRCUITIMIgC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INSY COMMERCIAL: ❑NENANT ADDRION ❑DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLET'S -SWITCHES-FIX'NRE.S his own employees, provided that such improvements a, not intended or offered for NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ ET. SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. aide.If, however, the building or intproventenl is sold within one year ofcorepletion, the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for pur- • ' #nee of sole.). ❑has owner of the property, em exclusively contracting with licensed cmm,n.rs to cambial the land. (Sea.7044,Business aad ProficWtn, Code, The Co..me... a LI. OCT 13 T N cense Law does not apply to an owneraf#,perry who builds or improves thereon, and QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE 199,E who coramits firsuch projects with a contmetor(.$) licensed pmsnantto the Conlrnetors License w.PERMIT ❑ exempt uncle B& P C for this usson rill 7 A,J( Vvm'L:fu 6k ./ ISSUANCE ALTER - DRAIN & VEW- WATER (HA) Own, te VALUATION 1 • al�yA'� • &6 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARA Ihereby amrtn under penahy of perjury ohm of the following recensions: BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOF, AREA, COND. I have and will maintain s Certificate ofConsenuo sel Ginsure for Worker'a Compcn- tion, n provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perf.runce of the wrkfrwhich this permit is issued t STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION FIXTURES - PER TRAP �- LA ❑ I have .ad will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, es required by Sation 3700mfthe Labor Gale, for the perf�rm�nce.f the work for which Nis pemdt is issued. My Workers Compensation it artier and Policy number ere: 1 ` GAS-EA.SYSTEM�IINC.40UTLET$ r' OCC. GROUP APN Cartier: Policy No.: GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) CERTIFICATE. OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COM PENSA'I'(ON INSURANCE (This section need not he completed if the pemtit is format hundred drs olla(S Italy m Ices) GRPASFJINDUSTRL WASTE IN'T'ERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES GREASE TRAP PLANCHECK PER SEWER-SANITARYSTORM F.A.200 FT. - z 0 I ccul'y that in the performance ofthe work for which this permit is issued, i shall nm employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Co dden- sation Laws of Califoran. Data - Applicant ENERGY FEE WATER HEATER WNENT/ELECTR GRADING FEE SOILS FEE NOTICETO APPLICANT: If. after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions.,this permit that 6e deemed revoked WATER SYSTEM/fRLATING WATER SERVICE Q jz 2 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that hem is a contraction lending agency for the performance of PAID Datee t NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMR. SQ. PE L Fthe work for which this permit is issued (See. 30th], Civ. C.) Lenders Name - - TOTAL: Lenders Address a (y N BUILDING SEISMIC ��em 1 certify that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is correct. Ias= to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws Mating to building construction. and herebymthoriet repssentatives muds city to enter upon the QTY, MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE above -m intioaal properly for inspection purposes. (We) agree to ave, indemnify and kap harmleu she caytty pc t t PERMIT ISSUANCE HLECMIC FEE � Iiahilitics,judgintram costaund expenses which may many wr�ecc ea inst Cit in consequence of the granting of this permit. A OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING FEE APPLI 11NDERSTANDS AND WILI COME. 'N Ti NOt 1 SOURC (EG . TIO Rf NDLINGUNU(TO 10,000CFM) MECHANICAL AIR HANDLING UNIT 10,000CFM) CONSTRULTIO TA% rmanedf ApplicaMCom,dor Oat HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST IIOOU(W/DUCT) HOUSING MIT ATION FEE IBEATING UNIT CTO 100,0011 BTU) Will the applicant or future building occupant score at handle mountains material as defined by the Caption. Municipal CWe, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code, Section 25532(a)7 HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,0110 BTU) ❑Yes 0 N Will the applicant or ants, building occupant use equipment or devices which emit hcontaminantsallova air contaminants as defined by the Boy Arca Air Quality Management rim^ Fl Yet ON. - PAID Dam Recet t# VENTILATION IAN (SINGLE R&SID) — , BOILER COMP (3HP OR 100000 BTU) A ` BOILER — COME (OVER 1110,00) BTU) AIR CONDITIONER I have read the heaardsms matemits rmqui,mems under Chapter 6.95 of the Cali- ISSUANCE DATE; NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT. (oris Health & Safery Code, Sections 8.505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that if the building does but currently have. t t. that it is my respotuihiliry torridly the occupant u I re men, which a innoissuance.fu Ce iflate of Ocau'uncy. , , rmnmharbad .,an Date TOTAL: - ISSUED BY: OFFICE KIER q WRIGHT Civil Engineers Surveyors, Inc. Mr. Brian Kelly Kelly Gordon elopment Corporation 550 Sout inchester Boulevard, Suite 502 San Jos , CA 95128 Re: Lot 8, Tract No. 8332 19948 Price Avenue, Cupertino December 13, 1994 Job No. 89143-10 We have ed the buildding-eorners for this residence. We have staked the corners in accordance wit t to setback dimensions shown on the site plan prepared by Progresssve Design Associates dated September 1994. We have also checked the as -built elevation of the building pad and found that it was constructed to elevation 205.5. If you have any questions, please give me a call. JDW/kc OFFEE cap Y 3350 Scott Boulevard, Building 22 • Santa Clara, California 95054 • (408) 727-6665 • FAX (408) 727-5641 •,