242 LOT NO X- J NO. .STREET1 2 1 5 5- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ~ 'g } C4TY OF 'CUPERTINO a. Date���'�-L 195 Permit No. \ Applicatiog_ty)h'erreby' ade:for permit t, 1 r a V t��9ry)T.YI jr Building to be ocpfi oIT Us--.e s citicati in actor alnllce wit Plans, Spea Plot-Pl filed herewith. a, Estimated Value of Improvements,$ r Pee.� f•� y It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning ordinances and all other lawsapplicaVe to the construction, location, and use of (dings ,thin the City of Cupertino�vfiC ,�v, Wings vi Owner l Address By G - (//. Address _ Phon21�C.� COPjTRAC ' R, AGEN'fi +,nL (L�lj Approved L B ILDIN_GIINSPECTOR �✓ _✓Li RECORD" OF INSPECTION APPRbVALS, ~ FOUNDATION ,�A}}Ti: INSPECTOR FRAME aG - . .. . LATH and PLASTER _ AT IN ICTOR FINAL BLDG. DAT I SPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE I SPECTOR FINAL PLBG. /� 7 ATG INSPECTOR FINAL GAS 7 f DAV13 r INSPECTOR l CERTIIF.ICATE OF . COM�"1( P�r' b�TION ' , BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OEICE , > CITY OP CUPERTINO . Dnte .._.......... ✓.:._. ... 195.. . Buil ding Permit No. .......'•....:+.:.^+• '. . The Building Located at ✓.F,+'? t°srr .._.- .... Owned by .:. '� G'' <. s^'✓•" / i.? r!':✓5.,.:c:s:f� "' ,.�..''' . .. . .................... . .. ...........................- . - (ComPleted): - _ . Hes Been, (, Altered) { For Use As .._ .... _ ,... ... ......................... .................... . ............_:..........................._.....__—.........._—............_..........._........._ .......... ........... ......................... _.......... ........ ..:...........:...............:c.......r.............—............ .. BUILDING INSPECT 1R - 702 '2/59-250'