06050163 B61LDLNGVMVISION PERMIT M ONTRAG10 INF�ORMATIO BUILDING ADDRESS: FRANZ TERMITE CONTROL PERMIT NO.06050163 10391 PINEVILLE AV OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE Ilk FINN 4041 TRANSPORT WINE: SAN TARY NO. CONTROL NO. (650) 493-0445 ARCHITECT/ENGINEFA: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH i p p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description %wC 1 hereby affirm Nal 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(Commencing tiW rids Section TflOU)ef Division 31nfde Business and Professions Code,ane my lice-.is a« in fullforce an eftjL� O43 REPAIR ROT DAMAGE. REPLACE SHOWER j�? l.icenac Clazs.2$�4kJ11—_Lis.a _ =� Dae_f-!�' Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLAITATIM fwU IundcnunJ myideas shall wu.dazpublic mcorJs LiOmeed Pmrcssional 3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION f 1 wrchy affirm that I am exempt from the Cantractors Liun.Law far Ice a o following won.(Section 7031.5,Business and Profoasfons Code:Any city in county 5_ which requites a Permit to..alt aler.Improve,dcmdah.Or repair any stmcmm $6000 -zi Prior to its issuance.also.qumen Neapplicanr formch permit to file.signedsuenum < thmw is licensed pursuant m lw previsions of the Contractors License Law(Chap=9 Sq.Ft,Floor Area Valuation y (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cocke)or y that I e is exempt tbertmm and the We,for the alleged esempum Any violation of Section 7031.5 by my applicant for a permit subjects the applicanu to a civil Penalty of. KwAser Occupancy Type oat mart Nan firs hundred dollars($500). 1,asa worof the properly,rsmyemployee with wagsuNei(see.704A.B croons will do ie work Amidcall Thtnum Is ades Locks or offered wdo s.1 Apply ?oad.Business and property who s Code:Th.Canto moss License law des oat apply m an owner of Required Inspections propeny who A,proaimpmsss thereon,and who drssuch work MmselrorNrough his ow ever.the Wilding that such imPmm d within art not ou didoft moQertd for sale r. builder..ill building orimpmwment k mm within or Weld of completion,the Owner. builder will haw the burden of proving Nat w did not build or improve for purpose of sakJ. 0 1,as Owner of Its propeny,am esdmiwly contracting with licensed eontraemrs he construct his project(Sec.7014.Business and Professions Cada:)The Coa rsens's V- en.law cora not apply As an owns or property who builds or improves demon,and who contracts for such projects with aunuacwr(s)licensed purswm m the Convenors Law. 0 I ann am esempt under Sec. .B A P C for Nis mason / owner Dee Wm KERWon,S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Or—/ 1 hereby affirm under penslry of perjury ane orde fallowing eeclaradons: I heve and will numuin a Cenifiam of Consent to self-hoot.for Workers COmpcn. / union,az provided far by Section 3700 of de Labor Code,for the performanee of due `/lO work for which this permit is issued. 0 1 have and will mainain Workers Compensation Insurance,.mquimd by Section 3700 of Ne Labor Code,for de performance of the wart for which dus permit is issued ' My Workefs Compensation Insunn¢I anis and Policy number>R: Cartier. !;t!fe T'gn+U- Policy No.:14-1 CERTFlGEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ibis section reed net to completed if Ne Permit 4 Tanto huMmddouan(6100) or less.) I eerily Nat in N.performance of the wart far which this permit is issued,1 shall not employ any person in any manner an As w became subject to Use Workers Compensation Laws of California.Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Cenificam of Exemption,you should become subjca an tie Wark043 Compensation provisions of Nc Lahr Codo you mus, OroMwith comply with such previsions r tits Permit shall to decreed invoked. Z'"" CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY .N 0- I wrebya(fthi that Vertu Wood (Sec.3W7.nding agency for de perfurmanee of 2c rM Lo work fur which this permit is issued(Sec.709],Civ.C.) 6W.Q Lendcfs Nam. z Lcndeh Add. U Q I certify that I have read this application and sato Nm tw above information is u, E" Corers.1 agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and sun laws mlating to QU building construction.and hereby authority mprtunanves of this city to toter upon the W move mentioned pmpcny far inspection purposes. (~g), (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmlcm Ne City of Cupertino against r/fliabilities.judgments.casts and expenses which may 0 my way accrue against said City U Z APPLI�uenccU ILLa RSTANDSlM zmating of this Permit.WILL C0 PLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date �-Q 6/ s R' A SNS Re-roofs Ili of ApplianUConuacty Dae HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the VPliant r future Wilding rcupant mora or hvMk baurdow material az defined by the Cupenom Municipal Code.Chapter 9.11,and Ice Health and Safety Code.Section 25533(.)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 40 0 Ya Will tho applicant or mtore wilding OCCU,Am u.equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove cmh hmardoos air certsminsna az dc0eed by the Bay Area Air 0"ity Management all new materials for inspection. Distdr? J 0Y. �g Nu I have mad On harardsmsreaedals mq.in mem under Ch,.s6.95 of de Cdifor- ma Health&Safety Code. 15505.25533 md25531.1 uMcrsaM thmiHhc wilding Jons not Of haw .n.4 at it is my rtspomihility m notify Ne occupant of the mw nes twma brtism.y ccoraCatnfiaear meocrry. Signature of Applicant Date OwuronuNorimda All roof coverings to be Class °B" or better s Dam g CITY OF CUPERTINO m 1 of 1 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: amyw COPY # 2 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot : APN . . . . . . . . : 36913015 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 05/18/2006 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : 34449 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 06050163 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 10391 PINEVILLE AV SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : FINN ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . . , RECEIVED FROM . . . . : MICHAEL A JUDAS CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : MICHAEL JUDAS LIC # 27236 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : FRANZ TERMITE CONTROL ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 4041 TRANSPORT ST. CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : PALO ALTO, CA 94303 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (650) 493-0445 •FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ---- --- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ------- ---------- BENERGY PERMIT FEE 1 . 00 34 . 86 0 . 00 34 . 86 0 . 00 BPERMFEE VALUATION 6, 000 . 00 126 . 36 0 . 00 126 . 36 0 . 00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 BSEISMICRE VALUATION 6, 000 . 00 0 . 60 0 . 00 0 . 60 0 . 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 200 . 19 0 . 00 200 . 19 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER ----------------- ------------ ------------------ OTHER 200 . 19 MASTERCARD TOTAL RECEIPT 200 . 19 • c w � m N N O .r € V Ln w N N Ul fA Izz CD 1 �r1 p tb S1 C rb � N A U a Asm— s c c n � o o \ r V • p !� NS IA r h R ' NL'I A A , A H � s N � �. m I�z O t A— 5.-,' A G p P '- LI C h n . ^'gyp 16 p. U Ak CD 0� ' �= � a Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue ' Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408) 777-3333 �UPERTINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # 1&31f Piae V41I,e So7o ? OWNER'S NAME: FeUt4 PHONE # Ssc, Y4;-o yrc — GENERAL CONTRACTOR: , Ti, �; AX # 6 so _ r. e I am not using any subcontracto Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete5d completefollowing information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting • Linoleum/ Wood Glass/ Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date 1 CITY OF CUPERTINO Ulw OF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM CUPEkTINO 7Building N # Eam q� 1Date: (/�I D ss: Mailing Address (if different from building address): � PkQner's e: Phone#: a/r, JacU,e' wd(•�e Con ractor: / License#: Q / v� P� 043 Contact: Phone:6so-Y13 -ovt5 Cupertino Business License#: Xl%c1tae / do S Fax: 6z -Y4T—Cro Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑'' Elect ❑ Plumb L Mech ❑ Job Description: A f. aP .Ofe Residential 6 Kt ,. Commercial ❑ Sq.Ft. Floor Area: ISq.Ft.: Cost of Project: Occupancy Gro, 600u — Type of Construction: Aa f Qee'4 Please check this box if the project is a second-story addition: Project Size: Standard 0` Large ❑ Major ❑ Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BAPPLOTHER Other Appliances MECHANICAL BBOILERI Boiler<= 100,000 Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER2 Boiler> 100K to 500K Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER3 Boiler> 500K to 1M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER4 Boiler> 1M to 1.75 M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER5 Boiler> 1.75M Btu MECHANICAL BCONSTAX Construction Tax BUILDING BCONSTAX IndJOff/Comm/ uasi BUILDING BCONSTAXBQ Con. Tax for BQ Zone BUILDING BCONSTAXH Hotel and Motel BUILDING BCONSTAXR Constax—Resi/Mobile BUILDING BELEC1000 Elec 600V <= 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC1001 Elec 600V> 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC200 Elec Svcs 600V<= 200A ELECTRICAL BENERGY Energy BUILDING BENERGYADD Energy Add Multi BUILDING BINVESTIGA Investigation fee BUILDING 1 of 3 am CITY OF CUPERTINO tW1 6F PERMIT APPLICATION FORM CUPEkTINO Quanti Fee ID Fee Description Fee Grou BMISCELL Miscellaneous Fee BUILDING BMITIGATC Comm. Housing Mit. Fee BUILDING BNUCOMME New Comm Electric ELECTRICAL BNUCOMMM New Comm Mechanical MECHANICAL BNUCOMMP New Comm Plumb PLUMBING BOVERTIME Inspection Overtime BUILDING BPBACKFLOW Atmospheric Vacuum PLUMBING BPCESSPOOL Cesspool PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BPFIXTURE Pblg Fixture PLUMBING BPGAS Gas Piping System Fee PLUMBING BPINTERCEP Ind Waste Interceptor PLUMBING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BPLANCKADD Plan Check Add Multi BUILDING BPLANCKREP Plan Check Repeat Fee BUILDING BPREPIPE Re i e Of Fixtures PLUMBING BPSEWAGE Sewage Disposal PLUMBING BPSEWER Sewers PLUMBING BPSPRINK nLawnnik /Backflo PLUMBING BPSTORM Water PLUMBING BPTRAP ra PLUMBING BPVENT &Vent PLUMBING BPWATER ater Pie PLUMBING BPWHEATER Water Heater/Vent PLUMBING BPWSVCS Main Water Service PLUMBING BREINSPECT Reinspection Fee BUILDING BREMACOVER A/C Unit> 10,000 ctrn MECHANICAL BREMAIRHAN A/C Units <= 10,000 cfin MECHANICAL BREMAPPLI Appliance Install MECHANICAL BREMBUSWAY Remodel Busways ELECTRICAL BREMg•INT Li2htinp Fixtures ELECTRICAL BREMFURN Relocation of Furnace MECHANICAL BREMFURNOV Relo Furnace> 10K btu MECHANICAL BREMHEAT Heater Installation MECHANICAL BREMINHOOD Installation of Hood MECHANICAL BREMMISC Misc Apparatus ELECTRICAL BREMNRAPP Rem Non-Res Appliance ELECTRICAL BREMPOLE Pole/Platform Fixture ELECTRICAL BREMPOWER Power Device/Apparatus ELECTRICAL BREMRECEPT Rc tl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BREMRELOCA Relocation of Hood MECHANICAL BREMREPALT Repair/Alter Heating MECHANICAL BREMRESAPP Remodel Res Ap2liance ELECTRICAL 2of3 - CITY OF CUPERTINO CITMOF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM CUPERTINO uantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Add Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS Remodel Signs, Marquee ELECTRICAL BREMTHEATR Theatrical Lighting Fix ELECTRICAL BREMVENFAN Vent Fan Single Duct MECHANICAL BREMVENSYS Ventilation Systems MECHANICAL BSCBLVD Scb Specific Plan BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILDING BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSPECIAL Special Inspection BUILDING BSWIM Swimming Pool BUILDING BTEMP Temporary Power ELECTRICAL BTEMPPERM Temporary Bldg Permit BUILDING BTEMPSVCS Temp Dist Svcs ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILDING ELECTRIC Electrical sq foot ELECTRICAL EPERMITFEE Elec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL MPERMFEE Mechanicals . foot MECHANICAL MPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICAL / PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issue PLUMBING PPLBG Plumbing Fee sq foot PLUMBING Amk PLLONGRNGC Planning LR Comme/Multi-Fam PLANNING PLLONGRNGR Planning Long Range Residential PLANNING ZADDCHG Address Change BUILDING • 3 of 3