21753OZ z �_ U) cc LU G CL 7Z 02 LL ~ Ow > a F N Z U— APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Ym'ed Identification LOT 3 Building Addau: e -� PI ni t �a,��'� G ,�� e �� PERMIT NO. 175 3 neva ams: one: ('LiMrGQ-,moi �j-N•u� int_. 5C\$-Ztoo CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION - APPLICATION / PERMIT A A A — Z — C Conlractoes Name: Lie. Nes G C4 t - BUTLDINGELFGIRICALPLUMBINGMfECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL N Architect/Fsglnnr. Lk No: S `•- fo. 'LPC a--\ QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: 1-A �1 PERMIT]%UANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I Habyi70 that lama.A3 dunder pnwi.nd olChapter9(mmmm lice with Section 7000)of Dlvlelon3 ofthc Buslnevand ProlessloneCody+nd my license le In a fa d affect. Cuss_ ,LION l-4�C�0��- APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION S 1- O • PANELS Dance Data Contractor IM TO 200 AbQS 201-1000 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. OVERI"AMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. FT. SIGNSELECTRICAL� Licensed Professional q q S SI'ECIALCIRCUIT/M15C OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hembyarBrmthat i am exempt from the Contractor's License LAW for the m following reasen.(Sood.n7WIS, Rinesiand Profesebna Code:AnyntyM countywhich requires a permit tocomm ct, alter, Improve, demolish, ormpalr LlJ kz'U-L ED TEMP. METERORPOLE INST. any strueu re prior to its Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed rtatrmam that he is Bansed pursuant to the provubrs of the POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC Contranoh License Law (Clupler 9(commencing with Semon 7000) of Dlvl- sbn 3 ofthe Bidets. and Immaalons Code) Mthat hely exempt thercfmmand VALUATION d exemption. Any violation of Sen 7031.5 by any the Hsu for the allegenb applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty or no rnoethan OUTLETS-SWIICRE -FUTURES ^ 1 (.� -2v'S '1 C1 NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQFP, five hundred dollarsofthe pro employee with wages a thele sole ❑Las owner of the property, or STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION compensation, will d he intended or for the work, and ihestmds: BusinessThe Ct ando alnow and Professbns Code: The License Llaron law (AM doed or improves don not apply to an owner of property who builds or improve thereon, and app). to who doeseucM1 work himself athrough his own emplgee, provided that such OCC, GROUT' RES. UNITS improvements arc not intended oroffemd forsale. If, however, thebuilding or TOTAL: improvement umld within one yearofcompletbM the owner-Wilderwill have lh rden of proving that be did not build or improve for purpose ofsals.). L as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with Bansed contractors to construct the pmjcd(Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN PERMIT ISSUANCE The Commotors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thermrt and who contracts for such prpjrcts with a c9alE+ctor(s) Hormed pursuant to the Contr+ctors License Law. U I am exempt under Sec. B & P C for this reason ALTER- I A BACK P FEE SUMMARY OUTSI DE FEES DRAIN SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEIPTN Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATIONFIX ❑I hereby of i. that 1 have a certlBate of consent to self -insure, a a to ifiateofworY Comperuationlnsuranamaartifiedmpytheeof(Rec. 3800, Lab C.) Policy I /"//1 / TOOL TAK Y_ N_ RECEn r I GAS LA.SYSTFM-1 INC.40UlT.ETS Tg Y N RFCF3PTI CAS FA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) Ce ansa l t� ^.E PC.L Fsr B UILDING DI VISION FE ES ECertlfled copy u heebyturnuhed. i� c,Ailed copy ufiled With the my Inspection division. �T• GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANC14ECKFEE I GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF Ei(EMITION FROM WORKERS' PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE (1'Msneed nnorbe compacted lithe permit uforonshundred dollars Date RCCeI [# IS.50 SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA. 20oFT. W,A,1.ER�,�W/YEN./E.E_.R ENERGYFEE Y N a1 N)afessIcas.) 3 I lanot that an tm cb penNtbuued, WATER SYSTEM/TRLATINC anyhe emin ploy person i 1 .r1uhall not employ any person m any runner m u to become subject to the mannworker sc, as t co Workers' Compensation IAws el Cali(arnl+. Data PAID Appliant _ rv.ase Date Remi t# NEW RESIDENTIAL pLMB. gQ FT. NOTICETO MPLIC¢NT: If, after ng this Certificate of Exemption, you - TOTAL: should become subFn to the WCrken Comprruatlon pmvuionsof the Labor Code, you nest forthwith comply with such provisions orthu permit shall be dremad revoked. vo CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY BUILDING FEE 9l2 u u SEISMICFEE , 73.15 I heebyafgrenthat there is amnstrunlon lendingagency forthe perform, anaoflhe workforwhichthts emit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Lender. Namep) �[•. Lenders Addau I artilythat I have read thuappliation and stmethatthe above Information is mrnxl. lagree to comply with all my and countyardtn+nasint state lawn TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE 13.. ?' QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT IEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE —7 5, t 3 PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relating to bullding construction, and hereby authorise rtpresemstwas of the city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) ages to save, Indemnify an d keep harmlem the City of Cupertino ALTEtORADDTOMECH. Date Reeei [# P SUBTOTAL: against liabWlee,/rdgmenta,consand a.,rc swhicE mayln anywayamue against said City in consequence of the granting Militia permit. AIRIEANDLING UNIT (TO 10,0)0CFhI) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000CI1,I) CONSTRUCTION TAX signature of 1Ate EKI3ADST HOOD M(W/DUCT)US CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATER MATERIALS IiFATIRG UNIT CTO 100,000 BTI)) _ pantDISCLOSURE Will the applicant the futurebuildingngamupa Code, Chapter 9. haand the material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Date Recef [# ]ELATING UNIT (OVER 1W," BTU) TOTAL: 4 i 41M,3 5 I I❑ Yesnd Safety Code, Section 75537(a)7 VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISSUAAUATE Will the applicant a future building occupant use equipment or devices Which emit hua Nom air .M,,mi.nt ii, defined by the Bay Arca Air I�°�j BOILER -COMP OH POR IM000 BTU) Quality Management District? Yes ❑ No Mavicea ANousnut underChapter of �(V� 1 A 1991 BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) Ht .Ith ted Glifornu Heabh&Safcty Coda Sections 5505, 25533 and 25530.1 ,S d2S534.I5 t' 1 LV ♦'i v NEW RESSI DENTIAL MECH. SQ.11 understand that it the building dues not currently have a tenant, that it Is my responsibility to not lfy the occupant of the mquimments which must be met priorttlo Nuance da Certificate C(Occupaney. ^ ^ 11l ,I,If�t_ •Till ISqUT O.vner or au hariud ageNI Data IOTA L: OFFICE COPY _I