00060082CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT RU [LDING ADDRESS' 1,1796 PINE BROOK CT R & H HEATING PLRMH N a06aa82 OWNER'S NAME: BHATT MUKULRAI,N AND ILA Ill 770 .CHESTNUT ST APVLICAI]ON SUB DAZE 06/13/2000 IONS; SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)279-0722 ARCHI IEC'VENGINFLII: BUILDING PE RMII INFO BLDG BLUC'1 PLUMB Nice[] 1.C17NSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby id'f;rm;hat I nn; h,ca,,d undo ptovi,ions of Chapter 9 (, nnnancing with Section 7000) of Division 3 name nnsine..and Pole us Code, madn,y license A/C is in full force and of t. [.iceuse 'lass- _ ' LLQ a 3 X 11N . Conm lllf Dater=6� etm (�7� ARCHITECTS DEcLAR. R f14 I undcrsmnd no, plans sf;;dl be uud ,,,,.bit, mconl, I.weirwd Prof,ainnal OWNIiR BUII.DER UfCLARATR N I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Co,nmcror's License law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Coda Any city or county which acquire, u pennn (o construct, lifter. In;prove, danollxh, or mpalr ony ,vu.. am prior o its issuance. also requires the applicant for such formal to file a signed atmatent 9 Valuati thtr Joe to h,en,,d monen, to the previsnmsoflbe Connacmrs License Lam (Chapter Sq. Ft. Floor Area n �0 la„nmcocing wen; Section 70a) of Divi,Iun 3 of the Businewn and Profession, Codi,) $ 31 or that he is exempt herefrom and the Basis rot the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 0031.5 by any rppl imam for a I,co-mil subjects rhe applicat to a civil penalty APN NumberOccupancy Type lir pta more loan live h,ndmd dollar, (S500). 36604049. 00 O 1, as lancr of the p rop-tY Y croplaye, with wages a,t 1 peat„n ' Required Inspections will do the A d the t t 'to tam intended or 01cmd let -. se, 7(140 asin.: dP f.: n: Cod ThC man L I die' t ,Iy,, an or property who brilds or imd proves hemon..mwho does such work himself 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL through no, own mnployo,,, provided ),at .on Intpmve;nem+are not Intended or orr whered for sale. if. however, the building or improvcmem is sold within one year of 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL nnplcmi or Ju ownerb; i'iar will latae the bunlen of proving 0th he did not build lir u nit pT„sat 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL O Las owner oti tire pr,trrs, ant ex,Iao,ely contrasting with reer,.rd contractor, to 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL , con.amcl the project (Sec. 70,14. Business ;nal Prolevooro Code '.1 The C nnmclor'.s License Law does not apply it, an owner of property who mild, or improves thereonr and who onuuuts Rn each projcn(s with a ,mara,t,a6) Licensed pursuant It, the Commev,d Limens, Low. 01 am exempi under See. . B & P C for his max, Owner Dae 6l WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hemby affirm under penalty of pmrjim, one of he hulmorm, declarations: / ❑ 1 have and will naim tar to Ceeilicata of Con,enl it, .self lnw;rc for Worker's �Q Compensation, as provided for by Section JOINT of he Labor Clde, for the perfornance offs, work for which this permit is issued, 01 hive and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance. as required by Section 3700 lir the Iaha, Code, for the poturniare. of he work for which this permit is issued. Myy Woo/rkvi''�s Clumpen,ation In,mance can icr and [';, ie, to her art•'. li, is PoroON Carricrl/ /-l'(1N is OhI%WORKf:R COMPENSAION INSURANCE (This section need not be con,pleed if the Perini( Is for Inc hundred dollars (SIBB)or less.) 1 certify that in the performance of the work tin which this Penni( is issued. I .hull not employ any person in any manner ,o as to become subject to the Workers' Contpcuwti,n, Laws of Calhiunia. Uunc ApPlicam NGl'ICE TO APPLICANTS IC after making his Certificate of Exemption, you should m been wbjeenoBt, Worker', Co;nl,lowdoupn on—t he [,;it rGale.you all %hall forthxfih comply with such Provisions or this Nrioat m deemed revoked. . CONS'rRUCI'ION LENDING AGENCY I hereby amrm (hat rhere m a .... proton leading agency Tor the perfonnan e, of the .,,,it for which his format is issued Nev. AMP, Civ. C.) Lender's Not tie Lender's Address Iel ily lbar l lime mad this ;rr11i,alio i and '(am that heaMwoiol ralion'n and re law, relating cmcO. 1 .,me to,ty wall miry and county ordinates Sat nifih (o building emtsmrution. and hmrmhy authnrim representative, of this 611 to ems upon the shove -mentioned propmrtr ]or Inspection purposes. (\5'e) .,me Worse. indemnify and keep hannle„ the City of CoNmeo against liab'deias, jrulgnren4, c.o s'and c,,enws which ntay in any way rectae ngaim( said Cit)' in consequence of the grating oI' his permit. APPLICANT 11 STANDS AND \ ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RI: .ATIONS. `l Re -roofs nam ml, ire vurmraerar — siga HAZARDOUS MAHIRIALS DIS .I.OSURT7 Will the applicant or future milding oece an ,tae lir handle havmJoa,ralvrial Type of Root _ as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.02. and the Health and Safety Code, Simi i25532(u)” 0 ye,All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will the apple'a;tl a rmum hand';;,go,mapan( use,gngna,aa ordevice, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove tit hamrdoux air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Managentem all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ,tint? 0Ym rwr all non -point source regulations. I have read (lie brooir m nateriaN requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the CaliIbmia Ikohh& Safety Code, Se,lions 2550.5,25533 t J25534 I amer,nand Ike fiber hadding does not currently have a reran(, that it is my nesp,msibilay to nmily the of the requir-mems which must be limn prior to issuance of a Certificate of Ooccupant ccapan` Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "Br' or better Owner lir roma agent Ilam