S 2585L-,11 C - APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPFRTINO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT !n z O a IIU I LDING - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING - MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT' IDENTIFICATION PERMI l' NO. S 2585 BUILDING ADDRESS //7s7 �iN6FAX-00A G'ou.�j SANITARY NO, APPI.ICAI ION SUIIMIPI'AL UN' 1: 2.'Z3-- g OWN(! 'S NAME : PIIUNE: ✓�i!!0N 4116/Yen .25-//// CO 'I'Rq CTOR:S NAME I.IC No. 7SUS Bui'L1�E2s 7/Z/S' ❑ "'""""" >RCIII'I'IiCT/ENGINIiIiH; LIC NO; ADDjtlo2 e,eoy�oNf}YE• s -J.95 /�' CON'I'AC'r PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO // / Q / / 7 Q^ ��O /l JuA111- w 1-AZ1 7, V ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG El ECI' PLUMB MECH � � ❑ ❑ LICENSED CON' I'RACfOH:S DECLARATION I hereby efran that I aall Balt,ed ander pnwi.tion, of Ch:)ncr v ¢ boublee„ l QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION with Seelion7f)[NIor Divislon3ol lhclleinc%sand l'roIv,,iom Code. and my l lcvnsc in in full force and efcel. B 7, 1'IeRMIq'ISSl1ANCE RESIDENTIAL' ❑SIUWI. ❑KLI-CIII!N REMODEL. One Class 20- Canko One ^ - E� ��an, APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUNUUNGRE.PI E ❑MUIThl1NIT []STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTIiRIOR ❑CHIMNhY RETAIN IMPROVEMENT E)SWEMMINGFOOLS I S DEmr fall emw DECLARNiON PANELS nnJastnnA my plans ,hull be mcd es puMiu rounds kill LO 211f1AMP5 Licensed Profc.%ianal 201-1"AAIPS OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby alhrnl thal I can cscnlpt from Ihn Contractor's Liccnsc Law lar the follnwiag lemon. (Section 7031.5. BuJnc„ call I'n frome, Crxlu: Any city or anamy OVER RXXIAMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL RESIOUFI/NEPAIR ❑DEMOL.ITION (YPIIHR which requires a permit to conswel, alley, improve, demolish or repair any nwclurc ,mano its i,woma,.alen recrireslheepplicam Rnstwh pc.it In file v signed statement that he is licensed pursuantto IM1e pnrvisiomuf the Contractor'% License Law (Chapmr Y boor ening with Sect lan 90X0ol Dlvi,ion 3of0c Husinc%s and PromrsiorsCdc)or Thin he is csca", thenl'mm vnd the basis for the alleged c,, nplion. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant lin a pemtit suhjec,s IM1e applicant to a civil penalty of SPECIAL CIRCUIT'/MISC. TEMP. MINER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES COMMERCIAL' ❑ NEW Ii I.DG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑FOODSERVICE not marc than five hundred dollars (551X). ❑ Lmosenerof the propanyornty employees with wages., bri-ole conlpemation, will Jo the wod., vnd thea ware oral intended ondfend lar sale (Sec. ]0W, liusinms and Prolession.v Code, 'lite Cnrtmlan', Licenw Lam dtxs nal upl'ly m un own, rel' proped, who kronor), improve, Ihenum, end who dw, wch work hitrnelf or through his own employees, provided that such intprovemmats ere not invaded or offend for sale. If. however. the building or impmvernemi, sold within one yearofrompletautdc SWI MMI NO K )OL ELECT' OUTLET S - SWITCII K 9X"PURE NEW RESIDEN'U 'L.IiCrR S ISiPNOVIiMENT ❑ OTHER Sp. PL'. 1'IAOR AMID S/SV. Irf. owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve tin Our E] I I' %ole). M the pmpcny, a xduµivd......farting on Ilcv'nncJ aenlmcmm m ( O cnnxlna:l the unt cct (See 9044. Business and Prom,ion, Cadc:)'ITe Ca em"ll,'I Li- censel ov does net apply m an owher (if properly who build% or improve, meson, and Q'I'Y. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who contracts for such projects with a contracmrfs) licensed pursuant the Contractor's Uwe— Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ I :an exeupl under Sec. , It sa P C for th'd tenon VALUATION A D O ALLER - DRAIN E VENL'- WATER 1EA) Dam WORKER S HACK FLOW' I'HOTECI'. DEVICE IOwner hereby ntfinn under penalty rel Iwrjury nnc rel IM1e following Actium ❑Ihocarld will Inuinlaina Cenilicamel'Consenunsell-Insureo woulk ion.e �3700of UI<AINS - Il (TOR, ROOI(AI111A.CllND. S'IY)i11iS TVI'IiCONSIRU('IION once of the InimtIts he Lad, Care, hn the pedormnC ,he w omudcd ar bylSolana ark l'ur i � 0 I)Xl'UHES-PI3R TRAPL/ // / 61 ❑ 1 have and will maintain Wader% Compensation Inwmnce, as required by Section -le -fine said, far bell this it is i,cvncd. he Labor Calle. for 'he pa m1 cn I' In,ul'nnce 1.111111andPolicy^Y�%J5`01= Cnrricrh� 'iUA/i� I'nhcy No: MyWvki%III rXf?Mf9lONIrROhi GAS IYSFEM-IINCJ)UTLI TS CAS_BA, SVITEM•GVleli 13ACFKI ) O GROUP APN Wv✓ o IIan1!'I W(IHKI'.R.S'On T. COMPENSKLION INSURANCE. GRGSI%INUl1STJtL 1 BUILDING DIVISION FRIES [Thissectinn need not fe,onplaN ifthe p:mtit is for one h parbidellms(EIIX) lir Icv,,l OREAS 1 I'LANCIIIiCK I�I!li Trendy that In dtc �nrfoonataccul the wank lbrwhich lhivpanntit b omed, Island not employ any perssm in any mvnnvr w m Io hunne whjea to the Wnrkcrs' Contpcm YzWER-SANITARY-S'InRMEA.2(X)171. ENERGY FEE GRADING hili cation Irw%of California. Dae WATER BRA'IER WNL' Applicam ^"moi NOTICE TO N'PLICAN'I''.11,alicnnaking this Cenilil'ar of Etctnpnar, yax,beam became subject to the Wader's Compensation pmvUion, Ili 'he Labor Code, you must WNIER SYSIENICTEAI'ING SUB.SFEE Ionlecohennply with such junsworsor this pe Iran shall Ac declined tn'oked. WAIER SERVICE CONSTRUCT ION LENDI NO AGENCY ( hereby atfinn neat there is a consrttctionlending agency let he pmfofotenee of NEW REST UESrr1AL PLM Ii. SQ. FE PAID Inc Receimx T(H'Ah: thu work, nwmch This pcnnn is issued (Scc.3099. Co. CJ Lenders Name L.emdcr's AJdnI 1 T L cenity that I have read this application and Ovate that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances; dManelawsmia ingm construction, laid hcrchy nal crepe¢%mannumv-1thi, city la rel npml liepra,l for im,nlinn purpo%c,. agreea, cask, indannify and keep hxrndcss the City of Cupertino againstI imilitien.judgments. costs and expenses which pay in any way accre almost said City QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE P13RNIIT ISSUANCE?(We) ATTER OR ADD TO MIiCH. OzhuBJing "-E C D' .. ma.vc of the grunting of his perrel. API'1.1 CANT UNDIi BS".ANUS AND WILT. COMPY WI'I II AL1, NONH'OI N'I' AIR HANDLING UNIT TIO 0,0IXt CFM) FEL' S N1RCIiRW"J{,NS. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 100)(CFM1 CONSTRUM]ON TAX Signamre Ili Amicam/Conowl Date I IAY,ARDOIIS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the -apphc4 n or rump buiIdur, ucmgmnt %lore or handl, haeerdou,... a nal no defined by the Cupcnino Mmalyal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Calle, Station 25572(x)'! EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) 1117ATING UNIT (TO 10130011 II'TU) Hl'ATINC UNIT (OVER ❑X1,0100.000 BTU) HOUSING MI'I[CATION FEE Ya[�NJ VI!NTILATION I'AN (SI NGLIi RESIDI PAID Date Receld# Will the updlir murrehuildin. occupnm use equipment on device,which iamt mit haeardou.s air contaminant%us defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management 100,00IT BOILI!R-COMP(31U'OR 100,0 1 District'! 1 ❑Yes JL BOILER- COMP (OVER 101.010 BTU) ISSUANCN. DATE 2 -3-1 9 I have tendtlue homrdovx materiaN Iv under Chune6.95 n1 Ibv Cali- AIR CONDI'I'ION1iH n.15513n h,mla Health & Safety Cada Sections 25505, 2s and 255311 ndcmmnh that if the NEW RIiSIDIiN11AL h11iC11. SQ. FC I huilJinb Jnex nolo fly have amnam. that it is my resryrnsihil'ny In dually the w�cupam my cit +tcquimns moa be ntetprrNr it) uunce of Certificate of (km:pancy. L — ISSUED IIY: uuthnrirtAu � nnc IGLAhI bErget orrlut