27140ICI'L'Y OF CUPE -- BUILDING DIVISION NO APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL ee�rrr I BUILDING PROJECT THENI'IF'ICA9'ION 27140 n _...... ... _.._. QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE SOILS FEE BLDG ELECT PLUME ENERGY IEE Ohissecionness! becamplcted if Ne permit is fnanehundeddollars(SIW) orlasJ PERMIT ISSUANCE I cenif dint in the performance cftbe work for which this pemait is issued, l shall G5Z not employ any penon in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Thereby Ona uACTOR'iaDECL RATI9(commencingwith APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL Jot rsUCRIun.rtna. s�00 qqUE 6-y y6y ZO`ris? OZ� Qk Section 700(n of Division 3ofdan Business and Profession, Code, and my he.. is in fall force and effect, License Class Lic.k Dam Contracmr ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION l undersmnd my plans shall be used as public remands, PANELS UPT02MAMPS s1Jw�"-{pV''-� "'- Gs rj 201 -IOW AMPS OVER LOW AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA SIGNS ELECTRICAL {Q Licen¢d Professional xC�x'OyU ty'3 LL. Ip" vlON; �a�Y2 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I ora exempt from Nw e Contractors License lafor the following reason. (Section 703 1 5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any sarcomas prior equina pp pe gne to its issuance, also the applicant for such Smit Eleasi dmmment SPECIAL CIRCUHUMISC. Vz 0r LT. p O V r�" a On V Z THMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES < W0 D. C� that he is licensed pursuanua the provisions of the Contractors Lucerne Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7")of Division Sof the Business and Professions Code) QTY. MECIIANICALP17RMIT FEE SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION FZ�Q Wa onhat he exempttherefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 0031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant a civil penalty of not mart than Eve hundred do[]. ($500). ❑ I,mownemftheproperty.ormyemployeeswiN wagnaa theirsolecompensetinn, will Ja the work.anJ the structure is not intendMornffemdfort sale (Sec. 7IH4, Business ALTFER OR ADD TO MECH. OUTLETS - SWITGHFS- U itac NEW RESIDENTIALE . STORIES TYF and Profession Cale: The Contractors License Law does and apply to an owner of A IR I IANDIANG UNIT (TO I(fight Cl Inenme enflhe gra tin of thi. property whobulldsorimprevesthereon, andwhodoessuchwod himselforNrough his own employees, p that such tmprovememtt atenot intended offered fheowp OCC. GROUP s _sI JA TOTAL: rt. ung ori m builder. .Neavet a ndearofemein issoldheili within buildne ormprove for or builder will have the burden of pmvimg that he dIJ not build or improve far purpose of PAID QTY. PI! RING PERMIT FEE HEA'L'ING UNIT(TO IW,WOBTU) ❑ [,as owner offfic progeny, war exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to FLOOD ZONE IIAP.ARDOUS MATERIA.S DISCLOSURE consumer the project (Sec. 70,44, Business and Professiom Code:) The Contractors License Law doesnot apply torn ownerofpropeny who builds or improves th num,sad HEATING UNIT (OVER I W,IXp BTU) L: PERMIT ISSUANCE Cade, Senior 25533(n)7 ❑ Yes ❑ No who contracts fonuch projects with a contractions) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's ve Law. License ALT[iR -DRAIN&VENT - WATER (FA) FEE SUMMARY ISSUANCE ATE OCT Ell am exempt under Sec. , B & P C for this mason BACK FLAW PROTECT. DEVICE BOILER. COMP (OVER IW,000 BTU) SANITARY Y Owner Duce WOR MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION DRAINS - FLODR, ROOF, GOND. RECHIPT#_ SCHOOL TAX Y NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH, SQ. FT. ❑ Iherebyaffirmthurlhaveacerifemeofconenttoul6insum,oracenificateo( Weakeri Compensation Insurance or a cenifiecl copy thereof (Sec. 3800, Lab C.) which RECEIPTX_ FlXTURFS - PER TRAP PARK FEE Y mvemallemploya's thderthis permit. Policy M GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 OUTLINE �• RECEIP # BUILDING DIVISION F Company ❑ Cerufim copy is hereby fumhhed. GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(III PLANCHECK FEE 1 1 GREASFJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE or authorized agent Dam ❑ CHR I'117TCAI1' Of EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASETRAP SOILS FEE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM FA. 200FT. ENERGY IEE Ohissecionness! becamplcted if Ne permit is fnanehundeddollars(SIW) orlasJ WATER HEATER WNENT/ELECTR I cenif dint in the performance cftbe work for which this pemait is issued, l shall not employ any penon in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' PAID z �O Cmuramiumsawauf Califomia. Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,ofter makingchia Cerificmeof Esenaptiar. you shoudd WATER SYSTENVOEATING NBW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. Date Receipts TOTAL: Vbecnmc.rubjeatntit. Wmkcr'a Compensetimprovisions of the Labor Code, you muse 5 forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shed l M deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE a Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Vz 0r LT. p O V r�" a On V Z I hereby affirm that here is a construction lendtngagency for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued (Sae. 3097, Civ. CJ Lender's Name ELECTRIC PEE Lenders Address QTY. MECIIANICALP17RMIT FEE PLUMBING IEE 1 certify them I have Had this application and state thin the mhove infmmatum is correct. Ingrcemcomply with all city and county nrdinencex and stale lows relwingmT building construction, and hereby authorize representatives ofthis city mentermen the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. PERMITISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE s� ALTFER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCfIONTAX (We) mgrte to save, indemnify and kcep harmless the City of Cupertino.,.fast liabilities, judgmems, costs and expenses which um,m ny wnyaccrue gainstumd City A IR I IANDIANG UNIT (TO I(fight Cl Inenme enflhe gra tin of thi. s _sI JA AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCI) PAID S' sum of Applicam/Contmcuse' Dam HEA'L'ING UNIT(TO IW,WOBTU) Dam Reccipt0 IIAP.ARDOUS MATERIA.S DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant arm or handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Clmpter 9.12, and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER I W,IXp BTU) L: Cade, Senior 25533(n)7 ❑ Yes ❑ No es- �1 al `1 I y VHN'1'l1ATION 17AN(SINGLE RESID) BOILER- COMP(3HPOR IW,a(IB BTU) ISSUANCE ATE OCT AdKp Will Neo plicanrorfmurebuilding«cu pencuuequipmentordevice,whtchemit BOILER. COMP (OVER IW,000 BTU) haurdnus air contaminants ax definW by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? lOb Ing O 4 ❑ Yes ❑ No I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califomia Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 undmiumul that �% Uf 4Ui Cf}l/IM(J NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH, SQ. FT. ` 7Owner if the building does not arurently have it tenant, ilia, it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be ran prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ISSUCD BY: or authorized agent Dam )' ,.