08070102 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PER -ON'T"CTORimORMATION BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMITNO. 10441 PHAR LAP DR GARDNER CONSTRUCTION CO 08070102 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE ARTHUR AND MARIA LECLAIRE 750 LOCUST ST 07/24/2008 ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 615-8010 ARCHTTECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT FLUME MECH X00 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O O O O 1 M1wby.loan Nat I w li¢nad aMcr pmvianns of Clumpter 9(commmcmt Job Description w)N Sad.nl").f Divism.3ofthelbruwasmd Professiam COM,aMmy[I...I. REVISION—REMODEL NEW HEADER REPLACEMENT/FOOTING@ °pm nMirome mdeffec ��z ueen W�ue.tssasr ✓�Z FAMILY RM SECTIONS T'Sr DECLARATION RQN`�G t]LrsT /p Q ARCHf1EC15ublicm ORIG#08040232 a� 1 undewnJ my plans Nall he umtl u public rerords JyU yLLa Licensed Pmfessi.nal 5 OWNER-BUILDER m Ce CommaON coo hereby afsw that 1 em xempt from the C.nI..ors L ten a law for the coo O following mason(section aavasr susintas and Pm.loom Cade:My rily s county which requims•permit re ewswtt.Iter,impmw,h pamh t a repoir any ammum _Zy prisms accun¢,arurequiw theapplicantfor sucCommute Lics.Jib!A Law sutwem E�G thuheulieenmd Secdntm Nepma,kv rfdc Comramra d itrlaw(Cb )., Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation $ (cwmeis mum t therefrom n d)the basis f r of the Buanwand on.Anyou Caee)or $2500 .. Net he is ue5Pl therefrom sntl the aper for bj ds�ho asuman to Any l pawn of Section.1.. than fins but applrcmt for a permit mbjau thte Applicant m a coil putalty of Number Occupancy Type notm.mNanrlwhaMmdaoll,n(S50pk 32635042 . p �' YP ❑I.uowser of Ne pmlamsY,amy wploym with wagnuthteir mk ewpevadon, will dodmsions Ca Ne Too Casouts Liamm Law a.k(sec.In an Basions W aty who Cale:The Crnc.cmfs nd whe law data oat apply m rt roux.offis _ Required Inspections pwpem who builds orImpmvu b imp,end whodoesmem wank M1 rmforarNmum his own wPloycpe.proNded Natsahimprowmmain ant earofmrroRwtl the ale IL bultdo,.Neavoth twimpmtemung Oat mdidnmu)ear of cmtpkdonr polum of . builder HR love We buNan of proving Nat M1e did not Wild a impsme for purpose of sale.). ❑I.u causer or the properly w reclusively conuactint with 0seued ranbamn W c.mtm t the Mjcm(Sec.TOm.Business and Pmfasiou Co kc)The Crntm mrs W- mnm raw does rot apply in.n.wnes of Impact who build,.,rmpmws thereon,and who contracts for such Micas with a contractor(s)focused pursuant on Ne C.ntramors Lice.law. O l um exempt anchor See .B&P C for this repeon se Can WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hcmby.T.under pewt'of perjury ane of ex frlmwas dala o mm: ❑I law aM will for by •CmuficW.f Copecm r Cods.for n, Woa...f On wilt,u provided for by Ssis u dToO rf Ik labor Cove,for Ne perfowan¢rf thu wart(a whiem this prank r issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Warterr Compcnsati.n Imurance,as rugmral by Secv.n . 37W.f the labor Code.for On performanre of Ne work for which Nr permit is issued. My Work-a s C2wWramx ompedoo ucarer and Policy ntumbbeerr/am: r Caer 56 '7, %A!. Poliry Na.�3 1 &��� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Tau mmwar reed not becwpleud If the permitis(mom hundmddollan(tido) or less) 1«rdfy Net ld Ibe performaae of the wort far which Its permit u Issued,l shall nm employ any perm.in my manse,an as to become subject to Ne Workri Cwpcuadon Laws of California Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after maid,this CeniBeam of Exemption,you should become subject on Ne Worker's Compensation pmvraru of the labor Code,you mute .J O fo thwid,comply with such provisions or Nu pmmit shall is,dsemed revoked. 'Z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY F+r 1 hereby afDrm that cure u a mwration lemilr a for do t 6^n' pmfuwutm of Ci Le work far which ads pewit is issseseC) d(S .709T,Civ. Ia �W nticName . .7 z !.coders es Mmss e U O 1 m'rfY Nat I have read Nis.pplkaumr and arm d u am mum iNmm.don r ^, rnwa 1 agree m comply with aea all city and county andinsand sum laws relating m O il'J buildingamorn,cdon.and hemby mthouim mprnnulws of Nu city N enkrupon Oc W .hove-mat mad plapeny for impec4M purp mae a (Wc) C.Ir mw,indemnify and keep hawlns dx City of Cupernr ag.imt h liabilities,judgments,torts and espertsca which may in any way arra gent mid City U Z AcPLICANT of the UNDERSTANDS AND pewit /1 is ••y _ ^ APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: SO Date YR REGULAT�pS. Re-roofs Sigwum py ppli aConuaiur . Dau HAZARDOUS'MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will thx applinnt m forum Wildint aavpantmcc m NnEle hrurdou maurY ss ceased m 25 32(.)? Munici WI Cotle,mapper 9.12 and ex HNN antl Safety cade.s«d.nsssn:r,)+ ❑Yes ON. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant m futum Wilding oavp on pea equipment a eruts which If a roof is,installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove arkh�gnu air contaminants u dalncd by the Bay A.Air Quality Mwagcmcm all new materials for inspection. DistricDYn pNu I haw read Ne hasndoua nommods requirements under Chapter 6.95 of thx c lif n- nuHeslth&Safety Code,Sccaope 25505,25533 av125534.1 undcmvW tha ifthc buildint dura ,cuwndy how.¢nam,that It r my rupownwhy m wary On ocvamm,or the �yI nuwhkhMUSL ro ppt,i�oorwisss�cooraccrtificauoloccPpY /° ` 0 � /zy/O q Signature of Applicant Date -7C Owne aramboriagent Tran All roof coverings to be Class';.a'or better