1235NO. srR ET LOT NO. VAj F ELECTRICAL PERMIY'` CI CrUPERTINO INOV 21 1cl, �I y Date ' �/ %V.'' % • _ ; .19 Permit No. CITY OF CUPR� ��� 1 Fce � 5 / 7J Application is hereby.mad� to e i }� Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring .and/or fixtures"as'lisfed:on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring ,and/oi fixtures'in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical _Code of them City2?,4,. vpertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. a Us"e of. Premi e o / w ems'' - . - a OwnerAddress •' ' r • 1 Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Q.r ;y INSPECIbt Size Service Conduit ---------------------- Number of Outlets........... Size Service'Wires utlets-----------Size"Se'rvicu7Wires ..........................Number. of Switches................ Size witches---------------- Size Service Switch ------------------------Number of Receptacles............ Size eceptacles------------ Size Sub Feed Conduit ------------------ Number of Fixtures ------------------ rpj Size, Sub Feed Wires ................'---Ranges......... ) ------ KW-------------- ----------- ---------- -------._%.S Number -------- 7.6 - Number of Circuits....---........... Oven -----1-..... KW -------------- ------- ---- ---------- ---------- A57 Number of Meters ........................Signs........_ Transformers............._... ...... .......... Misc.---------------------------------------------Dryers--- t ---------------------------------- ------- - ---- - ... ..... ... Motors ......... HP -------------------- Phase .................... Motors --------- I -- ---- Permit Fee.'$'I'"00 ......... HP ... ! ---------------- Phase -------------------- A, Motors .................... HP -------------------- Phase -------------------- H P Charge........------- / Q C) TOTAL I—ES Rough Wirin ....... GATE INSP[CTOR Finish Wiring., ........ ... ..... ..T9 . - , INSPECTOR ON, APPROVALS Fixtures .... : ----------------- ------- -------------------- DATE INSPECTOR Motors ------ .. Final W.. .. C -T!. -R. ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CiTYYOF CUPERTINO ................... ./s.Z................... ..... 196.. To .r You are hereby aut ed to'connect the ELECTRIC servic fo��/ . ;: •Owner or, Tenant .. . .. . .... ....... _.... .:.. d!_._.. No. of, Wires tl..:..._...... Size fres -.._.pal."'Size',of Switch:/!/D .;.., . Motor Load ...................... Voltage ------------- ...:--- ._.---... Phase ---.....----_.:;...a....... -.... Heating Load .. _`......---...-.-- K. W. ................. Voltage .............-1-'=-`- --- Light .....-......_l 10 .... ..New Service ...'.vr... Reconnect -------- - t No. of Meters _...} - ----- Heat ---........_.220 .��:....Three Wire .... ............. Dlove Service ....... No. of Add. Meter:......... Power ....... TI Phase --- ----- _._...Nlov Meter s r d _r. f 1 r r. � Ii. . •+ LLC ICAL INSPECTOR rn1p 04 %61=1500. " 4 l j� r 1 .r av_ �' +.+• rs >w. C!./1