99090173 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HU11.13INGpn11R94 PENNINGTON LA PERMITN"090173 OWNER'S URN LI CHEN APPucA'f`���13 y 1999 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO C,IQ=- ARCHITECT/INGIN ER: BUILDINGPERMI I'INF(1 ,..`" BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH LI IJ FF-yd I.IrENS II CONrRAC fuR'S DECLARATION Job Description O1 hcrcbY nit it that 1 an,licensed under provision..of Chapter 9(commencing . �_1_m »;m sectional(gnniDcoint341heRu.me..andPar„re..mn.Code.orndmrrrens 2228 LIVING SPACES 462 GARAGE SPACE a4is in full force and effort. e S (Lunn,Class I.ic,n 3r Due Cemme,m Lot ARCEIH Cr'S DECLARATION t_a I understand mY Plan,shall be used as public mean, f 1, iL S O�O Littns,d Pmfcnsiowl OWNP.H BUILDER DECLARATION N I levelly al'lirn,hm I an,uxeanp,Tenn the Comremra Urenw Law for the Hollowing reason.(Section 1031.5.Business and Poe evoom Code:Any city or county F❑ which requirc%ailaarnaii toversomet.altar, p dernalish.ormpearYstructura W 3= prior it), I. ofluires the pplica t for suchpermit file a signed:t, rot 'but he is 1w,rosed,lonmorn,,,,he I n..of t Cattail Lce 1' (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area (un angw'h Seen,IlgU) D µoB I 'v' ,3 ,1'he wi,m,1 lI'lfas. ms Code) �GLG nr,M1m he is exempt liberation,and he basis ha the alleged ewmptioa.Any !,,Italian of Section 7011.5 by any up,li...i for a prtmit object,dwapphran,,m a civil penalty {� of nntmnre,har rive hundred Jollas(SAMn. A3C N�It Vk9 00 ccupancy Type. ❑1,rte owner of the pn,perY,onny rn,ploycrn Lath wagnssmr,,oficn life ism, O^�IQ�+IO �- will do the work,and the structure is nut wended or ut't'ered roe sale(Sec.7014 11S Cctions ownerofpraerty Who Wld%o.imp Con,theren,and whloa s such work himself 101 — FOUN�H p ormmugn n°`n:a employees.provided d ma,such improvemen,are not intended our outrcd fill.ale.If.ho»Burr. he building o,in,prevmnm„is slid ovulations,rear or 1.02 — PIERS a.nplmien,the owne,.hhmrr will to the ba..fin final that hr dol mot bald ur 103 — UFER improv,lin purinnc of sulci. 1.:. renh,paeprry.ante.em.i.'ser«,ntmrhngw;tnhrenxaeulrtrrmrs,u 104 — REBAR al,struet tn�rmiect aur.n 44.Business and Pmh:Ftora Code:)The Counselors 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS I ice o,Law duct nm apply no un uwnc,of pn�per,y who h,dlds or nnpmve,thereon, a J Iwl,carries lot such porects with a,untrara,r(.) liaa.cd pursuant ,,he 106 — SEWER & WATER C ntmcmrs Licerw Law. ❑lam encmIs ule,Sec._,./� B&P C for this reason 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING OL:m'r-ILk ��' ^�'"i,{�, � 203 —, UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL .{ W 0 R 'SCOM PIa.NSA'I'10 A )N 1 Ihereby official ander frnmryatperjury one othe follow ingdemomiens, 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME C 1 tool,and will ,maintain a Certificate ur Couscnt m.elf-inmr four Worker. 205 _ UNDERFLOOR INSULATION Co....sa ...,, a, pmvdad 0,r by S„tina1 3700 our the Labor Code, cur he 301 ROUGH PLUMBING Pere,m,anceerd,rwerktY„»Mm,nmaPrrn;ti,sissued. 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER 01 hove and»ill maintain"o ker's Comparl Insurance,us required by Section 300(1 of he Laser Code,ro, he performance of he weak for which his rorria i. 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL i.,v..1.M,Weke, CempenvaliIloumncecarrier am1Pehrylanann`rore' 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Carries: Policy No CERT HFICATION Dr•ESEMP1ION FROM WORKERS305 — FRAME CONII'ENSATION INSURANCE -,306 — HOLDOWNS ('rhi,vent aecd ren be.......tried itmepenouR,Inc elle h,lll tied dollars 307 — INSULATION ISIIN)1 ur lcxsJ 1 renin tem h me performance of he work far which his pe,.if i.i...ed.1 3013 — SHEETROCK `boll und employan,l” asinine:object mm W°ak" 309 — EXTERIOR LATH n„p 'r i ,Ic 11 Data oil CE TO APPLICANT If. u k' gnhi,Certificate ofE Pt n yon 310 — INTERIOR LATH Z hit, b) u alWorkers,rmt pe: r nh Lobo cd »u inns, 3i1 — SCRATCH COAT O O forthwith ve npy n.:oe,with such peour hre ,.pm,-hall W d d ked. Z h CONS'1'NI1CI'ION LENDING AGENCY0'06 ROOF NAIL I herebyamnn that them e a Colonial lcnd'mg ageecy fm doe wrfmmnar, FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY C of,he work for which,hispenio is i..ucd ace.31)97.Civ.C.) i e landcr.Name FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 7 Z Lcndcr'.Addre.s U O 1¢r in,hmLhavamust 0.i.apphcadonaid',.,ahmlheabove iN'ennationisFINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY I,. F. d..rect.1 agree to comply with all city and am,ny ordinances and state laws relating FINAL BUILDING ENERGY V to building cungm,9ion,and hereby au,hairz representatives of this city to enter upon y 105 he amne-menhoaed pmpcn,air inspection pmpn.e.. FINAL ELECTRICAL ti0. (Welagnx tons,indenmlly and keep harmless the City of Cupcnino againstrte hamnaee,indg,nane eeln ami rspemc,whm,ma, a a,,,way accom ng:dn.,saidGAS TF_ST Z City in consequence of he granting of hi,partial.APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH AI NON-POINT FINAL PLUMBING pale GULAyqNS So g atw,o�iaren' 1C "it Re-roofs . Hnzneoous MArERhus Dlscuuuala 509 — FINAL GRADE heappbcadormmreWildingoccupant.toreorhandleholovil arutadal Type ofRDof510 — FINAL PLANNING .1dclinedto the Cuwnino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Section 2553260? Oyes 0 N All roofs shalFAftnspecFer3VFll;r tcPMP6;&hNfi NISI being installed. Will the applicant orfuture building oceupant use eghpmentto,devicowhdch If roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. I agree to remove esni,nacuNous air conuminam,s'Jdincd b>'thc Nay Arte Air Quality Nlunugcmcm D;snm;l all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with C yes ElNo all non-point source regulations. 1 have mad he ha.aNau.mmedalk req,Jremceth under chapter'695 of he California Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understand that if ho,Wilding dunot morally lava a tenant,that it i,any responsibility n,notify the nu<upam of,M1r reyuiremcntn»Lich mull M Ilial pri1'r Inkmvn Cc Hcae of //ry Signature'of Applicant Date n neda,., r' u� All roof coverings to be Class `B” or better