01030111CITY 1 NO BUILDING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: I DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 18971 PENDERGAST AV COSMOS ROOFING 01.030111 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUR DATE DON GODSEY 450 SAN ANTONIO FD 03/20/2001. 'HONE: SANITARY No, CONTROI. NO. ass- � 4 ► 9 (415)493-6373 ARCHI'FECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MITCH I_1 G"I C1 1_I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I homby:dBnn than 1'e, n lwe-ed under pminions of Chapter beloominain, with Section Il9)(q of Divisi lit afhe Bwin,ss vnJ Rufevsions Cdlc. send tiny license Dm fall bate abdy} . C�— �4 ( T/O TAR 8 GRAVEL umb.e Umc_. ADD TAR 8• GRAVEI_.(4PI_Y) AIiCHII'ECRSDECLARAI[ON 1 understand my plans shall M used as public record, , - Licensed Prom ionll OWNER-BUII.D ik DECLARATION I hereby orf nn that I an, exempt front the Cnmrenor's License Law far 1be following reason. (Shinn 7131.5. Business and Profesiom Carle: Any city lir county which require, u permit ,, noartenl, alma ingmwe, demolish, or repair any structure prior a, its issuance, alw requires the applicant too such pentritto Elea sign l smmmenl Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation that he is licensed put,anot to the provikinnisia the Clannoroors Licetv,c Law (Chapter 1) benmmane r, all Section 71)(10) of Division 3lithe Bu.inas and Professions Coda or that he is eaennpl themlrom and the hasis it,, the alleged exentptiva, Any violation of senior 7031.5 by any a1y,lic:::n for a permi subjects the applicant Ina civil Penalty APN Number Occupanc4SJff15 olnmmonTfisehundred dollars (S5(X)). ❑ T. as owacr of me progeny, or illy employees with wages as their sole avmpenation. 3753303'RFtlkfed Inspections will do the wwfk. and the structure is nor imcinko lir nBered for sale (Sea. 7144, Monaco, ,,,it Pmfe..it:,a Code The contraemr_s Lloense Law doe, not apply 10 an property who build, or improvesthereon,it thereo, wwho does act, work himself oidoorof r through his sewn employee, p:onded that such improv mans are not art or coarct for ,ale. If. M1osrcver, the !wilding lir imprmemrovin sold within line year of he building vabeledon.me nIf.humilder l aroe the olne infidel beim not build of 305 — FRAME innprnvcnnpemnseaf,ale' 307 — INSULATION ❑La, nwmr of he progeny; e,m.iv-elY enal.ba, with licensed contractors to tact the project (S. 7044. linsiress and Professions C,dl The Contractor'. conec 601 — ROOF ..ERR OFF Ol � l ,,o- Law does mil apply In an owner of Profwny who bullar lir in, a, heru,n. and who cnnfaats for such projects with a contractor(.) licensed pomnas m the 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL Corllrucmh License Law. ❑Iame,cmplunder See . .BdPCfor this mason 603 — ROOF BATTENS Owner Dan, 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARA'll I hereby affirm tinder penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ] I have and will naninlaill it Certificate of Consent m ,cif-insure for Worker's Garn,mmlon, as provided for by Section 37011 of the Labor Cal, for the perhnnmviceal' the walk for which his lennil Is i.sacd. have and will nminrfm Worker's Co npenwtion Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Lahor Col , far the performance of he work for which this permit is - istal. my" "nInwmntt caber and Policy numbs Carrier: XIiM No 7f'w—// CIiNIIIRC OF EKIiMPI'10NRANC WORKERS COM COMPENSATION INSURANCE Thi, se,lo n need nm 1, emgnetW Ifihe pe'mh is Ibr one hundred ddlvr. ' ISUM) lir lewd I ceriry mw in the peatormance of he work Tim which 1his .it is rowed I ,hurl not employ any person in any manner w as to become subject to the Workers Cnnyren, i T aweof Cablbfni, Done eIL otherCommaking this Certificate of E.enpt inn. You should NOI let:APoI.he Wo,': beeor eI tdbj minor, the Code. You mull bccomch Colon nor ian per sea he Wuch clMd not IonM1with n,n,ply wilM1 .web provi>iona or this pencil shall M JccnmJ revoked. coni pr . ' CONS 'rRUCI'[ON LENDING AGENCY I hereby affair than there is it coop motion lending agetay fon the perfamnnce of me work for which his pencil i, issued (Sec. 3197, Civ, C.) Ixmdcr's Nance Lender's Allots. I certify that I haves read ids agphcatloa and wrc that aha vMtc lot action is nen. I agree 10 comply with all city amt county ordinances and slate laws relating to building comlwedon, trio hereby nation, rePmnwn:uivcx of this cit, to parr, upon the nhoven,cnOnnml property for itvpeetion purpows (We) agree to save. indemnify and keep hart,,, the City of Cupertino ngu rni ' Ilalaines, Tud,mmn,, mala : it aspen,,, which miry til any way accrue ugvirvd said City in conoquenca of the granting el his permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTA' T W ILL C MPLY WITH ALL NOPPOZI D O Issued by: Date SOURCE REOULA'rll �/al y' Re-roofs, - SilaoLum of Appll,;L,iU mnelor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant m mtmre building ocenant .teem handle hmmdm„ mttmr:d Type of Roof . di fmcd by the Cupertino Mnacipal Code, Chapter 9.12. and the Health and safe,, ,cal, Seninn 2.553200 / ❑ye, .4 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any reeling material being installed. - Willmeappdcama Winne boildiogtenupLal,,aripnentorde.iceswhich If it roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove mth:vafdou, air comamiwm, as defined y the tray Area Air Quality Meagcmcnl oi.n., all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Pel all non-point source r ,ulations. I have mall line llarardo,:s ...,,lard., ,ai,enwrr, ander Castile, 6.95 of the California Health h Safety Coh, Sections 25305. 25533 and 25534, 1 understand that r it the hi iidingduc. col oulanlly have a tectum. hal no is n,y,e...... dllil. u, anify the I Q/ u w cu,n1 lit the re. i octo a 1, hich nest be sen prior m iauunce or a cenircam lir (kcucy / Signature of A1415ificant Date — 3 - All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better All Owner orantion, .gen, Dane OFFICE