02090141 CI 6 BUILDING DPERTONNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 716D1N8ADg EACH BLOSSOM DR JUST WATER HEATERS INC PERMIT gwyER'SN6yE:. HO ET AL 1764 NATIONAL AVE APPLIc019N�y2B01 002 PHONE:l:ri 11V (510) 293-9901 SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. Q60 ZO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO m BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y¢6 S!!2= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Z Ihereby0).fIhtlam,iccnudunderprovisionsofChapmr9(commencing Job Description oz-o - REPLACE WATER HEATER F:Fw with S«tion]gp)ofDivisionlof the Business and Professions Code,and myliccnu d is m run carte and effect. (4 0 GALLON GAS) a,«a License class Lie.a 3 D Date Comr«mr fn ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION t1=O 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records Ep O Licensed Professional OW NE.exempt DECLARATION X K m 1 hereby,them on 1 1. exempt from me Contractor's o e:Any c Law for she E1FQ followingrcosa(Semon)onstr Business and Pe.dcaons Crile:Any city or county se which rryussu n permit ac rons;the alter,impmve,demolish,fi repair any suuauu w- 00 w pit earl req m applicant for such pctors License 8eJstat m - - . . o,3- mA62 5t1 'hwJphrsngmcpmm.wmof the dre Business L c Law(Chapters)h) y,•, �Sq:�Ft Floor Area a e a y�T Valuation fen me 9 wall S«,i* ]BOhJ f e vssisoof the Busmessa Ji ranana code) I, Ik':aq �.'•fat��• era mat is i5 daemps Zany appli rand me basis for the subjects th d aemant to Any violation r 3 6 611119 . 0 -af S«lion,than v any hundred +r,a permiuuhj«*s the applicant m a civil pcnahy - wrnmmaremanfivanaaermengars(ssn)l. APN Number .er::.oT>.:� Occupancy Type ❑Lasowner onneporKry,ormyemployees wimwagelher,mlecompensation, 502 — FINAL PLUMBIN ENERGY -will-do the works and-the'swclure'is a,,,intended a,offered for sale sxc:]Bit, 506 - GAS TEST Required Business rand Professions Code:The Cant.«tar's License Law does not apply m on Required Inspections;,!' Itt 11 1,•�'' macer of pmpany Who builds or improves diatom.and who does such work himself 507 - FINAL PLUMBING or through his own employee,provided.ma such improvcmems art am intended or -:offered'for sale!lChuweveo*fie liuildin tis Hold within one --of " -------- ,1.'.`.�_sA1f / 1 _. gmurden of pro Year � ,..;ria-.,.__ ............ 'completion,pu owner-builder will have me burden of proving that he did wt buil)or s ' improve for puryou of zale.l t]I tr nl ja,p pe*y exclusivelycontestingi with I«n)Thenmmcmrs m -�a - -- ❑. t .: construct i th project fS ]to a B sine. d e Professions Cole)The venwcmr s License law does not apply m an v«rcr l pmpe tr who huiice se improves thermos . Contra ..L p f.....`r 1 licensed p rsuant.m the ...__ . ------------- Coal ._.. .and ho<onuac¢for such o«u w th contractors, uL 0 exempt neer Sec' ` U&PCror this reason � WORKER SCOhIPENSATION DECLARATION Ilicash,liffinartmadePe by of Pe 1 ry one ofl0c follawmg d«lamunne: ❑ 1 have rad will'nmir lain o Cauifca,of Consem'tu ulf-insure for Worker's ...i]�. `Compensation..m provided fora by Saint. 37W of the labor Code, for the 'perfam,arrccofthdwork,forwhichthispermitisissued. ❑1 have ani maintain W rk s Ccml�pxiarmlmuaanva goired by Section JOM of the'Lrbir Crile for the performance f the work for which this permit'is issu d.My Whirl Clorriptoresslimi Insurance tarn a d P y mhr am: „ t ..w -sass. ... .- _ .Last .. ..u._ sass .....--. .ter-� - ............_.._sass.. Cam<NI.iCERTFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS e f �s'•: l :p' jttk: il>isr t. `.tyy 1.?•' 1t,� 'tl; :,.`}•6l. COMPENSATION INSURANCE t(Th a ueuon need arm be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars s�* \ I l 711,'7': s �s:'r Lsl 11 I':I"' •A ISH100 m las.!lriF -i. .._.. , Y -nfy lh t' tl<p�fnl* ,c of the drA fo 'h¢lul pe, tsta ed 1. TN,( .J 111.�1b aigi:l ♦` el . shall not employ aa,pe wit m any manner m,as o bechynome mm the Work is Co pc wsf n LaoC 1 f ,Dau .1 -App,cal ' :_ : 1 .4 ._ Nu TICETO APPLICANTIf.mur'nak gis Certificate t L.an,a......should' bee - u bjeco the N iA r' Compensationprovisions of the LaborCade.you must 0 O forox ah comply withsuch pm isions or this Permit shall ba y mn J rawaked. rw. IT � `sfa hertbY"1 CONSTRUCTION LENDIN(IAGENCY V \,, \ ( I affmn that it is a n t a oInd nB age f the performance - -_t' of the kf hch thik perma,is asued!Sec Jfri9 Ciie.C) w:.u_s..." Lciadc,',Address `1,e.I certify that I ply rine ails city and any state mm and stale infmmmini is %U mnN agree to comply with ibyay any coumy ordinances matinfoil sae laws era upon _�..V i:.buildingabove mensuunion:and pertyfri nspe tion purposes. vcs of this [center upon he abavWc)lig uned,ove.ny for inspection purynui., _ .. , , Zl (W} g ria de ipe and which mless me w accrue against agand ��h Ctyliabilities.judgmentz costs ml fifth h h Yin any y gains*said U.2.• City <AN'r end f*h g mngDW pe t- ` APPLIG',1NTU{dpER5'Frt\DS AND WILCCOhIPLY•N'ITH ALL N'ON=P01(vT Date . ....�; souRCE REGULATIONS:{1111 ".'S'kT P',Iry. Issued by; Signature gf Applicem/ConmcmrlC;i ;'.,.� . .. , fi mote .. Re-roofs f ', HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE -; Will the applilmora or future building a cupam nun,iir handle n.uanlo sin;,'rad -....Type of Roof,.-.---.,- sass..._._._ .. sass. . ..t :- .�_..._.. ......,_ as defined b the cu r Municipal Code Chapter 9 13, d d Health and Safetyt, CWc Section 355R(o) {. l. . 'f t' .\k•' fir- f i `,.a.tiry t fs Y, 1, Y,. ( ) - ❑Yee r oil .._.All,roofs shall-be inspected prior to any roofing..material being.installed.,._,.,..... ... ��r wu d,epppr to f I h.mite« pat cq pmrn* rade n n If a roof is installed without first obtaining an mspectton' Lagree td remove mat haza0 us air contaminants a.defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Ma agem 0 D aYall new materials for inspection, Applicant understands and will comply with �Cye, * ❑Nn'• ,b ' - all non-point source regulations, 1 , '-I havea lead Safety ety Code. mmaiens req cements under Chapter understand f.fhe, Cluilif Health&Safety Gide,Steens 25505,t it one responsibility I ity to n by that if the building dgcs not currently have a mnam.that it u my rtsponsibilitY to notify� 'ace p m of she requ -met which Mut him,t pit--,w issuance enificae of °" ° y _ Signature of Applicant Date r �.t .. _ ... -..._.__. .. __ ..... .._. .. * z�.r All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better 8 II` mh.med t Data :O g OFFICE .. C.e .. * . . .. .. ,._ .. . .. . 'cit a. .. . n.