NO PERMIT NUMBER 10261 Parlett Place A.E,. ' r 2 NO. STREET t, - LOT NO. S-yo 7 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 9903 iANITARY NO. 1 9'i 51,399 FILE NO.— DAP ril,18 O.DA Pril,l8 19 77 Applicationis hereby made for a permit to 5 NHR(2080 sq.ft.liv Const. (Plan 2080) l a story,type + 440 sq.ft.gar) to be occupied only as I & S Single Family Dwelling in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 70,000 227.00 FEE$ PLAN CHECK$ OWNER BAS Homes, Inc. ADDRES�0823 Stevens Cr.Blvd.SwC-2 PHONE 252-2077 Same ' CONTR, ADDRESS PHONE Same STATE LICENSE 323864 APPROVED James H. Sisk/m BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE IWPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS IN 8 EXT. FIREWALLS _ MEMBRANE, ,LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. _ UNDER-FLOOR d• TIEDOWNS -MISC- ' DIAPHRAMS �. MOOPE BUST NESS FORMS NC..LA ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR - COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROU0tVj UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING 6 FINISH WIRING FIXTURES p INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS 1 PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING 8 A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPEC BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS 81NSULATION f}UNDERGROUND ROUGH} rj FLUES 8 COMB.AIR PARTIAL ROUGH - -77 CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE ye-F-f-771 FINAL APPLIANCE -a(- ROOF DRAIN 8 LEADERS MAIN DRAIN 7 FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS y' ROUTE 'SLIP' 4 File No. r Date a -f�� Location Subject Notes Approved lv�� 5. 7 Date In ctor CERTlFlCATE 0F.C6MPLETION BUILDING-INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CIT-Y'O�UPERTINO DATED/ - -. 19� BLDG. PERMIT NO. ._rnn 9 7 THE BLDG. LOCATED AT /0 2-6Z Pg A &6� OWNED BY ' /TE=e,4 HAS BEEN I OMPLETEDI FOR USE AS • !�� LA ALTE EDI I , w � , OM / � 6 ' '= y,, BUILDING INSPECTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE• OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSBECTOR'S NOTICE CITY OF„C•UPERTINO To You are hereby amhorizedto Connecr electrical service for Owner ar Tenant L--4.r At No.of Wires .S,,Ae of Wires Size of Switch Motor Load _Vologe: - Phase Heating Load K.W. - Voltage No.of Meters Light. New SerNce�' - Reconnect f Heatti" "f p0- / 'Three Wire More Service No.of Add.Meters ' ' ' Power � //(fT�hree Ph aM^�o�w'e�Me er ' @• ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR �✓ I 'r / ) ,. p✓f �� CITY OE.CUPERTINO COYE GAS SERVICE NOTICE To You'are hereby authorized toacorinect the GASservicefor Owner or Tenant 'dam=ir-o_ '9+?�sr,:G�n �„..'%,.,•.-,..: At New Sertiice No. of Meters (/ { ' Reconnect ' Move Service No. of Add. Meters 'Move Meter PLUMBING INSPECTOR - Bldg. Dept. + -.Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO '\ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ..._'.7�.d � ---- Final - - Plumbing Permit No. ...��'.. Lot No. ----.----4; . - --------- 'Owner or Tenantr •.— ....... s.... :. .......... .!?s:i.--'/.2..:.... .._'--- ............................. Tract .......... --- ------------ ----- ---....... ..................-_------------------------- ------- r .: Date Connected ........ -------------- 19------------- Date ' - 'Date Final ----------A2------- �_7 7 ` .... 19--.......... Pi-- ................ PLUMBING INSPECTOR I. ✓� Q NO. s'rRl,LT' LOT NO. Z z - ilf:0 Y'rc oi( O «""� .CITY OF CUPERTINO o.Q 9-APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 . LL : Date n O /-7,7. 19 _ Permit No. _ ,'n� Applica a tion is-hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical µ 'wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side heieof, and agrees to install said oo wirinjf`a"nd/or fixtures in accordance with th6provisions of the Electrical Code of the o <city or _Cupertino, aSINGtLEAaFP ilb RtSIDENCE z _ Use of Premises_ J Zo / 's 3 m nwner� R.o Addressl as F � By REP R ' 9'BIfT Address 0 F CONTRACTOR, AGENT 00 Approved \ ELECTRICAL INSPE i{ \J 'State License r w a a a r r F O �n 0.' u. � ❑ '� a � � v O O O O O O F 4 L 4 D fi N N z z z z • 10261 Parlett P1: 2.2 NO. 'STREET 7{ - s O , CITY'Of Ck"n-"TING' _ CITY OF CUPERTINO - jo� $ ' ��77 APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT' t'� Permit No. V . Date P �5—•Q�7e/ 19_ Fee E- l2_00 Application is hereby made .to .the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas • appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in "accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino,- and all other laws applicable thereto. - - Use of - Work To Be /r. Premises pec Performed - Heating/Sheet Metal. Owner Ra S- Homes Address20823 Stevens CTek : CUP - Phone 2593077 - ,SAN CARLOS.SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. v/ BY—`F"— .� .� AdIse m •� P O BOX'719a EvR�ratcfor•Agen Phone592-9292 - e CARL OS; CA' 94070' State License 110828 Approved -------�� . Plumbing Inspector' ` I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S' COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE'OF,CALIFORNIA. .. ®c. ' E . . 7 ) 8 - k ! ! § \ ` \ 0 \ \ \ � \ � j} � K \ � : w � - \ ' } } §\ \ ! ƒ < - _ . § / k \ } )\ [ ; } \/ /( R \/ \ \ / 2 ) ( \ ( . # : § ® 3Q3a3l� ® � � � ' ` � ° ° � : / \ ` ° \ ( _ _ - z : /§ }222222 } G ) / � ) \ \ 2 { \ § § ; ( a § mm \ ! ! !\ \ � Rooe \� \\\\\` , : §. �� � � } .LOT NO 11 m NO. STREET , '(17 -Z� 67 _ a. .CITY OF CUPERTINO.'r`. Carr o- o'= Teta xo APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT m— °- 197i 3 MAY `� Sanitary No. m Date 79_ Permit No. // f-O P A ' U Fee$j LL °a Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing a W. pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices r i and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of e Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. . . J LL 20 / To'eei- Ueo Work Premises Perfome� � � OQ -�f Ll���� Z 4O,�w/Cn/.e� / Adtlrev /r"1,• ��,/{L�//(...!///7 �(�/ A:N[�-s' J O t'Ev _ �` v��c JAdtlress L/-Wi'k�n0 Q. contractor, w 2 Phone _ _ ✓((�(/��(/C.W�'�J 2 State Licen se "X L�/r// Approved Q 0 Plumbing Inspector 'N' •C ca Z R C 3 T [0 m m p y Z 1 - N O� A C) :E Q d K a p'j o 0 d - O O O O a � Q - m 2 I $ ' i naH­i P,r Ptt place NO. STREET VAL 70,000 CITY OF.CUPERTINO. (( . a co WAPPL[II�CCAP. I rATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT' t FEE 4.90 F ¢ _ w O �J I.� Building Per.No. 51,X99 Dare 19 W O P�' y v _ Sanitary Per.No. 9 O .QQ2 3 U Application p is hereby made for a permit to f'nn e+ (?- nn 7080) - a 1 stro `T e5 N.Hr. (2080 Sq.Ft.Liv.+ 44o S Ft.Ggr. l x O p Y YP q• Wrucf)ure, W to be occupied only as T z T c• l 0 Iami T Th T T •ng in accordance with a 'Z w Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. a w 70,000 � � Estimated Value of Improvements,$ - LL PI Ck Fee$ O_ O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the e > 3 Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee$227.00 p a other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Z - use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee$ Z complied with. 3 SUITE C-2 w z BAS HOMES INC. 52-2077 208 MENS_ CREEK BLVD. w w OWNER PHONE ADDRESS a SAME SAME SAME CONTR.OR-AGENT323864 ADD PHONE STATE LICENSE BUIIDINGIN ECTOR