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FILE 51391
10182 Parlett Pia'ce.. % 13 NO. STREETrti - - - LOT NO. 'CITY OF'CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT '.SANITARY NO FILE NO. ON 51,391 DATE April 18 9 77 Application is hereby made for a permit to 5 NHR-(-1848 sq. ft . Const. ( Plan 1848) 1 liv.+441 sq.ft. gar). a story, type to be occupied only as I & J Single Family Dwelling in accordance with plot plan, plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS .$ 71,000 211.00 FEE S PLAN CHECK S OWNER BAS Homes, Inc. A PHONE 252-2077 Same CONTR, A I, Same Stevens Cr.Bl.-SW-C-2 SAme PHONE p� STATE LICENSE 323864, �1a-o`Y `�P- 1- 21177 James H. Sisk/m ZU.v ;n DPPNy Vv EJ APPROVED BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD. DATE INSPECTOR DATE I INSPECTOR FOUNDATION PRE-GUNITE FRAME -77 V _ BOND BEAMS LATH FIREWALLS MEMBRANE ,(-77 LANDSCAPING c _ F.M.O. INSPECTION i FINAL BLDG. UNDER -FLOOR RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROU DERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING / OUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FINISH WIRING FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL `� MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING & A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR PATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. _ BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS & INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH FLUES & COMB. AIR PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE QFINAL APPLIANCE ; 2,�_ ROOF DRAIN & LEADERS MAIN DRAIN - �- FINAL GAS _ 7 - ' FINAL PLUMBING /p_ -70 7,7 - MISCELLANEOUS i RO'JTF,. SLIP File No. Date VIX-1 > Location /.3 /t., 7 x . S75T- Subject tof Notes i 'Approved 1 Date finspector CERTIEICAlt OFCOM�L6TI6N 'BUILDINGINSPECTOR'S OFFICE, CITY -OF CUPERTINO •� DATE, DP - j- 19 �7 BLDG. PERMIT NO. Sir Z •� THE BLDG, LOCATED AT •r�/6 f i OWNED BY Odi L e t T A L I j HAS BEEN ICOM ERED)D FOR USE AS IA(ALTf .' Ins r l ln' // lq! P %/( Iw rl - - BIdg..Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO P] Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No....... ._�i 5.. r .... PlumbingFinal �; ' .Plumbing •Permit No.......`2.%y....!j...' J/ Lot°No...._ / -------------- Owner -- _------Owner or Tenant .....ax! ` At Tract ----------------------------------------------. --------------------------:-: - Date Connected------- -J 7% - - : 19.... Date Final :...,.....1..2.-_�n.::...`.- - - ............. ....... ........ ............ 19...:..._. : PLUMBING INSPECTOR O ELECTRIC SERVKE NOTICE OEEICECOPY*BUILDING NSPECTOR'SNO'ICE'' iCITY OF CUPERTINOCI z To ' You are hereby out hoJrized to Connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant--2- At enant-2At b l v �C� �UA-T t-�/1 GQ 2 No. of Wires ' Size•of.Wires(� c) Size of Switch Motor Load Voltage Ph'ose Heating Load "'" K. W.. Voltage No. of Meters 1 Light 10 �' �ew Service Reconnect - Heat z�1fv0'/ )_�i6ree Wire ery I More Sice' No. of Add. Meters . Power•` // (f �Thrte Ph. se Tr MnveMet, er ©M ELECTRICAL INSPE 'CITY OF CUPERTINO r OFFICE coav -% "GAS SERVICE "1 NOTICE 3 19 To ' j; You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At New Service "�---. No. of Meters Reconnect No. of Add. Meters Move Service Move Mete(i PLUMBING INSPECTOR NO. ,:Tr 5'rREET LOT NO. CITY OFA CUPERTINO G• S�Q $'Q APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 19 _ Permit No, Fce S -/ 2 O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the_provisions of the El,CcWcal Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other lyyy�rpli�ic SINGLE It �tYY1li Use of Premises Owner _ _ A��ress? P 34 By ZEE ELECTRIC Addres. CONLRACTOR, AGENT p�� Approve Plume: i ELECTRICAL State License._ aY'�9�b w m w 1111 0 o Pn n( y N 0 10182 Patlett P1. OT NO. STREET „- C'.T! C.i CU?c2TIN0 CITY OF PER CU TINO. JUN g APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT' 19-f P 514 177 Permit No. Dote , 19_ Fee E 12,00 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said' appliances in accordance with`the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other lows applicable thereto. Use P, = ies Work Tolle Heating/Sheet Metal Premisses Performed owner Bas Homes Addre�.20823 Stevens Crk.C2 Cupt.. CARLOS SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. I P. 0. BOX 1126 13 592=9292 'hone hate license' T T C1$2$ Approved �umbigctor I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ® u N W W V Z a 6' 6 Q Q m Q 10182 Pait ett Place? �' LOT NO. 13 NO STREET -CU'c R>IO Q.Ty CITY OF CUPERTINO w1AY 2� ',"LICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT l+ �u �7' Sanitary No. Date , 19LL Permit No. Fee E J�Z O -e Application is hereby made to .the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. - Use of S.ingte We t i.ng Work To Be New COn StAuct ion Bas Homey Address20823 Stevens Cneek Bevil. 252-2077 ByL C Bohaht Ptumbing_C0. Add ress139 E. Fnomoot Ave, SLixyy [¢Lixy,Lg g Contractor, Agent Phone 245-2323 State License1�h579 Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 0 c. 1° LL 145v� Y o33331m� oo W VI y � C d N V Q Q ° � W F O a LL � LL f N :E V w 0 w 0 m F V 0 0 Y o33331m� oo W VI y W N V Q � W F O a LL � LL f :E Ji 0 0 N J Q N --VOL;, N LL d ° T:'s-Fr5 COT NO. Y.> NO. STREET CITY OF CUPERTINO (((( VAL. 71,000 CAP. ( 4.97 csr ca APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT l EEE iDote . +n-77 19 Building Per. No. 51.391 0 1\ V .L 0 1 � t Sanitary Per. No. 006 0 V Application is hereby made for a permit to Const.(Plan 1 848 ) ww a 1 `stor' �5 N.Hr.(1848 Sg.Ft.Liv.+ 441 Sg.Ft.ar.) x O y Typetructure to be occupied only as Il&'":J`%Single Family Dwelling, accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 71 000 PI Ck Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the 211.00 Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee $ other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee $ complied with. SUITE C-2 BAS HOMES, INC. 252-2077_ OWNER PHONE SAME CONTR. OR AGENT SAME 323864 PHONE STATE LICENSE 20823 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. ADDRESS ADDR BUILDING\ IINN'SP CTOR