70463-V 890-f'2 .'.Park` Villa Circle Tgr oo Tract NoS pQ Lot No. � 00 CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 4h_2_6eP / 7 19_ Perm t No. Application is herele made/for a pe 't t /;V r a_,L e _stor , Type N E Bu�ding� Use Zone at _ fA Occupancy to be occupied only as� �`., ��/_�aar-king�Space— ".� 4F.itefSprinkler in accordance with Plans, Sp ci cations and Plot-pan ed her with. Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to viol the orkmen compensation laws o Califf OweerN� AddressU TS ST// 11,4V1,_— y /-t/ / Address RECORD OF INSPECTION z _ Foundation L/' iu'"'-." frame Stucco Finish x co Exemption from requirement for State of California for Contractor's License is hereby claimed by applicant: as owner ❑ statement filed ❑ Applicant attests that his State of California Contractor's License # "t is in full force and effect and properly authorizes this application., San Jose City Business License # 262 2 i-/N o <— -7 -4. -? 2- 20 $U t'/AJ Al 7-G • 7 Z � -� Form leo-1