2308 10384 Paradis D ive • •'F 1.0+NO,- 24.'-*'.^ NO. STREET y. ,a-• 1ii...'. .z `a A`PP.LICAiION \FOR'-BUILDING PERMIT,` ® cera _,•e:W �GITY�`�OF CUPERTINO63023 �. 0 ' ,� '_p Sanitan' No. . 3 U MAY J14 1963 �. _ IYhte av x.196 3 Permit No.. r O r; -1'r o Av pplication is hereby made'for!a pe mit to erect� t'. I T OF UUt LIN i uv am a ��te story,Type , 'frame Building to be occupied only as--s ingle family dwelling 0 in accordant with Plans,or e wt ,ns, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. 3 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ Fee$ 60.00 z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of theCuperti Building and Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of'- 2 O Cupertino will be complied with. 3NOwner d Empire De velopers,IncAddress960 C den Ave.Campbell W z / w w rc a Address a o ne 379-2280 184784 rov S to License _ uu.otNc wsEeaoR RECORD OF INSPECTIONAPPROVALS FOUNDATION' `> Q''DATE " i INSPF.C'1'OR "UNDERFLOOR / I ^� , _ .. .. DATR INSPPCT00. FRAME - ' DATE z INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER i DATE 'SVECT'OR ' -FINAL. BLDG. DATE YcCTOV. FINAL ELEC. DATE q YCTOR FINAL.PLBG.` Pfd 3 1 I I 1 :V 1 ^µ Dorn sYEcroR � FINAL GAS V 3 ' � DATE INSPECT00. ' CERTIFICATE - O•F CO.MVL_ET1-ON j BUILDING INSPECTOR'S 'OFFICE'-." =4 CITY. OF CUPERTINO � . Date ....:. r 4' .%X �.... t9 r -'' .�.. .Bullding Permit No The BuildingLocated at - fC' "- li/ 1 }1`3 f y Owned by :.> ! r .a✓ -!-":.r%`r'.� W �• ? �.•. ..... .......:...... Has , • w✓r. Bem mplet )*.(Altered) For UseAs r \,. - .•�`-�6••'./_� ...... - ...................................................... !d .,J r �y 1 S� ,4Lt�u t•, � r r / BUILDING INSPECTOR -102 1/63-500' - GAS SERVICE NOTICE or COPY' ./ BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE _ CITY OF CUPERTINO �r - oC..... .........' ...19 ;ill TO You are hereby authorize to connect the GAS service for, U i Owner or Tenant . .._.. .. .. . ......` _.... ... -- - - - .._.. . _.:.. New Service No. of Meters ../.............. Reconnect --------------- Move Service ......._.:............. No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter K ZUMBING IN Ho 6/63-500 OFFICE CO Y- ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTIN(k ; t To . You are hereby authorized to..connect a ctrt servic for Owner or Tenant At - - No. of Wires .............. Size of•lK/ires �)----------- Size of Switch., 4_ - Motor Load ...........c...;._.....'. Voltage Phase ................... Heating Load ......................... K. W. ---------------------------------- Voltage ..:-----------:---- Light............... 110-- New Service!'............ Reconnect.................. ......--- Power............... Thr e... Heat................. 220.�Three. Wire.............._ Move Service:_:....._'' No.of Add.Meters............ .. • .. ... No. o Meters... - Move-Meter r� r 104 1/63.500 ELECTRICAL'INSPECTOR - y. i[