1022 . �I'�N A I✓ LOT NO. LO t"'#28 - NO. �EH Tract N 60, 100 1 APPLIANCE PERMIT OV62C i pF CUPERTINO Date 11/7/62 196..... Permit No. CITY OF CUPERTINO Fees ' Lot S N Go Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and'agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing rode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Res. - 8 h Owner Camino Dal HOme9 _ Address-_ SAN CARLOS SHEET METAL WORK , gp p� ° Address rt o Phone LYO —G�1,5scewr Approved I ; PLUMBING INSPECT R Rte _ 9 N n' ct 'w _________________ � N c : T RN _y 9 A ' QFFICE GAS SERjIdFNOTICE torr BUILDING ,INSPE, -'TOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ---------- /-' 4It 9G To You are hereby a Ut49ed to con ect the G rvi e or _ Owner or Tenant ... - ---- i ------------ ------------------------- Ne"w Service .✓.-....... No. of.Meters ....1:.......:...._:. _ Reconnect ....-...-- . - - 'Move Service -------- No. . ...No. of Add. Meters Move Meter ------------------..-- ....... ----- PLUMBING INSPECTOR r .110 7/61-500