S 1372APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BOB,DING - KLEC`1 RIC,AL PERMIT NO. 1372 BUILD!N VISION APPLIC,CI'IONTERMIT I.1,UNIBING-NIE.c1IANICAI' l`: _ RIIILDING PROUF.CT IDEN'I'II'ICA'1'[ON 0 ,ii oMMIA l kt—: ( l g&AN 1,194. I ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9lcommermng Z with Section 7000) of Division J claim Business and Professions Code. and lay license is mom° in mE farceand eaccl. Q, U U License Chis' [.it. a F+zM Oea Cmnta,an VViid LL ARCHI IPC I'S DECLARATION o=Z 1uadno snd nay Plans vhall Ie. -it si as ppheme x OZ=Q F'GIF LL: Licensed Porde"ionul OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION C G 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt nom the Commmor's License Law for the x4 i U thowmg reason. (So,, 1 7031S, Nuvineae and Pr..f ..tons Codo Any eiry or ,,only aJ 3 WH whiel, ria.. a Permit ah cnnstract, alter, Improve, demolish, or repair any stuciam F to aano it,i.ssuance,:axa raiuirea Imapplicn,lin' such pc nn it to file aei,ncd,mmrmnl ' that he is licensed purauunl to the provisions of Ne Contract %Lecnsc law (Chapicr0 � Icommencingss'ith Section 100nof Division 3 of the Bulinus and Professions Cdde) or a 6 cC that he is exempt therefrom and the Iasis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of ad Section 7031.5 by any applicant for. a probit subjects the applicam to a civil penalty of W =Zancuwre than five hundred dollar, ($500). ❑ Las owner the propcnyo my employee with wages asthcir-le...cipciterta, =o [� Ill chore at sad': Ile,coma.aol,,iia,c Law does al apply ,, a.Bus iia W 3 $ load rmR.xim,. eane:'rllc Canlmmars Elapse Law saes roll apply m a owner of property who builds or improves hereon, and who does such wink In sclfor through hisemployees, provided that such inlIt terminal are nil intended or offered far sale. IL however, the building or improvement is mid within one yem ofnnnpletion, the carcer,builder rill have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for pun A7Ia,w of sale,. I, us owner of the property. am exclusively connecting with Ilicensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Bmincsr sur Pmfevsi ms Cale:) The Cirri Li- mLaw due ...... ply a an owncial pmficny who holdst nom ulhcrfon. seal 'I'V. who contacts for such pmn jes with n cnniraclaus) licensed par aunt It) the Contractor Liu a, Law. 0 1 am exempt under Sec. . P & V C for this reaam Data cr OV EN:S )ME ;I�AllION sPLARATIO I botchy amus under Pentlty of lrerjuryo of the fnlhswing Aulurulinns. I M11n aJwilla norm, uCcniticumul C atowll-inmmhat Worker's Conopen- ,all pen sof ion, as aa,i,sJ Int by See fmn 371X: of the I.ahor Code, or ha penlomnana uI the work fm which rots larmit is issued. Fl 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as claims] by Semina 37M of the LaMn Cole, for the performance of the work for which this feral is issued. My W'orker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number am: Cmricc Policy No.: CERTI incNTE OF EXEMPT ON I"ROM WOR KIi RS' COMPENS A IION I NS U RANCE I Laj%scetion need not ha campleed it the pcmtit is for one hundred dollops IS I (to) sir less.) I ccnify that in the perfmmxncc of the work for which this permit is issued, l shall not employ any pat in any manner sons,, become subject to the Workers' ComNn- Q Z olmn laws of Car occur. Date Z O Applicant NOTICE 10 APPLICANT If, after making his Certificate of Eser,amn an should socialite .h,,,I Im the Workllx C.mpcnsation pat, ,n of he Labor Cae, you ate w ranhwim cm„ply with etch era ns ,t his pe vision, sholl he demacd evoked, Q Z) CONST RUCTION LENDING AGENCY U O I hereby affirm that hem is a construction lending agency for the performance of W. 1"' the work far which his permit is issued ISce. 30,G. Cil C) Q U Lcndee, Name U.l Lender's Address EL I ccnify,hnl I have read this upplicntion and state Ihm the above inliamatinn is V. s red. I ugac la.simply with.11 cloy and county oabarra,e, and site laws rel—nova Q'rY. U Z bmido,en motion. pool hemby mumori-mere cnmtivaeol a, city bit roper Too the nip vcmanioned propeny far inspection popoxes. (We) agmc a sore, indemnify and keep harmless the Civ of Cupertino against hishilities,judgments, coats and expenses which may in any way aecme.,.last said City in nseciance of the granting of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND W'ILI, COMPLY W'1'11I ALL NON -POINT SOURCE REGUI.At IONS. / r t�7 . HAZARDOUS MAI IiRI 1 S DISCLOSURE Will the applicam or owre building a vpanl score or M1anJle hmaNuus material re defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the llcahh and Safety Csda Section 25511(u)7 [3 Yes El No Win the uppllcun. or future builAing x vpvm use cyui,awnt orJamecx which 1 M1aearl-, air commmennts as dutinvJ by the Bay Area Air Quality Management tictt ❑Yes One 1 have mad the hweNous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of me Culi- hmia Health & Safety Cure. Sections 25505. 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that if the holding Joos not ntrmnlly have n tenant, hut', is my respartabi lily to motif y the mvvpen of the ox,muenentx which must be net fill...,, insmmcc of u Ccnilicata 01 Ouupaney. I°LECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCILS - RESIDENTIAL PAN&.S UP TO 200 AMPS SIGNS ELF.CI'RICAI, z still SPECIAL CRCUI UMISC. 'TEMP. IIEIIiR OR PULL INST. POWER DEVICE -S SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OOTLEI:S -SWI I­CHHS - FIXTUR12S NEW REMDIiN'I'[A]. ELECTR SQ lT. L PLUM BIND PERM I'I' PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER- DRAIN k VENT -NATER U:A) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS - VLOOR. ROOP. AREA, COND, FIXTURES - PER 'I'RAP GAS - P.A. SYSTEM -I INCA DOE LETS GAS - EA. SYSTEM OVEE /IN t r (1REASI]INI'R"IIS'I'RL A , :INI'1: IREASIi'AP I) SEWER - SANITARY - S WEA WAl F.N lT l I:M/ 1 ttL/tl IIS WATER SHEVICIi NEW RESIDENT IAL PLMB. SQ. ET, MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10.1NXE CFME Alit HANDLING UNIT (OVER I t),kXE CEM) EXHAUST HOOD (W/DUCT) HEATING UNIT TO 100.000 BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTU) VENT LATION PAN (SINGLE BESIDE BOILER - COMP (311P OR I OPEN) If I'In BOILER - COME' (OVER ]MORE 111 BE AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDEN I'I AL MECH. SQ. ET 0 BLIP I' . 0its Ml:l:ll i/j��1\_izrf�\ FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RF,'1 1 'F>Wh ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE: ❑MUU11-UNIT ❑S I'RUC 'FURAL MODIFICATION ❑lWERl IR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT C]SWIMMING POOIS ❑ BATH REMODEL/REPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER all '01 FR I ' [I NEW BLDG/ADDITION [I DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER Polf3SQ. Flt FLOOR AREA S/SQ. I, it-it�� FEE cc-a�C�, 3ts3tfag STORIES 11'I'YPECONSTROC'I'ION FHE!% SOILS FITE Af PAID Reectio # Q1'AL: BUILT 'I.i FEE SEISMIC iE ELECT ''HE PLUMBIN' ITH MECHANICAL FEE 1 CONS 'TRUCI'[ON 'TAX IIDUSING MITIGATION FEE PAID_ �SLL Date ReeciplN ISSUANCE LINE F ."IlI/ 0 0 0