LIB 05-18-99Cupertino Library Commission May 18, 1999 Minutes CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Wu at 7:30 p.r ROLL CALL Mary Minow Sheila Mohan Diana Wu Catherine Gordon MINUTES ALSO PRESENT Susan Fuller Mary-Ann Wallace Dick Weaver, Membe Bert Viskovich, Direc' (later in meeting) The minutes of the April 20, 1999 were approved as read. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Commissioners received a copy of letter sent to Mr. Weaver position on opening hours without full staffing. NEW BUSINESS · Internet and Filter Issues Discussion ensued regarding the Internet policy. The Comrf current policy should be maintained. Motion to ask Legisla' Mary Minow to write a letter to JPA member John Statton st position that the current policy is to be maintained. The Co to state that they are not in favor of any kind of staff policin~ · Floor Map New maps have posted in the library. .~ of the Public :or of Public Works .~xplaining the library's ission agreed that :ive Representative ating the Commission's nmission also wished of content. - · Commission's Website Commission discussed the need to update the Commission v expressed about difficulty in finding the site. Commissioner addresses and make them available to all commissions. The responsibility to answer public's question. Staff did some research and reported on the White House Iv Children's staff is working on a project to share children's st~ Toyakawa, Japan. Chair Wu also has information about pos~, Taiwan. Projects will be submitted in about a month. OLD BUSINESS · Extending library hours Commission decided to concentrate on the building project. · Library expansion update Bert Viskovich reviewed building needs assessment process plans about developing community input. The first public n 1999. Focus groups will follow. A community poll will be d planned for March 2000. Council will make the final decisio~ schedule is maintained the new library is planned to open A · Library - signature building · No remodel - even subsidized rent Commission expressed interest in observing focus groups. STANDING REPORTS CALTAC Brown Act Workshop Commissioner Minow reviewed the Brown Act requiremen Legislative Update Commissioner Minow sought letters support'nag SB3 library commission agreed to send letters. Library Foundation. Foundation reviewing planned giving letter and plans for e' ~ebsite. Concern Pow will setup email Chair will take iillennium project. ~ries and folktales with ible contact with md discussed future teeting will be June 10, )ne. Advisory vote is t in April 2000. If this ~gust 2002. bond measure. The zents. Friends of the Library Booksale just held. Next meeting will be June 14, 1999. Mayor's Breakfast Commissioner Wu reported. Calendar Distribution Revised calendar will be distributed at next meeting. A e_Ag_e.g~da Building Commission goals to be placed on Jm~e Agenda. Booth for Art and Wine festival. · Library expansion · Explore electronic access and Brown Act. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT · Citizens' Advisory Commission will meet May 26, 199 the CAC meeting schedule to 2 meetings with the opti ones if needed. · Joint Powers Authority will meet June 3, 1999. They v review Internet policy and consider a request from Sa~ Gonzalez to participate in joint planning for a library COMMISSIONER REPORTS No further reports. Resr)ectfully submitted by, Susan Fuller, County Librarian 9. They have changed ~n to add 2 additional ,ill approve budget, ~ Jose Mayor Ron in the Alum Rock area. Cupertino Librarian's Report April Program s: Children: # of Programs Storyfimes Ages1 1/2-2 1/2 4 Judith Lynne program for two's 1 Ages 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 4 Ages 3 1/2 - 6 5 Ages 3 years old and up 4 Parent/Family Internet program cancelled due to Class visits: 5 Elementary: Eaton School 1st grade 1 Eaton School lst/2nd grade 1 Eaton School 2nd grade 1 Eaton School 3rd grade 1 Bethel Lutheran School 3rd grade 1 Drop-in Spring Craft program 1 Lincoln School Discovery Day 3 Sedgewick School Discovery Day 4 De Anza Early Childhood Educ. program 2 Junior Volunteer program 5 5-18-99 Total: 39 Junior Volunteers Adults / Young Adults: Library Tours (3 cancelled/0 participants) 1 Adult Internet class 4/10 1 Volunteer Reception 1 Recorded Books Reader C.J. Critt program 1 San Jose Cleveland Ballet lecture 1 Author Laurel Doud program I 329 / 82 average 85 / 155 attendees 242 / 60 average 261 / 52 average 379 / 95 average 146 hours April Statistics: April Circulation (# of items checked out) 128,7 April Gate Count (# of visits to the library) 44,7] April Average Circ (check-out of items) per hour 511 Total: 6 YA Volunteers i attendee 3 attendees 29 attendees 11 attendees 9 attendees 2 attendees 55 attendees 103.5 hours 5O 5 1,869 attendees 41 students 43 students 42 students 22 students 25 students 20 attendees 63 students 144 students 23 students 73 attendees lack of attendance Commissioners received flyers for the upcoming Pulitzer Prize nominated author of Rough Translations and Other Stories, Molly Giles, on May 26, 1999 at 7:00.t Community Room. This author program is one more u series of family programs funded by the Friends of the C~ for the community. Commissioners also received copie., 1999 Summer Reading Club flyers and the current flyer for Parents of School-age Children. All program flyers library. Sundsy Statistics: Open 12-6 thanks to Citizens and Ci April 1999 Circulation Visits to the Library 4-4-99 3111 870 4-11-99 4894 1871 4-18-99 4227 1816 4-25-99 4510 1507 Average: 4185 circ per Sundoy 1516 visits program featuring and Creek Walk m in the library's L the continuing ~pertino Library ~ of the upcoming of Internet classes ~re available at the of Cupertino ~r Sunday