8986 7750ORo Grande Place Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF. SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Date.... .. 12-3-75.............._..... 19..... Permit No.--------�t------------ ------------- The undersigned herebys makes application to theOlumbing,lnspec}or of the City of San Jose for a permit to instil{ll',th'e�mechanicaloi SikLlisted on fkvr-eveise�side. Exemption from2�dq�iemen}i(or,5fatebof Celifo uie fo�Ctra c}or's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: 4 as owner ❑ statement filed ❑ Undersigned d attests ffia} his Safe of California soap ctor'srLicen;g� 10 828 is in full force and effect and properly authorizes tl s9epplice}ion'�rl�l�d San Jose City Business License # 46-�o69� I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued'] shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER P_ondexosa—Homes � ADDRESS 7750 Orogrande Pl. Lot No( USE OF BUILDING-------Re ,. G 5AN CARGOS SHEET MF,TAL WObSic]/+gaG...----�---------- 280-20 --280-20 (6-73)779 OLh COUNTY ROAD �r ��� 77'50 O> ot.;Gr,ande( PLacela san Carlos s/m m Z D T T p O O I S m Z c a U y N � h m � z \may p ^ 0 0 o m v FL 0 T m m � A S NJlpN ^ O p o < a