Application for Electrical Permit 7716 OROGRANDE PLACE / Building Permit Confirmed L7 Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date.........AEC-1--6--1915------------------- 19........ Pernnif No.-----------------------------------------_- The undersigned hereby rrakes,a`ppli tiopo thgyElecfJical nsp9ctor of the City of San Jose for a permit fo ins}all lac}}r(cil fi3u'fe n (N wiring as line'�e'n he reverse side. Exemption from�qurramararrr}}��for fete of California for onfror's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: (/as owner ❑ statement filed . 0 241916 Undersigned attests that his State of California Contractor's License # is in full force and effect and properly aufh`ori s 's ap r ai'on A 25 // San Jose City Business License #- � I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued 1 shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER Pnnrlarnga Home, DP Anja II ADDRESS 771A Orogranrio PI Lot 14 Plan 5 USE OF BUILDING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES . FIRM ZEE ELECTRIC SIGNED y 1 / 280-201n 7716 OROGRA,NDF PLACE ZEE ELECT. ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING ��)or �5 New Old Outlets �421 Panels, Cabinets _Size Service Conduit e6 Switches -2p Switchboards Size Service Wires �L Receptacles _A_Panelboards Size Service, Switch L B Fixtures 45 Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Dryers KW Size Sub'Feed Wires Ranges_�_ KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits Signs Transformers Motors Number of Meters HP 'Phase Ampere Loads —tppLighting Power Miscellaneousi Rough Inspection B v �� Final Inspection —�—ro—7 �. By Remarks: 280-201n