S 1492u 0 2 �i U w 0 F U APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO RUILDING- ELECTRIC L BUILDING: DIVISION APPLICA'T'ION/I%ERMIT PLUMBING- MECHANICAL BUILDING 1'RGq E:Cr IDEN HIFICA'1'ION Z Q N 5 Q z � Hme V GI to Z. J 1492 BUILDING ADDRESS: 0545 06�Antw�,^, SANITARY NO, APPLICA' I' ION SURMIFI'AT. USE OK'NIiR;S NAMIi; I IN{.�' C71 2 1 R'We{ 1F� LOO: 47 NIC COST ROI.4 A HCH II'ECI'/EN. I NEER: LICNO'' 7tb CI qqy-rS-sem CONINCT. PHONE BUILDING PERMIT INTO REMO EI.FCT PLUMB MECII ❑ EJ/ ❑ 6/ p�I_�PFFr�SCs X79 0� 2 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) Applicant LICENSED CON'1'RACTOR:S DECLARATION I hereby al firm Thal I am located node, mwi,jow of Chapter 9 (commenting with Section 900) If Division 30 the Dust.... and Pnd1cw`lon, Code ;"it all burse is to mll6rcc and eRccr- � �T �� QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT I FETE / JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL ❑ShDWI. ❑KITCHEN HI'.MDDEI. ,[� PERMIT ISSUANCIi J r APPLIANCES-RESIDEN'ITAI, Llamw Cln Lie.N Dam - Conuaanr ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RF: -PIPE ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIIECAI'ION El INTERIOR CCHIMNEY KEPAIR IMPROVEMENT' 0SWIMMINGPOOIS ARCH( "IEC'S DECLARATION I undcrcwnJ my plans shall he utcd a,,mhllc recmd. PANEIS UI"TU 200 AMPS Llc,nwd l'rnfe,vinnal 2211-1000 AMPS OWNER -BUILDER DIECLARA'TION 1 hemby affirm that I am etempl from The Contracho, License, law for the folawiog....... (Sect ton 7031.5. Business and Profession, Code m Any city or unity �I{ATII I2EMOOELIREPAIR CD17MOLI'I'ION ❑ G1fHF:R LL A C- 14 OVER IIXO AMT'S SIGNS ELECTRICAL which require%a permit to conswCL alar, improve, demolish, or repair any dreclure prinnmh,issuance. also requires the applicant for such permit file a signed statement etaln Ip II n 1 on, fn e I I r'xl 1 (ennntero Innnm c B 'ThS i n9(XX01 fU ' ianl 0th H n.sa dPr f -.' .Cif cdc)I, hes roc nI Thcrtl d til h u, f the rat pt Any 'almioa If Section 90315 by any applicant for a lwr Ivmjats lire appllcouuo a tivi l penally of SPECIAL 'TIN 'C. f a T[ '. IEHO 1. U' COMMCRCIAI: ,�NR.I% uP6 Kim - C NEW BLDG/ADDITION C DEMOLI'f1ON CTC ANT El FOOT) SERVICI: rot ntorc Than five hundred dollars ($50 0). ]I, ux owner nfmc pmpcny,nnny nnployu%•, with wages nx lhcirwdc connnnt will do the work, and the fortune is not intended oroficred for sale(S, 1 v and Pmfn,inm C de:'Ihe Cnrmilho'I License law dal% nn f 5 M 'G (11, E.I. R '11-M. S HITS -FC(I ORES IMPROVEMENT ❑OTIIISR I!W RESIDENI'ME. ELIECT'R SV Irl'. pmpany who build or Improves thcrcon. anti who duct such loon th on Ih his awn employees, provided that such impmvemems are not adcd o d[orcd 1 sale. IL hnwever,ihch:mdingar impmvmttentiftaldwiducto urian. SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. PI'. sv- er.hnilder will have the burden oflo iag that he did not nail novella, TOTAL: Z t "walxnluf ❑I,mownvT It the pngtmy. tin caolufively emmmin, with liven. c e+ consumer me pngeet (Sec. 70Ti. Business and mnfcs ion, GdC:) The o tor, Li- wLaw cuts nor apply a) an owner or progeny who build or imprn%eS thea and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT' FEE who color%, Int' inch pr,,jcvl, wilt n contractions) breased pursuant mo m, Contmtor. License Law, PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ au,scrip. under Sue. . B& P C for this mason AI fI HR - DRAIN & V I[Nrl'- WA(ER (BA) VA LUA'1'[ON _ Date Owner WORKER'S' COMPENSAIION DECLARATION HACK PLOW PROTECT'. DEVICE 1 hereby anion under penalty of perjury one of The following declarations: I C] I havcand will maintains Ccnific:nc of Cnnscnt nndGinwre for Workce,Compen- DRAINS- I'll ROOK AREA. COND. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCIO'. .cation, as provided for by Section 3900 of the Inbar Code, kit the pettan ianw of tilt work for which This permit is issued. FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM- I I NC. 4 OUT Jf I'S 1 have and will main II Workc,, Compdnsxlnn Insurance as cuyuireJ by Section 1910 of the Labor Code, for performance of the work for which(his permit is issued. OCC. GROUT' APN GAS -ISA SY59'IiMs)VLR4(IiA) My Worker's CouTionsation Insurance carrier and Policy nu1mbeT me Comer: - -' dicy Nn.: Fy.y�-ate NATE GRPASI%INDUS' TRI. WASTE INTERCEPPOR CEtTI (IF IiX :M ON FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION RSILS GREASE'I RAI' ' I'IANCIIECK 19iE fl'hu.edion nccdnol be complc.cd i t thepoli% I, I, enc fondrtl doll.. IS I WI of Iconily maTin.Lc perlornmors"lryc,vork Necom whichmit peeno issued, lshelf nut employ any pcnnn in any rumors" as m h<nmc sublet. In the Worker' Cam�wry SIiWER- SANrD\RV- Slx)RM EA. 200 FI'. IENIiRGV ITE WATER TEXT 17R WNENITIELLCTR GRADING Plili cation laws of Codinnia. Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after making This Ccnificam of E,anption. You should hccmnc .bjc,I to the WorkcLs Coon,nsmion pmvixianl of the IaMm Code, you meq forthwith comply with such provisions or this perant died be deenmd rooked. WATER SYSTEN1/TREATING SOII S FEE WATER SERVICE CONS I isC',IONolu LENDINGAGENCY IMreby affirm that There, is aconswtion lording agency for the perlimnsncc of work for wjo,hoi, permit is Posit(Sec. 1099, Civ. C.) PAID Uu Receipt NLW RIiSID1EN'TInL I'LM1iH, SQ, FC TOTAL 'ISrrAI.: I.cater', Name Dumbats Addrus, p BUIhDIN r it cer.ity that I Lave need misapplication and state than The aMwe infonnntion is correct. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinance, and state lawerelaimg m Emitting en..tow6on. and hereby amhnrow opmfemlool,ofmi, city to road,upon the a drug-nwnlinned properly l in Inspdt'wn pnrp^fes (We) agree m are. indemnity and keep hannlcss the Clout Cupertino againat Iiuhiliticajudgmcns. costs and capcwe, which may many wayaccmc,9mrN-1d City QTY. MECIIANICAI. PERMIT PF;E C ;1; ELECTRIC FIT - O I'IiRMI'I' ISSUANCE ALTER OR At)]) TO MECH, t pl. ti1111NG 'I: r ' in wequence of .he gram'o, of,hk permit. APPLICANTUNDIiRSTANOS AND WILT. COMPLY WE I'IT ALL NON -POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL FEE Y,:30 SOURCE REGULATIONS. AIR HANDLING UNIT I'(OVER 111.000 CFM) CONS' I'RUCI'ION TAX S,maoumofApplicunt/Con"I'llor ION EXHAUST HOOD(W0)UCO HOUSING MITIGATION FETE IIA➢ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE W01 the uppliceoto, finure building oetupantmmd or handle hmallon, mmadal as defined by The Cupcnino Mallicipal Cede Chapter 9.12, and the Htd.h :rid Salcty Cade, Section 25532019 /7 HEATING UNIT IT 0110.00 BTU) I F� [TEXT ING UNIT (OVER 100,00 BTU) _ IAI'ION CAN (SINGLE REFS I Of ❑VcsVENTI PAID Ilam Rac,ipal Will the applicant ,, more beiWing oc,upaoa use equipment or devices which I omit hu'mnluu. air comic inan1, a, do1'med by Ile Tiny Arca At Quality Managuareat BOILER -COMP (3EPOR 110.0011'N) TOTAL: HOILER- COMP (OVER 100.000 111 Disuic" ❑ Vcs [fiNn erial, rrquorname, der Copier 695of 'be Cali- I have cladthchavaahownsmun lismiu Ihalt, & Slaty Coda Section, 25505, 25511 and 25,534. I unduaanW that if the AIR CfINDi'1'lI1NiHt ISSUANCE. DA'Pli G NEW RESIDENTIAL MIKE, SQ�F1l building does not currently have Oanant. that it is my muptmsibility to notify.heaaeupaot —1 [�— nftil,aqui .coax which meq %ren rmiourrice oft Cenihcmcn lkcu mey� ,�)/��-y/Jn Tr(� ISSUISU ItY: " " ` ' ` r v Owner or uw omnd agent Pale'Int OFFICE