S 1886 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPFRTINO RUu.DING-KLKCI RICA PE IT No. ITUILUING DIVISION APPI,icotTONTERMIT rLuunwr.-ao-:cunnTc,O' V 1886 BUILDING flit IJEC'I'IIIDN'I'IF'ICAI'ION IS1111.DINGADDRliSS: SANI'T'ARY NO. APPLIG'1'ION SUBMI'FI'AL DAI'IL OWNE 'S NAME: PHO - CUNTItACTON'S NAME: LIC NO: SIC CONTROL al �q �RAshnRVAsFty1 973—d4� �ARCHIT-CT/ PI NO ADDRESS: ❑ 1/ r / `�1 CONTACT: ahIf !it II,DINC PERMIT INFO I(/ a J--d ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) RLDG IiLCCr PLUMB MCCB B' 69— CZko" LICENSED CONI RACIOR'S DECLARATION Q'T'Y ELECI'RICI'ERMIT FEE 1 hereby affirm that I an licensed under pmmsion.,of Chapter 9(commencing 1013 DESCRIPTION DeaZ m,hS,,IIi nndeffcclivl.ion3ol'ImBusinec,anal Pmresoiens Ctde.and my license is RESIDENTIAL: I'IiRMI I'ISSUANCli �u,= Fall t. 0�S'P'�DWI, ❑KI'1'C1113N REMUDEI. aUU Liccnnc Class LIc.0 APPLIANCES-RESIDENThod, T10N El PLUMBING R&PIPE Nay Dmc Conlraclnr ARCHITECTS DECLARATION ❑MUhfl-UNIT ❑STNUCTURAI. Foam) I oil...r:ud my Plans shall housed ns pioddamcords PANELS AfODIFICAI'ION OZtnq UPT200AMPS ❑W'IERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR F4CW locmn.nl l'mfc.dnnnl �-I(000AN PS IMPROVEAIFJST (]SWIMMING POOhS� � OWNIiR-RUILDIiN DECLARAf10N R'Bdr MP5 ❑RA'1'II RIiMODI?IJRI 'AIH ❑DIiMOLIrllIONC 0. a I httcny u(Rnn that l um exempt from te enmomm�rs Llccnx Law fnr theXOUi I' nwmg rcavoo.(Section 911315.Bu,noW,..it Protusion,Qdc:Any c'nyor connlY NS ELECT RICAN ❑OTIIF;R 1e-u7i which requires a pemot to vamar ,almr,improve.demnlisn,or repair env etmmu.e ' 11..0.0.] pr+rt t '. I. 4 Its, pplc a M''_W i '- '1'FCIAL CIRCUIT'/MISC. that h licensed p ant t the p o f Ili pet rocs l orr,�la U.t 9 i� ' ns C. { COMMF,RCIAL: 00 (urn none nbw'IM1 Suitt 9(Xa) fU '.an t 14 R ine.xs�df�f a nr Eh11'MIifER OR I'ULF.INS'f. y yx e C that he is excmin Iherefnnn and oho basis I'ar On IId cse on.A violati n of ❑NEW SLUG/ADDITION DEMOLI'T'ION Wim Section 90315 by any applicant for a permit suh ftvkie applicant to a civil pf..try of WIiR DEVICES [I TENANT [I FOOD 9 17R ICI! neo more than five hundred Jollurx851101. 1J `I q '7 IMPROVEMENT FZ� Las owner of the pmµny.or my employfen tlsvageN Vw,,2pe'fg WIMMIN6 POOL ELECT RIC LZ.o w Ido ahcwnrk,and nbc ztnaeavc ix not inaendcd fried for sure(See 7044,Rosmoa< ❑09'1{I{R 3 m and Prof ssinns Coh,The Conanomr's Licen w doer an(apply to un ownero UI'L,TS-SWI-CIIEti-Ir X'I'l1RF:S pro,cany who build:or initiatives theater,and so to drives sch tork himself through Motown taloI Y :, ro,ided Int 'rep 1, not' I I J derul fnr EW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQi If.if,h hetbuildingimprovement � 'nt2slm' SQ.I'f.FLUOR AR_ SISQ.I"f. h IJ llhvc lh,f d fp w , hall lidoo,M1 litimproveforpit [/h/4 Y Rise f I J. 'I'O'TA .O ❑ 1,as ownar of the prnpti am exclmively contracting with licensed contractors to instruct the project(Sec.91,14.lat'inus and Professions Calca'fhe Comortr nos Li- ]�wI(]✓O (aY1I//, cenm Low docnot apply to w owner of propeny who builds or improves buron.and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE s ,hoc+nraclx fnramhpmjeomwti,aconoracnn(p)I lc en.WPu oanno the Conwmor's License Lax', n PERMI1'ISSUANCH ❑I an crcmpl ander Sec B&1'C for this mason ALI'IiR-DRAIN&VIN T-WA'l lilt UFA) AI. +'I'I Owner Dom fS COMPIiNSATION D151,ARATION (SACK PLO OrECI.DEVICE Q O� Il-m affirm on or penalp'of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and wdl mni.tnan a Catifcam of Conanl h+.self inure For W'orkerx Canal DRAINS- Of R.ROOF nRIiA.COND. STORIEy TYPE CUNSTRUCI'ION satin.,m provided for by Section 1900 of the Latin,Code.lia the pedumunle of the '^ Fl%T'ORES-PER AI' work lnr which th lx suit is issued. Cj mmlit ❑I have nM will maintain Worker's Compenso t In.urwme,or,nyulrW by lection 3700 fthe Litho,Code,far the Rcfformoncudahe work for which this permit is issued. GAS-FA.SYS 1'Eli .d OR DARTS ( '.GROUT' AI'N My Winkles Cominvrextino Insurance carder and Policy mother are: Cartier. Policy No.: GAti-IiA.5YE'fE VI?R int CERI'IPIC,ATE 01'EXEMPTION(ROM WORKERS GREASI✓INDUS"IRL WAS 'RUTERC5PB)R COMI'ENSAI'ION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION ICES (Thi,;section need not be completed iflhe pamnit is foronc hundred dollan(510)) GRIiASF,TRAPIt IS-10 Q or less.) .ANCfIIiCK PtiE I cenify that in the peffarmancewrfthe work for which this permit is issued,I shall SEWER-SANI'T'ARY-STORMEA.200"T not cmpluy any person In airy neat.......it,to bmonnc subject to the Worker..,Cninpea- ENF:RGI'llili (' Z ration Laws of California,Data WATER BE W/VIiN'f/IeLEC'IR AVING FLR z Q Applilear GR NOTICE TU APPLICAII If.aflcrmaking olds Ceniliwm or Exemption.you sbnmd WATER SYSTEM?R17AI'ING )INS 1I717. a , M1ecnme.subjectto the Workers Compensation provisions of the Wh+r Gde,you most Lmh,ith comply with such pry e,or this permit shall he deen®el revoked. WATER SERVICE LILT0 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENI'IAh I'hMli. SQ.I'll PAID Receipt p I hereby affirm that thele is a conwmction leading agency for the peRnnnnionce of ICJwork for whidt ohypinnil is iaufJ lSue.J(3097.CI¢C.) T O der',Nome. Cs�• Lcndcls Address IlT r _ i cenily loin I h:nc read rhos npPlildinn and nude that the above infamenion is FN same,Ir,eea+comply with all city and county nNinances and stale laws renting to Q'T'Y M FCI I A N I CAI,PER M IT F14177 SEISMIC 7® Vnmtia Z handing conwa.trod herfhY amhorim nprewntaoivea of this ciDm etnerupm the '- ab+ve-mentioned propurty lin inspection purposes. 1'ERM1111'ISSUANCE f J ELEC'IRI PER (Wel agree to sm'c,indemnify and Imp bamdcss the City of CuNninn against s favkeanlie"s, swhicnma wary nmmcagaind nuiA Cit CI'HRORADU'fOMECIL air....ir...iu,ludgmcnL. I Y nnnY A. PLIIMRING 'Eli 3 k/ nsCANT U N the gmming of toms pfmdl. AI'I'I,ICANT UKUF,RS'1'ANDS AND WILL COMPLY N'ITII AL1.NON-PONT AIR HANDLING UNI'I'(TO Io.0lX1 CPA1) MECfInNICA IIiE ' EGUTA110' - y—Zc>--o AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER I01Xp CIM) CONSTRUCTION TAX agnc tum VG anUCnntrennr / Dale IiX11AUS'1'1100DIW/UUCI) O HOUSING MITGAOON FIT: a( HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - WIItheapplicantoat future building"soupcon wore or hout bamNous macrial RIMING ITN I'I'(TO I IXIOND BTU) Imnl by Inc Cid i.n Municipal Cale.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety m Code.Sution 1553200?1553200? I(EATING ON I 'IOVIER I(XI uin B'ru) ❑Yes ,I;r/fJo VENONCIITION FAN(SINGLE RESID) FAIR Dae Receipt0 Will the applicant orfuturebuilding occupant use eyuipnnlnt or device.which BOILER-COMPOHPOR 100.000 RTIO '.mit h o-alum.air c+lamimnas as Jciim(l by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management T( 141 Dmdcll I{OILER-COMP(OVER 100.00f)It i ff Is 0 Vcv V-I - I h ad the h ,, ' dal req c nit. nits of the Gd' AI R CON DI I'I ON17R ISSUANCE DATE - Il hh A Sftl I S n i n255115 1255144.1 1 o J tyndpool tftha NEW RCSIDLNIIAI.MECIi. SQ.1'f building u bIi IJ' gJ t currently tlyh I is inyr tenant.that t Y .P nsih'11yt ifY lhc'ncupem f tuns he them Ipn t faC til t f(kcu�ry t vfJogcnt Dmc O T ALa ISSUED BY: l/ OFFICE