2402 10555 0rsragle Tree LaTe [OT NO, 25 NO. � ��TRS a Gt�w`rRcFTI F BUILDING PERMIT- zz R p u. OF, CUPERTINO 3� !IJUN 14 1963 ���L Sanitary No. J 3/5 _ Date 196_ Permit No. o r rAT[icatoq is ICUPY ERT 2")alpermit to Erect a a to a 1 - story,Type 5 I JBtiilding to be occupied only as S '1'1)WI+ 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. > 3 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 19,000.00 Fee$ 60.00 z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d o Cupertino will be complied with. 3 N . Owner Blossom Homes, Inc. Address Address a o Phone 245-0617 _u 196-617 Class B-1 Approved a State Lice _ untNc wsaeaon q J o 0 o G o 0 o C a 0 H - - V IL Z LU ,tA , y� c LL Q \ 1 LU F - z 4 10555 0rsragle Tree LaTe [OT NO, 25 NO. � ��TRS a Gt�w`rRcFTI F BUILDING PERMIT- zz R p u. OF, CUPERTINO 3� !IJUN 14 1963 ���L Sanitary No. J 3/5 _ Date 196_ Permit No. o r rAT[icatoq is ICUPY ERT 2")alpermit to Erect a a to a 1 - story,Type 5 I JBtiilding to be occupied only as S '1'1)WI+ 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. > 3 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 19,000.00 Fee$ 60.00 z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d o Cupertino will be complied with. 3 N . Owner Blossom Homes, Inc. Address Address a o Phone 245-0617 _u 196-617 Class B-1 Approved a State Lice _ untNc wsaeaon q J o 0 o G o 0 o C a 0 H - - V IL Z LU ,tA , y� c LL Q \ 1 LU F - z 4